Evarist Bartolo and his Great Gunpowder Plots

Published: January 17, 2012 at 12:30pm

Maltastar has a scoop, jahasra.

Although Gege Gatt’s involvement has been made public only now, his involvement in the PN has been going on for some time. For example on the evening of 15 December 2011, he was at the Café` Jubilee in Gzira in a corner discussing PN communications strategy with Daphne Caruana Galizia and Gordon Pisani from the Office of the Prime Minister.

After this meeting the campaign against MP Franco Debono to pass him off as mad and childish intensified. At the PN activist meeting last Saturday Austin Gatt referred to Debono “as this madman”. Even other ministers have referred to Franco Debono in the same way.

Never trust a liar. We learned that with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando (and his friend Consuelo Herrera). We learned it with the merchants of half-truths at Malta Today. And we’ve long known it with the Labour Party and that insidious snake who is now in charge of its Maltastar news site, Evarist Bartolo.

The only reason Labour journalists know that I was at Cafe Jubilee in Gzira on 15 December, and that I spoke to Gege Gatt and to Gordon Pisani, is because THEY WERE AT THE SAME PARTY ALONG WITH A HUNDRED OTHER GUESTS AND COUNTING. Evarist Bartolo and his subliterate army of beetles make it sound like the Great Gunpowder Plot, with three people hiding in a corner, when they know – because some of them were there – that it was a Christmas bash organised by an advertising agency, to which all the advertising agency’s business and media contacts were invited and many of them were there.

Not just liars, but idiots.

If they lie about me in that fashion, then they must know that I’m going to set the record straight and make them look like lying fools desperate for a story.

Isn’t talking about Daphne and Great Gunpowder Plots a little tired and hackneyed after 15 years of general elections, Evarist? Or are you trying to make it fresh for a new audience of people with peas for brains?

There is no Great Gunpowder Plot. Everything I have to say, I say right here on this page.

Perhaps Maltastar would like to report that I spent a good part of the evening locked in conversation with an old friend who is a Labour supporter – but who definitely isn’t the one who reported this horse-shit because he had long left by the time I got round to saying hello to Gege Gatt, who I know through his internet company, and Gordon Pisani, who I OBVIOUSLY know because he’s the prime minister’s chief of communications (every journalist knows him – they couldn’t do their job otherwise) and because, even though he got lower marks than Franco Debono in Form IIC, sits in on cabinet meetings.

The same Maltastar story also lies about Gege Gatt being at the PN streetleaders meeting with his father, giving the sixth-formish website its heading about North Korean ‘father/son’ leaders. I rang him to find out whether this was true, because I had a feeling it couldn’t possibly be (why would he be there, for heaven’s sake?).

It turned out that he wasn’t there at all. He was at a business meeting somewhere else entirely.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Listening to One Radio right now. Toni Abela likening El Capon’s little-child tantrums to the oppressed who kick- started the Arab spring.

  2. Frank says:

    I do not know a lot about Evarist Bartolo, but I had the impression that he was a mild mannered and reasonable gent. I have seen however, that you refer to him as an insidious snake. Would like to know a bit about that.

    [Daphne – How can I put it best? Let’s just say that in Italy in the 1970s, his sort wouldn’t haven’t been kidnapping the bourgeois for the Brigate Rosse, but instigating others to do it, including gullible members of the bougeois themselves, and getting a twisted kick out of it. The man is a ball of resentful spite, which comes snapping out under pressure. I trust you watched him with Simon Busuttil on Dissett last Saturday night?]

  3. Life of Brian says:

    What? Is Franco Debono going to set himself alight? Quick, where’s my camera.

  4. La Redoute says:

    Maybe they were showing off their school reports. How did Evarist score?

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    Daphne, this is Evarist you are talking about. Deceit and arrogance, formed by his Marxist ideology, are an integral part of his nature.

    He does try hard to look nice but when emotions flare, he exposes his true self.

  6. top pupil says:

    Michael Falzon (PN) once described Evarist Bartolo as “mangia santi e cacca diavoli”.

  7. Min Weber says:

    Evarist Bartolo is, as Michael Falzon (il-Perit), once said, many many moons ago, a “mangia santi, caga diavoli”.

    Varist, a renowned admirer of Owen (the poet), calls everybody mignun – Soviet-style, if you know what I mean.

    He’s a dangerous viper, and Joseph Muscat knows about it.

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