Manuel Mallia: “I’m going to give something back to my beloved country”

Published: January 22, 2012 at 11:18pm

Because, you know, all of Malta is gagging for the pro bono services of a sleazeball washed-up criminal lawyer in his 60s, who sees the brick wall of mortality right in front of him and thinks: “I’m running out of time. Let me stand for election.”

17 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Quando non posso piu, ritorno al buon Gesu.

  2. Pepe` says:

    Thanks but no thanks, Manwel. You’ve already given us back more criminals than we could have wanted on our streets.

  3. Ganna says:

    Manuel, what did you want that you didn’t get?

    Please tells us. A person without principle: I’ll be watching to see if you get it when Muscat is in power.

    • Pepe` says:

      Probably that low-paid job many lawyers want, but refuse because of the packet.

    • Dee says:

      I can’t imagine oldies like Manwel Mallia and Edward Scicluna swearing undying loyalty to whippersnapper Joey Muscat, who is young enough to be their son.
      The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

      [Daphne – Manuel’s ‘sons’ are in a pushchair.]

      • BS says:

        “…Joey Muscat, who is young enough to be their son.”

        “Manuel’s ‘sons’ are in a pushchair.”

        Joey can be the babysitter then.

      • Neil Dent says:

        So there you are. Old Manwel just wants to get out of the house then. For some peace and quiet. WAAAYY too old for the hassle of raising babies at his age.

  4. Phreud says:

    Mexxej eccelenti, mexxej b’ideat godda……………eh, sorry ta, hi, ma tantx bdejt tajjeb, meta ghadek lanqas indunajt bl-artificjalita ta’ Joey.

  5. Jozef says:

    Donnu jridha ta’ Fenech Adami, l-Innu Malti malli spicca jitkellem kien jonqsu.

  6. TROY says:

    Miskin, Dr Mallia se jaghti lura lil-Maltin dik iz-zaqq li ghandu, ghax dan nahseb ukoll baghta il-guh, bhal Yana.

  7. Herbie says:

    Kemm waqajt fil hama, Manwel.

  8. Narcissus says:

    Mela kollha bikkejja dawn tal-Labour, jew? Just hear his voice break at 1:07.

  9. edgar says:

    Trying unsuccessfully to imitate the late Guido’s style. Would have thought that he would wear that red jacket and T-shirt for this special occasion.

  10. Kujuz hafna says:

    Daphne, int tkun taf kollox.

    Very li anki r-Re tal-Karnival hiereg mal-Labour? Smajt li Joseph diga avvicinah biex forsi jigbed il-voti tad-dilettanti tal-Karnival Malti.

  11. daphnefp says:


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