Smoke, mirrors and snake-oil merchants

Published: January 22, 2012 at 10:29pm

Just listen to the rubbish and lies about his upbringing. The poor boy from the deprived background, with valiant, hardworking parents who toiled for sinjuri for pennies.

I suppose that’s why they were able to build Joseph a house with a swimming-pool when he was still in his early 20s. And that’s why his father made a fortune off selling chemicals for the fireworks industry: because he spent half his life carrying boxes on his back.

What trash.

U n-nanna bir-ritratt tal-perit fis-salott. But he never heard anyone talk politics at home, God bless, despite the photograph of Mintoff on nanna’s wall.

U hallina.

The Red Blue Prince ta’ Marisa. You really have to be a subliterate Labour Party delegate to fall for this crap.

If you succeed in watching the video all the way through to the end (or just FFWD), take note of the conference jingle. It’s David Guetta’s Without You. Jeffrey PO might not have noticed, because somebody spiked his many drinks at the David Guetta concert last summer and he had to be escorted out of the VIP area by security.

Anyway, here it is, and more importantly, here are the very well-chosen lyrics. Well done to the Coconut or whoever chose this particular track.

29 Comments Comment

  1. Grezz says:

    Joseph Muscat spoke at length about himself and his family … and spoke nothing about his plans for Malta’s future should he be elected prime minister.

  2. Frankie Narcono says:

    JPO spitting venom on his Facebook wall saying that you called Engerer a pufta. He misread your post.

    [Daphne – No, he didn’t. His aim right now is to incite hatred against me, given that his Facebook audience is made up mainly of people who can’t read English and so won’t be coming here to see the original posts. The man is beyond recovery, poor thing. Marlene destroyed him and there is no chance he will heal.]

  3. Oops says:

    The frame at 35.50″ took Joseph Muscat by surprise.

  4. The Phoenix says:

    I saw that too. Seems slightly kinky to me

  5. xbajt nisma bi Franco Debono says:

    One can see the similarities with Franco Debono. Only I, my childhood, my parents, my school, my experience, etc.

  6. I. Said says:

    ‘Missieri ghamel nofs hajtu jikser dahru jgorr il-kaxxi’. Ma qalx li ghamel ukoll nofs hajtu jikser ir-regolamenti u l-ligijiet tal-pajjiz dwar l-izvilupp tant li nhargulu zewg enforcement notices ghax bena illegalment.

    • Dee says:

      Hemm imbaghad min kiser daru iqandel il-bramel tal-ilma min isfel ghal fuq ghal snin shah fi zmien l’era tad-deheb ta’ Mintoff , ghax jew bla ilma jew ghax bil-pressa tal-ilma baxxa.

  7. I watched the whole video waiting for at least one proposal on how the PL will lead this country to better times. Not a single one came out of Joseph Muscat’s mouth. If this is the new dawn and the force of change the Maltese have been waiting for I am happy with a one way ticket to Bangladesh.

  8. Dee says:

    “Just listen to the rubbish and lies about his upbringing. The poor boy from the deprived background, with valiant, hardworking parents who toiled for sinjuri for pennies.”

    Zgur harbilhom mis-sett ta’ Les Miserables.

  9. J Abela says:

    And how is what he’s saying relevant to our lives exactly?

    He spent half-an-hour rambling about his life and he didn’t even utter half a sentence on how he intends to lead or what he’s going to implement when he’s prime minister. Daphne, please don’t waste our time.

  10. Wannabe delegat says:

    Malta is doing pretty well with a PN government, especially in the global economic crises.

    I was curious to hear if Joseph Muscat would give us an insight on how he could improve matters with his ‘Plan B’. It was a complete waste of time, except that I now realise than Labour’s Plan B = Plan Bahh.

  11. kevin zammit says:

    I know you will not publish this because it is going to be rude but I am still going to say it because I really want to after watching this video:

    Tista tghidlu jmur jiehdu f’ gh**x kemm ghandu?

    Min hasibna li ahna?

  12. Ignazio Fenech says:

    This is painful to watch… God save us.

  13. Jozef says:

    Is this why he thinks he should get the vote?

  14. Herbie says:

    I wonder how Anglu felt when Joseph recounted his experience during the private school debacle. Him being instructed of how to escape over roof tops should the police raid the places where lessons were being held clandestinely at the time.

  15. d_Riddler says:

    It is quite obvious that he was reading through a prompter, even though he tried hard to hide the fact.

    He makes mistakes at various points that show that he has misread the words being shown.

  16. Narcissus says:

    The smile on AST’s face at 14:13, while Joseph tells his audience about having school lessons in the 80s in homes and planning escape routes in case of police raids, is truly confusing.

    Is he smiling because of the good old days or what?

  17. fran says:

    The man is an embarrassment to our country and also to his children, who I know for a fact are embarrassed by him. About time he grew up, smelt the coffee and shut up!

  18. Jozef says:

    If Joseph had an ounce of self respect, he should have realised by now that it’s risky to preempt criticism by calling it scaremongering.

    If he really believes they’re the underdogs, and wants to overcome the scepticism, the only thing he should be working on is a sound electoral programme.

    Even more so when he hinted at Labour’s propensity to close in on itself and how this created the vicious cycle they’re in.

    It does seem, from yesterday’s speech, that he’s still pussyfooting around the old guard, notwithstanding the Pieta’ design language taking over.

    We did not get one minute of policy. Just positioning.

    Pathetic of Mallia to propose ‘xoghol ghal kulhadd u ahjar’. He lifted that straight out of the PN’s manifesto. Yet he calls the PN ‘finished’.

  19. Sandra Shields says:

    Is this the Biography Channel?

  20. Randolph says:

    It seems that the PL is a party of hindsight. We have already heard how, with hindsight, it acknowledges that Independence, EU membership and the Euro were decisions with which served us well.

    Today the PL also acknowledges that Eddie Fenech Adami was a good leader – contrary to what we were told a few years ago. Anything to attract every last vote. Most probably, in a few years time they will tell us that after all, Gonzi was also a good leader. Pathetic.

  21. Jesmond Bonello says:

    Tal-biza… still speaking about the past, with no plans for the future. And earlier last week (on TX, Super One TV) he promised that Malta will have its best cabinet ever with him in government. God save us indeed.

  22. John Doe says:

    USA 2012 Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich is being sued for unauthorized use of “Eye of the Tiger,” the theme song from “Rocky III.”

    I wonder if the Malta Labour Party or whatever they’re called now paid David Guetta & Usher to use the music from “Without You” at the end of the last Labour Conference?

    Maybe they did or maybe they think if its “arranged” by one of their “talented” musicians from Wardakanta it becomes fair game. Explains why they’re all out against ACTA!

    [Daphne – Well, that’s going to hit the market in Maltese political spoof videos for YouTube.]

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