There goes another proposta

Published: November 27, 2011 at 1:18pm

Ara kemm ahna najs bil-blekkowts, qisna qeghdin London maz-zanzi.

There goes another of Joseph Muscat’s 51 proposti. The prime minister said this morning that he has accepted the request for police officers to be allowed to join a union.

But they won’t have the right to strike.

It’s back to the drawing-board for Fondazzjoni Idejat tal-Labour.

“Aaron, tghid jekk nghidu li l-pulizija se naghtuhom id-dritt biex jisstrajkjaw, nilitfu elf vot ghal kull wiehed li niehdu minn dawk il-pulizija li muhmiex diga Laburisti?”

Nakita: “Ha nara jekk il-Financial Times ghandhom artiklu dwar is-suggett.”

11 Comments Comment

  1. John says:

    Actually the government has already accepted that police officers could join a union in October. This was reported in The Times:

  2. Stacey says:

    This is what Joseph Muscat’s hairline was like, back in the days when he wore a goatee.

  3. cat says:

    Li kellhom 1inch tul ma li ghandhom ma nafx x’kienu jaghmlu.

  4. ciccio2011 says:

    That is South Street. Is it the march on Castille, or is it just the leadership going south?

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