Please don’t all top yourselves at once: here’s Silvio Parnis’s conference speech

Published: January 26, 2012 at 11:38pm

Somebody buy the man a calculator and a photograph of Alfred Sant. It’s been THIRTEEN years since Labour was last in government, and not 23 as this dipstick claims.

27 Comments Comment

  1. Ignazio Fenech says:

    That was physically painful to watch…

  2. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    I have just finished watching the extremely irritating Manuel on Bondi + and I have one observation for Labour

    What holds an investor back from investing is not the ‘instability’ of the current government, but the instability being created by Labour purely due to the fact that they have not yet come out with their policies.

    If an investor where certain that the economic direction of a country would not change purely because there is a change in Government, they would still invest, depite an upcoming election.

    If anything is holding them back, it is the fact that investors do not know if policies would change under a labour government, needless to say, change for the worse. Labour YOU are creating the uncertainty through your actions and comments – shame on you.

  3. John Schembri says:

    Daphne, they want us to forget that Joseph was Sant’s poodle. So they start with eliminating Sant.

    Hotels skip the thirteenth floor, and Labour skips the Sant years.

    They already made us forget about KMB’s years in office.

    The PL will try to bridge 1976 with 1998. Mintoff, Fenech Adami, Gonzi and now it’s Joseph’s turn by default.

  4. rustic fairy says:

    Nixtieq nimmagina kif Alfred Sant ihossu xhin jilleminawh qisu qatt ma tela’ fil-gvern.

  5. pn4ever says:

    He’s got chronotitis, he’s having trouble with time. He forgot those terrible 22 months.

  6. Roy says:

    Ommi ma, dik l-ingravata. Mind the gap, Silvio.

  7. Anthony says:

    Malta’s version of Germany’s Der Alte (Google).

    How pathetic.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Daphne, this is the fourth or fifth time this week that my brain has exploded after watching one of your videos. I can’t afford any more changes of wallpaper. Ghax in-Nazzjonalisti kissru l-middle class.

  9. Wannabe delegat says:

    …. and add a decent tie to the shopping list, and don’t forget to include Alfred Sant’s CET when paying at the cash register.

    What does Silvio have round his neck? Dangling shiny pirmli, or part of Renato’s frilly showbiz top?

  10. Paul says:

    Students who have family problems and are not maintained by a parent are entitled to a double stipend and further support.

    An opportunist goes door to door campaigning to collect votes. A politician would have looked into the matter and informed the youth in question regarding the various funds that he might be entitled to.

    To use your own words, Silvio, when I listen to this speech, JIEN NINKWIETA.

  11. Redneck Rabti says:

    Oh dear. Not the brightest crayon in the pencil box is he?

  12. El Blog De Pontiac says:

    And this guy has a vote! OMG.


  13. Jozef says:

    I hate it when he mentions social cases to gain political mileage. If he were genuine, he’d work with the relevant social services to provide solutions. The family in question, could be entitled to rebates.

    I just hope he’s not abusing the genuine trust shown by these people by distorting the system around himself. The way he talks, and it has been going on for quite some time now, implies he may be doing so.

  14. The Peasant's Pitchfork says:

    Do I understand him correctly? If your daughter is involved in a crash, and your other daughter has a disability, you should be able to avoid paying your utilities bills safe in the knowledge that your supply will not be cut off.

    Because of the state’s social conscience.

    • Gakku says:

      And did you hear him say that “biex igawdi ta taht irid jahdem ta fuq” referring to the working class and “is-sinjur”.

      No wonder he gets elected, he feeds off the envy between those who work hard and those who don’t.

  15. Gatt says:

    ”Fl-aħħar mil-aħħar l-għan tagħna huwa li naraw il-Partit Laburista fil-gvern ikun fil-gvern (u) Joseph Muscat ikun il-Prim Ministru ta’Malta”

    How reassuring.

  16. form 2c says:

    Gotta love his crazy impromptu completely nonsensical speech:

    Ahna l-partit tal-haddiem…. shit, le zomm… ahna l-partit tal- mittil klas… haqq le… ahna l-partit tas-sinjur ukoll haq anna.

    Ejja, ghaddiet.

  17. Reporter says:

    This is what happens when the Sales Department starts sending its staff to sit on the Board of Directors.

    Silvio Parnis, by his own admission, is the creation of Alfred Sant’s driver (see his (in)famous interview on Smash, in which he also revealed that Joseph Muscat “il-hin kollu jivvinta”).

    Already creating a “politician” on a driver’s hunch is sheer madness – but then promising him the Ministry for the South is even more than madness. It’s criminal.

  18. Canon says:

    Dan ser jkun ministru ukoll. Il-Bambin maghna.

  19. Izzie says:

    God almighty, il-partit laburista HOLOQ il-middle class. What a bloody gaffe. I’m choking listening to this jerk.

  20. Hot Mama says:

    Why doesn’t he stick one of those roses about his a***

  21. Il-Cop says:

    Read and digest.

    I have read this novel about 30 years ago and I have kept the excrepts below in my mind. At a moment like today I re-assert my belief how true they are especially in Malta

    “The common man has held the voting power, and the common man has voted consistently to increase his own standard of living, regardless of the long term interests of his children, regardless of the long term interests of his country . . . . No despot, no autocratic monarch in his pride and greed has injured England so much as the common man”.

    Background for Voters:
    The kinds of leaders running for office are important but so are the kinds of voters casting ballots. A person’s life experiences may affect how they vote. In a 1953 novel, In the Wet, British-born Australian Nevil Shute imagined a world in which some individuals would have seven-times the voting power of a basic voter. Shute proposed that each adult would have ONE basic vote. Then, for EACH one of the following life experiences that a voter had, the voter could cast an EXTRA vote:

    • Higher Education
    • Working Overseas (2+ years)
    • Raising a Child
    • Personal Achievement (Science/Business/Art/etc.)
    • Peace Worker /Nun/Monk
    • Decoration for Valor or Sacrifice

  22. C Falzon says:

    I don’t think it is by mistake that Alfred Sant’s 20 months at the helm is being ‘forgotten’. It is starting to seem like a concerted effort to erase that period from people’s memory while at the same time bringing back the nostalgia of the Golden Years.

    And that is specifically the Mintoff Golden Years as KMB is also being gradually erased from history (not that anyone will miss him).

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