Spray-on hair – it really exists

Published: November 20, 2011 at 9:27pm

You know how disturbing it is when Joseph sometimes appears in public with more hair on top and sometimes without?

The Sunday Times (London) recently ran an interview with Faisal, Gaddafi’s….oh, batman, I suppose. I quote: Faisal helped to dye Gaddafi’s hair and deal with his baldness. ‘I had to spray this French recipe on the front of his head. It was black and fuzzy and looked like hair, so he would not look like he was bald,’ Faisal said.

Faisal also said that Gaddafi liked young men and that they would be procured for him. Surprise. As if it wasn’t obvious from the photographs, starting with the earliest ones as a 27-year-old in his army uniform.

But he couldn’t make up his mind, really, because he had women procured for him too, though the women, said Faisal, usually had to be dispatched straight to hospital from the bedroom because of the injuries they suffered.

But let’s leave that unsavoury business aside and consider his make-up. I quote again:

“Among his many duties, Faisal applied the thick make-up Gaddafi insisted on wearing in public – the Libyan leader preferred Chanel. He insisted that Gaddafi had not had a face-lift. “We brought a special green tea from Paris. He would lie in bed and I would put it on his face to remove the wrinkles.”

He sounds ever more like some mad, totally debauched character from Rome, the series.

Now here’s how that spray-on hair works (this is not a paid promotion).

But somebody’s already caught on to it:

10 Comments Comment

  1. Ooooops says:

    Maybe that’s where his goatee went (sprinkled onto his scalp). Just a thought…

  2. J Abela says:

    HAHA Hilarious! He was one hell of an odd thing!

    [Daphne – Hilarious? Who are you – the Marquis de Sade?]

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    So that’s where little Joey got his ‘on again, off again’ hairspray. Must have picked it up on Gaddafi’s private jet.

    Hope that’s all he picked up.

  4. Grezz says:

    http://www.onlyhairloss.com/glh/?source=google (Spray-on hair product website)

    “Good Looking Hair is a unique spray on hair product (NOT a hair spray paint) that instantly covers thinning hair and baldness. This spray on hair is made up of tiny fibers that accurately mimic real hair follicles. Good Looking Hair is ideal for covering up light to moderate balding, thinning, or shedding. Simply spray Good Looking Hair onto the scalp for a thicker, fuller head of hair, instantly! *Since GLH is an aerosol product. It can not be shipped overseas or via 2-day or Overnight service.

    Hydrocarbon propellant, SD Alcohol 40, Iron Oxides, Talc, Fumed Silica

    Spray on balding spots to conceal”

  5. Farrugia says:

    ‘Gaddafi liked young men and that they would be procured for him’.

    Are you saying that Gadaffi was homosexual? I suppose now that the world finally acknowledges his depravity, we had to hear about this skeleton in his cupboard (or closet?).

    [Daphne – He was bisexual, going on the evidence, though probably it was more a case of a man fighting his homosexuality in a conservative Muslim environment, marrying, having children, and even after that feeling the need to prove himself (even to himself) with women, and only able to let go with men once he had become all-powerful to the point where he was a law unto himself. He was very Liberace about his clothes.]

  6. P Shaw says:

    Wasn’t Arafat rumoured to like young boys as well? Which makes me wonder, whether it is a practice that os linked to power or just human suppresed instincts?

    [Daphne – No, it’s just that uncivilised men with absolute power in their realm often turn into debauched sexual monsters who will try anything. That is why we call it civilisation.]

  7. kev says:

    And what makes you so sure Faisal is telling the truth? Is it because you believe only what you want to believe?

    [Daphne – Why would he be lying, Kevin? Because he really wants to look like a ponce and a catamite in a society that reviles both?]

  8. kev says:

    Prosit. So when a retired general or any other whistleblower speaks about 911 Truth, or some other ‘conspiracy theory’, learn to evaluate and believe what needs to be believed.

    In other words, don’t just believe a Faisal because he came your way and said something you immediately liked. Broaden your outlook because you do seem like an ignorant, provincial spinster speaking about her ducks and her geese.

    And by the way, speaking of ‘conspiracy theory’, you’d better learn the exact meaning because you used it inappropriately a number of times – which says a lot without your knowing.

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