Well said, Franco. Hats off. Keep it up.

Published: January 17, 2012 at 12:33pm

The Times reports today:


“What happened today showed how some people’s only concern is to cling to power and procrastinate at all costs because they enjoy a comfortable position,” Dr Debono said.

“These antics, these puerile antics clearly show that the concern of certain people is not the national interest and the removal of instability but to cling to power. Those who have been dragging their feet are stamping them as well.

“Procrastination has been the order of the day, in, for example, justice and home affairs, and other areas. Not all the people can afford the comfort and luxury of such procrastination. The people’s interest is to remove instability, and this stand does not help.”

Dr Debono would not say how he would vote at the end of the debate, but said the supreme interest at the moment should be the removal of instability.

“Between the removal of instability and egoistic power interests, the choice is clear,” he said.



His tragedy is that he doesn’t understand how his words apply to him, and not to others, though this is clear to anybody with half a brain who is standing on the outside and watching him deploy his submachine gun in a crowded shopping mall.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Mahatma Gandhi and Christ quotes are no longer trendy for Labour propaganda gurus.

    They are now into Franco Debono quotes.

    • Andre says:

      I’ve noticed that. Come next election, that silly fool will find out to what extent they’ve taken him for a ride.

      Having said that, I’d rather they quote him than Christ or Ghandi. If one takes a look at the Labour Party (past and present) there’s nothing Christ-like nor Ghandian about it.

  2. Paul Gauci says:

    This is what in psychology is known as PROJECTION; a defence mechanism through which a person in order to feel better about himself, projects onto others what he feel or thinks, as if these are coming from others

    • Jozef says:

      Which is what Labour’s doing, denouncing the ‘web of evil’ which has spun itself into its organisation.

      The same web which the PN managed to cut loose.

    • Neil Dent says:

      Alfred Sant was a first rate projectionist, although he never worked in the cinema business.

  3. Rover says:

    When will it dawn on the little twat that we all know why he has withdrawn his support to the Prime Minister, and that it is because he did not get a post in the cabinet?

    Had he been appointed a minister (big mistake) all this rubbish talk of democracy and oligarchy would never have seen the light of day.

    In fact he would have been all over the fifth district and Republic Street showing off his new status.

    He would have been giving us the royal wave from his ministerial car, walking up to the Ministry of Justice with an entourage and generally throwing his weight about to be noticed.

    We do not have an obnoxious minister so we have to make do with blackmailing backbencher.

    Franco, time to shut up and grow up.

    You will soon be a nobody and your 15 minutes of fame will be over.

    Do yourself a favour and go play with your Form 2c report somewhere in a dark corner as you will forever be known as political scum, discarded in the dustbin of history along with your mobile phone.

  4. Frank says:

    Have you noticed how he likes to say everything twice, with a liberal sprinkling of ‘sewwa’ and ‘bir-rispett kollu’. The guy is a twitching nervous wreck, shrill, loud and strident. The sooner he is history the better it is for everyone.

  5. the truth says:

    In a few months’ time Franco Debono will be just a nobody. Good to him, then.

  6. Clifford says:

    Issa meta jixjieh u jkollu t-tfal tat-tfal jibda jiftahar maghhom: “Jien darba waqqajt il-gvern! Biex tara kemm jien bully”

  7. jae says:

    This man must be living in a different universe. How can he talk about the need to remove instability, when he is the one who has caused it in the first place?

    To remove instability all he needs to do is to declare that he will support Government in Parliament till the end of the legislature.

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