Attakk viljakk sfrenat u fahxi fuq il-persuna ta’ JPO

Published: March 6, 2012 at 12:09am

9 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Isn’t that Kurt Farrugia associating himself with the team opposing JPO’s freedom to ask questions, and those who wanted to call the police to drag him out of that recording studio? JPO should have thanked him while he was on the hotline with Fat Joe earlier this evening.

    • sam says:

      JPO should have thanked that fakey smiley who runs Super One for inviting him so often on the TV station.

      • ciccio says:

        Yet, in that 2008 video, that fakey smiley face was there, trying to stop him from defending his reputation from Alfred Sant’s attacks.

  2. Matt B says:

    I love how Jeffrey is ripping into everyone who disagrees with him – on his Facebook profile, of course.

    It makes interesting, but incredibly sad, reading.

    I find it particularly hilarious how he’s now even attributing the adjective ‘bahnan’ to ‘friends’ of his.

  3. Redneck Rabti says:

    This performance alone probably won the election.

    [Daphne – That’s what I thought, until I saw the figures, which showed a significant fall-off in support for the PN over those days.]

  4. Lomax says:

    I must be missing something here but why is JPO so un-Nationalist? Same goes for Robert Musumeci, for example. Why? Robert even contested in 2008. Now he is not contesting at all. Daphne, do you have the answer to this?

    [Daphne – Jeffrey only supported the PN by default. His natural inclination is towards Labour. That’s why his life partners, in rapid succession, are both not just Labour supporters but Labour politicians/activists. His mother was Labour and his grandfather a Labour politician (in a different era, though). He just never had the guts to make the change. So instead he stays in the PN and hates it. With Robert, same deal: right down to his choice of life partner now.]

  5. Lomax says:

    Sorry, I meant Robert contested the national elections but now he’s not even contesting the local elections.

  6. edgar says:

    Robert is not contesting the local elections because he is too busy polishing the back of a bus.

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