The Labour Party’s deputy leader has issued his own rival statement about the budget (and got the date wrong, obviously)

Published: November 18, 2011 at 2:54pm

Do I detect the faintest hint of John Dalli-esque behaviour in Anglu Farrugia’s attitude towards Joseph Muscat?

The difference is that in this particular equation neither of them is up to the job, one of them is really stupid and the other not as clever as he thinks he is, and both of them are vain and ridiculous.

And Anglu Farrugia got the date wrong. Again.

17 ta’ Novembru 2011

Mahruga mid-Deputat Mexxej Dr Anglu Farrugia

Il-familji se jibqghu jhabbtu wicchom mal-pizijiet li ilhom igorru

Il-budget ghas-sena 2012 kien wiehed li pprezenta soluzzjonijiet zghar ghal problemi kbar li kienu ghadhom u se jibqghu jhabbtu wicchom maghhom il-familji Maltin u Ghawdxin.

Kien budget li ma ndirrizax il-piz li qed igorr il-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi minhabba l-politika qarrieqa ta’ Lawrence Gonzi – politika li sahansitra ghabbiet lill-istess poplu b’lista shiha ta’ taxxi diretti u ndiretti.

Fil-budget ntqal li l-poplu gie moghti ‘zieda’ ta’ €4.66 fil-gimgha. Din fil-fatt mhi zieda fis-salarju/paga xejn. Il-poplu ghandu jkun jaf li dan huwa biss ‘aggustament’ ghall-gholi tal-hajja. Mhix zieda rigal kif qed jigi miftiehem. Dan l-aggustament huwa z-zieda tal-gholi tal-hajja li l-Gvern ta’ Gonzi hadlek is-sena l-ohra.

Meta mbaghad tpoggi din iz-zieda fil-basket tat-taxxi kollha l-ohra malajr tinduna x’sahha se jkollha. Kemm, fir-realta’ din s-somma se twassal. Dan l-aggustament jinhadem fuq mekkanizmu maqbul ma l imsiehba socjali.

Fil-fatt, meta tqabbel bejn kemm zdiedet il-paga matul l-ahhar snin, ma’ kemm zdiedet l-inflazzjoni fl-ahhar snin, fil-fatt is-sahha tal-pagi naqset sostanzjalment.

Il-Gvern konvenjentament jiskolpa lilu nnifsu mid-dizastru li kkrea hu stess bil-hela, it-tberbieq u l-malamministrazzjoni tal-fondi pubblici.

Il-politika zbaljata u irresponsabbli ta’ dan il-Gvern nidiet bosta ‘dead-end projects’, jigifieri progetti li ma wasslu mkien ghajr ghal aktar pizijiet fuq il-familji Maltin u Ghawdxin.

Pizijiet li komplew naqqru fil-livell tal-ghixien u l-kwalita tal-hajja, specjalment ta’ dawk li huma l-aktar vulnerabbli, tal-haddiema bis-salarju kif ukoll dawk self-employed iz-zghar, il-bosta jinsabu fil faxx hekk msejjah ‘middle class’.

Il-Gvern ghandu jilqa’ ghall-maltemp bil-ghaqal u s-serjeta.’ Kieku l-Gvern Nazzjonalista kien tassew bil-ghaqal u serju bizzejjed u kellu foresight u kien tassew onest fl-amministrazzjoni tal-infiq pubbliku, kieku ghadna fondi b’sahhithom bizzejjed li jghinuna nilqghu ghall-impatt tal-maltemp li dejjem jishqu fuqu.

Ma ninsewx li tliet snin ilu Gonzi qalilna li dan il-maltemp kien qed jarah ghadu gej fuqna. U x’ghamel sabiex jippreparana ghall-maltemp? Dahal ghal infiq fi progetti li ma jwasslu mkien bhall-bini ta’ parlament gdid, it-teatru bla saqaf, il-pont tal-breakwater li ma jwassal mkien u ta lilu nnfisu u lil shabu fil-kabinett zieda ta’ €500 fil-gimgha.

Dr Anglu Farrugia
Deputat Mexxej ghall-Affarijiet tal-Parlament

9 Comments Comment

  1. Julian says:

    I love the way they all sing from the same hymn sheet – ostensibly because they are incapable of original thought. Anglu Farrugia’s horror showing on Bondi+ bears this out.

    You can imagine the parliamentary group briefing session. “L-ahwa il budget ghada. Kurt lestilna down il-‘briefing notes’. Studjawhom sew u irrepetuhom ad nauseum – ikun x’jkun l’ezitu tad-diskors.


    “soluzzjonijiet zghar ghal problemi kbar”

    “piz li qed igorr il-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi minhabba l-politika qarrieqa ta’ Lawrence Gonzi”

    “€4.66 fil-gimgha waqt li Gonzi u l-Ministri hadu €500 fil-gimgha”

    “Il-politika zbaljata u irresponsabbli ta’ dan il-Gvern”

    “insew is-self-employed iz-zghar u dawk li jinsabu fil faxx hekk msejjah ‘middle class’.”

    “sab il-flus ghall-parlament il-gdid ta 80 miljun”

    “il-pont li ma jiehdok imkien”

    What they left out was the most important attribute of the PL…..”KREDIBILTA ZERO!”

    • Anonymous Coward says:

      Whenever I’m on the island I tend to drive by the PL club on St Anne’s Road (Floriana) once or twice daily, and I’ve noticed that there’s always some “interesting” thought, often in rhyme, written in red on white for all to read, about how tragic the situation in Malta really is.

      The guys running the club must think they’re so clever.

      If only they could understand that the solution to their problems is not bringing down the rest of the country to their abysmal level, but raising their own level up to whatever standard has now (or, rather, should have, by now) become the norm.

      Education is the key to improving one’s situation, but I’m sure it’s the last thing on their mind when they’re screaming “kontijiet” or whatever the latest buzzword is.

    • el bandido guapo says:

      You left out no. 1:

      “Il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma” which according to Joseph, he will reduce “b’mod responsabbli” (i.e. just a tad) for Ganna and Zeppi so as to increase job creation, bolster the economy, and attract foreign investment. And no, I am not making this up in a half-sarcastic manner, these were his words, simply translated into English.

      • 'Angus Black says:

        With so many bright lights and countless ‘economists’ and a pseudo-economist (Joseph) it is inconceivable how they do not stop for a moment to laugh at themselves and their uniquely ridiculous conclusions.

        For how, the (symbolic) reduction of W&E rates is supposed to stimulate the economy and create more jobs when the government’s revenue shrinks and the subsidies rise at taxpayers’ expense?

        When a government raises taxes for a specific reason, this instance to cover the cost of lowering the rates, the increase in taxes always amounts to more than required to cover the cost. I am willing to bet my last euro on that.

        The pity is that this Party is so dishonest, it is willing to dupe its own blind followers, just to gain power and proceed to screw things up royally. As if we haven’t some experience of the Labour Party’s past governments.

        One simple example and in the not too distant past was the removal of VAT. What followed was a worse form of tax and an administrative disaster at that. What was the just solution? Change back to a Nationalist government and remove CET and restore VAT.

        The Labour Party always tried to reinvent the wheel, when all that was needed, perhaps, was to oil the gears and keep going.

        They are too thick headed, and worse they are deaf and unwilling to see the light.

  2. Teo says:

    As Del Boy would say, “Anglu, what a 24 carat plonker you really are “!

    If your ignorance were worth its weight in gold, niehduk ghand tal-Gram u aqta kemm naqilghu flus minn fuqek.

  3. Anna says:

    Some people really do not take heed of the saying ‘Don’t put your mouth into motion before your brain is in gear’.

    I was watching One News yesterday and they were still ranting and raving about the Eur 3 per tonne increase in cement. Then they interviewed Anglu Xuereb who solemnly declared that this increase is going to hit the already suffering construction industry even harder, and that ultimately the buyer is going to have to make up for this increase. Immediately afterwards, they interviewed a ‘technical expert’ who said that this increase would mean that in the construction of a typical block of 4 flats, it would cost a total of Eur 400 extra for cement.

    Oh my, oh my, so Anglu Xuereb will have to increase the sale price of each flat by Eur 100 (Lm43) and the buyer is going to suffer really badly for having to pay for this increase when buying his/her once-in-a-lifetime flat.

  4. Bob says:

    li ma nistax nifhem hu kif id-Deputat Mexxaj joqod johrog stqarrija hu ghalieh wahdu… il-PL ghandu jitkellem b’vuci wahda u lingwa wahda mhux kulhadd ghal rasu.

    Imma vera jidher li qisu Farrugia qed imexxi partit fi partit. Qass setghu jaqblu li it-tlett mexxja iqaxxru l-mistacci f’daqqa.

  5. Neil Dent says:

    No sense of protocol – party protocol or otherwise. Oh wait, just remember who his boss is! Leading by example is not an MLPPL thing is it?

    Headless chickens the lot of them. We look forward to the cabaret the MLPPL in power will be. Should be good for a laugh.

  6. Mercury Rising says:

    Just sat through Xarabank for the first time since the cloister nuns story. What a bunch of plonkers this guy’s posse are.

    Gulia said Labour politicians unlike PN politicians always speak the truth, the whole truth – an outright lie, the clue is in “politician” and not the colour. And our national dino Vella said and I quote “Hallini nitkellem, is-soltu ahna inkunu il-psataz!” We were all speachless. And I must say, “Dolores, if I may, you were a star.”

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