Joe Debono Grech’s passionate appeal, this morning

Published: February 19, 2012 at 8:57pm

“Let’s work to rid Malta of a government which has destroyed it.” Sorry, Joe, but you’re a little late for that.

45 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Another throwback of the Mintoffian Jurassic era allowed to run amok in Joe Muscat’s New New Labour.

  2. Fred Alcock says:

    When I was a little boy and living in Birkirkara, Debono Grech used to be called “il-popa” because his language was very flowery in its obscenity and stupidity.

  3. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Thares lejn il-Partit Laburista llum, minghajr xejn x’joffri lill-pajjiz u n-nies kollha li jikkomponuh bhal Joe Debono Grech, Alex Sceberras Trigona, Joe Grima, Karmenu Vella, Silvio Parnis, Anglu Farrugia, Toni Abela & Co.

    Hu bizejjed raguni biex tivvota lil Partit Nazzjonalista, mhux biss b’konvinzzjoni imma b’sahha.

    • ciccio says:

      Fl-10 ta’ Marzu Malta ghandha tivvota ghal-bidla. Malta ghandha tivvota ghal-partit ta’ Joe Debono Grech, Alex Sceberras Trigona, Joe Grima, Karmenu Vella, Silvio Parnis, Anglu Farrugia, Toni Abela & Co.

  4. carlos says:


  5. C Falzon says:

    He’s not too late. He may have missed his chance of doing that a couple of decades or so ago but from the look of things it seems he will have another chance at doing it in two or three years’ time.

  6. David Meilak says:

    Keep him talking – this guy is the cherry on the cake.

  7. TinaB says:

    New Labour. Indeed.

  8. Dee says:

    This morning’s diatribe (including the jokes) is merely a repetition of what he gets up to in his late night ONE radio programme. One of his guests on last week’s radio show wasthe erudite Professor Edward Scicluna who – naturally – agreed with everything the old foghorn said.

  9. Allo Allo says:

    I must confess, dejjem niehu gost nisimghu lil Debono Grech. Fih entertainment value.

  10. TROY says:

    So, Joe Debono Grech wants to wake up one morning to a ‘Partit Laburista fil-gvern immexxi min Joseph Muscat’.

    Could this be the same man who refused to recognise Joseph Muscat as Labour leader?

    The same one who said ‘issa isbah gejna ghax bit-tfal se mmexxu’?

  11. Manuel says:

    And The Times did not report one iota of what Debono Grech said. One wonders why.

  12. Anthony says:

    This man should be locked up in an opaque and sound-proof glass case in the National Museum of Archaeology.

    That will certainly do him and the PL a favour.

  13. N Agius says:

    “Malta li ghad jixraqilha ahjar u nehilsu darb ghal dejjem biex naghtu Malta tajba lil uliedna”…

    Lanqas erba’ sentenzi ma jaf jghid. Il-hdura tispikka fih.

  14. Paul Bonnici says:

    How crass!

    I am sick and tired of the PN, but to have these buffoons run the country is frightening. Better the devil (PN) you know.

    Joseph Muscat’s PL is a threat to democracy and tolerance.

  15. Botom says:

    Vote Labour and Joe Debono Grech will be your next minister.

  16. Joe Borg says:

    Joe Debono Grech ifakkarni meta f’Birkirkara kien jghidilna li ‘ l- bieb miftuh ghall-Laburisti biss’. Dan hu l-partit tal -progressivi ta Joseph Muscat. Ghandi ragun ghalfejn il-Labour ma nistax nafdhom.

  17. John Schembri says:

    It is becoming clearly obvious that many eligible voters don’t give a hoot about local elections.

    Both political party leaders are appealing for voters to collect their voting document and exercise their right to vote on the 10th of March 2012.

    Does anyone know how many voting documents remain uncollected?

  18. spa says:

    In a way I can stand Joe Debono Grech. He’s fun. But something in my stomach turns when I listen to Joseph Muscat’s camp voice.

  19. Dimartedi says:


    Have you noticed that Mr. AAron Farrugia is calling himself Dr? He has not yet graduated as a lawyer. See Illum 19/02/12 – Page 10

    ‘Diversi pajjizi, inkluz Malta, iffirmaw L- ACTA; ftehim internazzjonali biex jipprova jwaqqaf is-serq ta’ propjetá intelletwali. Il- provvedimenti tal- ftehim qajmu kontroversja. DR AARON FARRUGIA jiddiskuti’

  20. Jo says:

    The PN should broadcast this and other videos like it at regular intervals.

    It sure would make all those floaters and disgruntled PN supporters realise what a change of government would lead to.

    I remember going to the meetings in the 70s and 80s dreading the likelihood that we would encounter Debono Grech and his gang.

  21. Canon says:

    Mhux imbilli jilbsu il-glekk u l-ingravata.

  22. Rita Camilleri says:

    Why is he always so aggressive? Does he have a chip on his shoulder or what?

    • etil says:

      I would say he has a sackload of chip(s) on his shoulder.

      The biggest mistake our friend Joe Muscat made is keeping these people within the party or could he no do otherwise? I would have thought a new New Labour would be really new in all respects.

  23. Pat Zahra says:

    Igri jitilghu, halli l-generazzjoni ta’ warajna iduqu ftit mill-imrar. Huwa l-uniku mezz kif bih nistghu nzommu dan il-partit ta’ opportunisti u kriminali milli jerga jiehu l-poter f’idejh ghal ghoxrin sena ohra.

    Jaghmlu x’jaghmlu u ghamlu x’ghamlu n-Nazzjonalisti, qatt ma waqaw fil-basezzi li waqghu fihom dawn in-nies fi zmienhom.

    Nixtieq insaqsih lill-Onorevoli fejn kien dakinhar meta l-partitarji tieghu gew fit-triq taghna b’trakk mimli fliexken tal-luminata vojta u attakkaw dar li kien fiha zewgt itfal.

    Semaghhom lin-nisa, Laburisti u Nazzjonalisti – dakinhar hadd minnhom ma ta kaz il-politika – iwerzqu, jibku u jofolqu, jitolbuhom bil-hniena biex jieqfu ghax kien hemm it-tfal hemm gew? Jiftakarhom dawk iz-zminijiet?

    Sur Onorevoli, il-partitarji taghkom, li kontu intom li tajtuhom ir-rih, attakkaw lit-TFAL. Ma tistax taqgha izjed fil-baxx minn hekk.

  24. Tim Ripard says:
    Who was responsible for the safety/security of Malta’s moon rock? When will we adopt a culture of accountability?

  25. Louis says:

    Hanzir taqtaghlu denbu hanzir jibqa’ – jista’ jbiddel ingravajjet Joseph Muscat.

  26. john says:

    Debono Grech is living proof that having a double-barreled surname does not necessarily mark one out as being a member of the aristocracy.

    • Lilla says:

      Debono Grech had to tag on his mother’s maiden name to his because there was another Joe Debono running for the Labour Party.

  27. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Old Labour at its worst. JDG will never change and still thinks he is addressing a football,crowd when he was on the committee of a local footbal premier club – which I presume he still supports?

  28. TROY says:

    A typical Hitler speech.

  29. cikku l-poplu says:

    Meta Debono Grech kien qal fin-1987 dan is-seklu ghalina il poplu kien fetah mohhu u zamm lil Partit Laburista ghal kwart ta’ seklu fl-oppozizzjoni.

    Issa l’istess Debono Grech qed jghid li jrid jara lil Joseph prim ministru ser ikolli naqbel ma’ Austin Gatt li qal li l-partit nazzjonalista ghandu ghoxrin sena ohra fil-gvern.

  30. eros says:

    Joe Debono Grech appeals to the crowded ‘lanzit’ section of the Labour Party. New Labour indeed! One thing is sure – with Debono Grech ‘il-passat hu garanzija tal-futur’. So help us God.

  31. Sarah Jackson says:

    Labour showing its true colours – so much for the rebranded image.

  32. Antoine Vella says:

    Joe Debono Grech was tagged in Malcolm Farrugia’s photo.

    “Mp Joe Debono Grech, delivered an impressive speech that lifts the heart, he ended his speech accompanied by a huge never ending applause and a standing ovation by all those present. Well done Joe!”

    Yesterday at 5:16pm via BlackBerry.

  33. Kujuz hafna says:

    Joe Debono Grech huwa Gawhra tal-Partit Laburista ta’ Guze Muscat.

    Hemm aktar Gawhar jigru mas-saqajn bhal: Joe Grima u huh Godfrey, Silvio Parnis, Reno Calleja, Alex Xiberras Trigona, Lino Debono, Karmenu Vella, Il-Perit Buhagiar, Il-professur!!, is-Sinjorina Law, is-Sur Cuschieri, Anton Refalo, Toni Abela. Wenzu Mintoff, Anglu Bellu Farruga, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, Alfred Sant, George Vella u tant u tant ohrajn!!!!

  34. Angus Black says:

    Imma kif meta dawn il-Laburisti jifthu halqhom, hlief rabja w insolenzi ma johorgux? Dan ma kienx waqt xi dibattitu ahrax, dan fost il-hbieb. Anke f’konferenzi tal-partit taghhom stess fil-Mile End, ma tarax wicc dahqan, imma qrusa, dwejjaq u gideb biss!

    Dan Debono Grech ahjar joqghod fit attent ghax fl-eta tieghu jista jaqta xi vina u malajr jikkwieta.

    Anqas biss ma jiddejqu juru kemm huma ddisprati, mxenqa ghal poter u sadattant, il-poplu, aktar ma jghaddi z-zmien aktar jinduna kemm gvern Laburist huwa l-aqwa theddida ghal-Malta!

  35. PG says:

    Debono Grech represents Old Labour and New Labour. They are one and the same thing.

  36. rustic fairy says:

    Yana Mintoff Bland ha tikkontesta ghall-elezzjoni.

    Cyrus Engerer (on Facebook)

    “Having met Yana Mintoff at a friend’s house last year without knowing what her name was and who her father is, I was today pleased to learn that she will be a Labour Party candidate for the General Elections. Speaking at length with her during that dinner, I had realised that we shared a common vision for the future. After she left and got to know who she was, I immediately understood why her main concerns were workers, incentives to businesses for the creation of more jobs, a clean and sustainable environment and the introduction of more civil rights”

    [Daphne – Kemm hu bright, il-boy. He’s not going to be approached by MI5 any time soon. She’s introduced to him as Yana Mintoff Bland, she’s a dead ringer for her dad but with hair on, and no bells go off in his little head.]

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