Manuel Mallia – making Labour safe for business

Published: January 26, 2012 at 7:27pm

Left click on the image to make it larger

22 Comments Comment

  1. Neil Dent says:

    Hillarious! More, more!

  2. Jozef says:

    No. I will not left click on the image to make it larger.

  3. C Falzon says:


    I think it’s more than large enough already.

  4. joseph says:

    daphne……iva anki mal iktar avukat bravu u imsemmi qed ittik f ghajnek madoff ?!! dan ghax se johrog mal-labour?? ghalekk biss se tiprova twaqqu ghaz zufjett? nahseb mirja ma jeziztux ghandek uxxxx?

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      It might be because a ‘great’ criminal lawyer does not necessarily make a good politician, as we witnessed on Bondi+. If he intends to listen to the people in the same way he was listening to Bondi, it does not bode well for Malta.

      • ciccio says:

        He thought he was in one of those sessions trying to impress Consuelo Scerri Herrera in the court room.

  5. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    OK, Daphne, this is the cherry on the proverbial cake! Stop telling us to click to make them larger. It’s not like we’re going to see some great abs or pecs.

  6. ciccio says:

    In the 1970s, Mintoff decriminalised sodomy. Now Labour proposes to go one step further, and sodomise Malta.

  7. Tim Ripard says:

    By keeping criminals out of gaol he’s making things pretty unsafe for everybody, not just business.

  8. Silverbug says:

    Well, Manwel is certainly left holding a big one! Phallic symbol, self portrait, both….who knows?

  9. M. says:

    Jason had better not get hold of that.

  10. joseph says:

    dak ghax dr.mallia ra id-dawl qed itikom f sormkom!! u leeeeee…. kieku kien hawn kristu u jlissen kelma kontrikom ukol kontu iduru kontrih ja oqbra imbajda

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ta’ 50 sena ma tarax id-dawl. Ta’ 50 sena tkun ghamilt flusek band’ohra u xbajt u qbadt hobby. Dan u Edward Scicluna mhux vokazzjoni politika ghandhom, imma hobby.

  11. Dee says:

    Manwel Mallia, il-Kondom Nazzjonali.

  12. El Blog De Pontiac says:

    Manuel, just saw your Labour card. Great pic! You look over my shoulder with that “I know more than you look! ” Others also. Therefore sh*t pic and rubbish chances.

    However, let’s analyse your candidature. You know in your heart of hearts that you do not have a chance of an ice cube in hell of being elected. So your aim is, what exactly?

  13. Ganna says:

    He went to Labour because one major thing that he wanted from them, he didn’t get. I think now it’s not major anymore because when a person has twins, you have enough work on your hands, no time for another job.

    [Daphne – Come on, do you think Manuel Mallia changes nappies or gets up for the night feed? The last time I saw those twins, they were being pushed around Hastings by an eastern European babysitter. I knew it was the babysitter because she wasn’t in her 20s.]

    The truth hurts. Mallia is a man without principles. He thinks that he has an extra ball, and who knows maybe he has. The way he came out yesterday was like a charging bull on Bondi +.

    He thought that he is in a courtroom. He couldn’t even answer a simple question about the difference between Franco’s abstention and voting in favour.

    [Daphne – Manuel Mallia has no training and experience in answering questions. He has worked all his life in a career where he’s the one who asks questions of witnesses in court, but is never asked a question himself. That accounts for his irritation at being brought back to the question when what he wanted to do was expound as though before some credulous and easily impressed jury. His ‘skills’ are out of date even in the courtroom, because those sorts of jurors don’t exist anymore, hence he rarely stars any longer in major courtroom dramas because more ‘modern’ defence lawyers have taken over.]

    Imagine those poor victims who are pleading for mercy and he is the lawyer of the criminals – how he deals with them. Imagine also if he is included as a technocrat leader to save the party.

  14. Ron says:

    Sorry I don’t want to sound as if I am pontificating. You have all misinterpreted the picture. The message behind it is that la nitilghu ahna, wiehed daqs dan se inwahhlulkom.

  15. Ganna says:

    Ron, very true. Just have a look at the reaction to what Daphne wrote about Mintoff. Up to now there are over 888 comments. When you analyse them you see the hdura that these people have for Daphne because she said what she went through in the golden days that Muscat and Karmenu Vella and AST talk about now.

    They opened a group on Facebook condemning Daphne and campaigning to have her put behind bars when Joseph is in power. Is this the democracy they are preaching? Are we going to square one again?

    These are the questions we have to ask ourselves. And Jason Micallef is going to be head of PBS. Ajma hey.

  16. edgar says:

    Well, with such a young ‘wife’, the old criminal lawyer needs all the aids handy to keep her happy.

  17. TROY says:

    Ma tantx hu safe ghax he got his girlfriend pregnant.

    [Daphne – Don’t bet on it, Troy. It’s twins, remember. Twins usually happen by design nowadays, not by accident.]

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