There goes another proposta
November 27, 2011 at 1:18pm
There goes another of Joseph Muscat’s 51 proposti. The prime minister said this morning that he has accepted the request for police officers to be allowed to join a union.
But they won’t have the right to strike.
It’s back to the drawing-board for Fondazzjoni Idejat tal-Labour.
“Aaron, tghid jekk nghidu li l-pulizija se naghtuhom id-dritt biex jisstrajkjaw, nilitfu elf vot ghal kull wiehed li niehdu minn dawk il-pulizija li muhmiex diga Laburisti?”
Nakita: “Ha nara jekk il-Financial Times ghandhom artiklu dwar is-suggett.”
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Actually the government has already accepted that police officers could join a union in October. This was reported in The Times:
And what has happened since last October? Fra il dire e il fare c’e il mare.
This is what Joseph Muscat’s hairline was like, back in the days when he wore a goatee.
And this is his hairline today.
Please click on the still photograph.
No goatee – because a clean-shaven face looks more zaghzugh.
Or, maybe that is where the hair on top came from. Looks like a serious case of either one, or the other. Evidently he cannot have both.
Nahseb li pogga it-tapit ghaliex issa bdiet diehla l-kesha – jew qed izejjen ghal-Krismis..
Li kellhom 1inch tul ma li ghandhom ma nafx x’kienu jaghmlu.
That is South Street. Is it the march on Castille, or is it just the leadership going south?
Ciccio2011 is right. Where are they going, pass wiehed mexjin, suldati ta’ Malta, suldati Maltin?
If only they were as elegant.