The General Workers Union orders bus drivers to strike at 8pm tomorrow

Published: November 16, 2011 at 7:23pm

Those who use buses are not being inconvenienced enough, so I think I'll help by calling a strike

It’s unbelievable, isn’t it. The Labour Party calls for a vote of (no) confidence in the transport minister on the grounds that commuters are being massively inconvenienced by the new bus system.

And now its General Workers Union has called for bus drivers to strike at 8pm tomorrow, leaving those who use the service at night…massively inconvenienced.

And showing the same contempt for correct procedure and protocol that the Labour Party habitually displays – and I don’t only mean the chief of Labour’s business forum shamelessly using her husband’s taxpayer-funded official car and chauffeur as a delivery vehicle for her toy business – the press release announcing the ‘industrial action’ was sent to all newsrooms from L-orizzont’s (“Gurnal Indipendenti ta’ Kuljum”) email address with nothing to indicate that it is a GWU notice.

Here it is, with nothing lost in translation.

16 ta’ Novembru 2011

It-Trasport Pubbliku minn ghada jieqaf fit-8pm

Fuq direttiva tal-GWU, is-servizz tat-trasport pubbliku kollu minn ghada l-Hamis se jieqaf fit-8.00 ta’ filghaxija.

Din l-azzjoni industrijali giet ordnata wara li l-Kumpanija ARRIVA, li issa ilha erba xhur thaddem it-trasport pubbliku f’pajjizna ghadha ma rrangatx il-problema tar-rosters twal u inumani li qed jahdmu bihom ix-xufiera u hafna mill-impjegati tal-kumpanija.

Din il-problema baqghet ma gietx solvuta minkejja diversi attentati li ghamlet il-GWU li sahanistra anki ghamlet proposti ta’ roster li jista jkun ta’ beneficcju kemm ghall-haddiema u anki ghall-kumpanija.

Matul dawn l-erba xhur it-Taqsima Marittima u Avjazzjoni tal-GWU kienet prudenti hafna fil-mod ta’ kif iffaccjat din il-problema, b’danakollu issa il-qaghda waslet fi stadju li l-GWU ma tistax tistenna iktar biex ikun hemm it-titjib mixtieq halli l-maggoranza tal-haddiema ikunu jistghu jahdmu b’iktar trankwillita u jippjanaw b’mod dicenti l-hajja taghhom u tal-familja taghhom.

Fid-dawl ta’ dan kollu it-Taqsima dalghodu infurmat lill-Kumpanija illi kienet qed tirregistra tilwima industrijali maghha u kif ukoll l-azzjoni industrijali li kienet qed tordna.

Ghaldaqstant, it-Taqsima Marittima u Avjazzjoni tal-GWU qed taghti direttiva lill-haddiema kollha ta’ Arriva biex minn ghada l-Hamis 17 ta’ Novembru jieqfu mix-xoghol taghhom fit-8.00pm.

Dawk il-haddiema li jkunu fid-Depots tal-Kumapnija jew fit-terminus m’ghandhomx joffru servizz wara t-8.00pm filwaqt li dawk fil-lokalitajiet ghandhom ikompli l-vjagg sad-destinazzjoni.

Il-GWU, madankollu se tibqa disposta li tiddiskuti il-problemi li qed jiffaccjaw il-haddiema tal-kumpanija biex tinstab soluzzjoni gusta fl-interess tal-haddiema.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Xuereb says:

    How am I going to vote in 2013, when nothing in Maltese politics is appealing to me?

  2. john says:

    Now who’s a fucking wanker?

  3. Joseph (Not Muscat) says:

    It-Taqsima Marittima u Avjazzjoni– ma kontx naf li Arriva ghandom il-vapuri u l-ajruplani..

  4. Village says:

    Back to the old tricks with no opportunity lost to destabilize the country.

    Hitting at a necessary service at a stage when the country is working hard to introduce and establish an historic change is tantamount to lack of social responsibility.

  5. Francis Saliba MD says:

    It is an abomination for Arriva to fail to deliver passengers fast enough to their destination while making continuous efforts to improve the service.

    But it is perfectly all right for the GWU to leave the travelling public deliberately stranded at night.

    What is the present relationship between the G.W.U. and the L.P.? Are they divorced but co-habiting?

  6. The Saint says:

    Our dear Tony wants to break some wind after he was extremly disappointed with the ‘butjit’.
    His heart is bleeding for the Maltese worker.

  7. Tim Ripard says:

    I guess it’s gonna be strikes every few weeks from now on until the election and then, assuming the PL gets elected, the strikes will magically stop.

  8. Stephen says:

    Hardly surprising though, is it? The government is showing its committment and determination to eliminate the initial problems, the service has started to improve and we can’t have that, can we?

    Let’s put some more spokes in the wheels, lest the reform starts to look like it’s working.

    PL, GWU, you’re the f*****g w*****s.

  9. e-ros says:

    You can tell an election is just over the horizon when Tony Zarb becomes his usual self and starts his personal campaign to make the PN government uncomfortable, thus hopefully making his followers long for the return of his Socialist friends to Castille. What a frustrated prat.

  10. Etil says:

    The PL – GWU have been against the busreform since day one and that is the way they are going on.

    The Times of Malta also seems to be giving a helping hand, judging from the continuous negative articles on Arriva and the million of negative complaints it has been posting on-line. Shame.

  11. Bendu says:

    Sometimes I fear that what Joseph tried to negotiate with the RTK journalist, he did with other journalists in other media organisations who are giving a helping hand to his party.Ilna ma nisimghu protesti kontra ‘Tat-Times’ min-naha tal-PL. Daz-zgur, qed jaqduhom mill-koxxa.

  12. Karl Abela says:

    You would imagine that a political party seeking to govern would prove itself by having a strategy of mixed attractions, such as appeal, ideas, innovation, planning, and a good ability to criticise the government.

    What we see here is Labour is trying to prove itself by just attacking the government, yet failing miserably in all other departments.

    It seems that Labour’s policies are based on firefighting strategies, i.e., their ideas are made on the fly, similar to a football team which has gone out on the field with a counter-attack strategy.

    They have no ideas other than to react to their opponents’ creativity.

    The Arriva project is a classic example. The GWU strike is further confirmation, if any was ever needed, that the drivers who walked out on Arriva on the first day where politically motivated.

    It looked like sabotage because it was sabotage.

    The GWU was planning a strike on the first day and then backed out in the last minute as if to say ‘it wasn’t me’.

    Arriva is a tool for the opposition to stir up trouble. Arriva proved to be a failure because a large portion of the country wanted it to be so, thanks in no small part to GWU and Labour.

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is the party whichwill run the country after the next election, a party whose ideas are based on dodgy tactics and trouble-making, with no ideas or innovations.

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