Don’t rape the Valletta entrance – keep it up Franco instead

Published: January 11, 2012 at 7:23am

A conspiracy meeting in the web of evil

From’s comments board last night:

Mrs K. Portelli
Mr Bondi asserted that Arriva was not a Fiasco? What is a fiasco then Mr Bondi? What about Smart City, Airmalta, Sea Malta, roofless theatre, the rape of Valletta entrance, 500 Euro increase, lack of reforms in justice; endless court cases where the poor get poorer to satisfy a system which feeds on their mishaps, a long list of unkept promises of reforms, inclusive of reforms in the health sector. A complete loss of meritocracy and noteworthy erosion of the notion of demo-kratos. The list of fiascos is endless Mr Bondi, only that it takes some objectivity to denote them.

By my books the best comment was how the media plays the puppet for totalitarian governments. Spot on Dr Debono. You have my support, try and keep calmer (though I appreciate it takes more than an ounce of the fortitude you evidently do not lack) and do not play into the hands of the manipulators. I am a Nationalist who emphatises fully with your perspective. Sadly I cannot wait for this government to hit the garbage and with it its corrupt “web of evil”!

7 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    The last two sentences give the game away. They are the trademark of a Labour Elve.

  2. Ganna says:

    I use Arriva everyday and it’s much better and cleaner than the previous. The drivers are smarter with the uniform. W

    hen you make a new reform it takes time to adjust to it.

    Mrs Portelli, you don’t measure the government about Arriva, but about the stability and the economy of the country. Have a sense of proportion.

    Does Malta at this crucial moment need this kind of trouble and negative publicity?

    • BP says:

      According to some people, Arriva is still a mess. I also use it everyday. Yes, it was mess at first but I immediately accepted that new things take time to adjust unlike the Labour who think everything has to be spot on from day one.

  3. La Redoute says:

    Latest Elve speak catch-phrase: “web of evil”, provided by spinmaster Debono.

  4. Paul Bonnici says:

    And it is all plain sailing in all other European countries. I am NOT a PN apologist, but Malta fared much better than other countries.

  5. denis says:

    If she is a Nationalist, then I am the pope.

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