The all-male Inquisition Tribunal

Published: March 6, 2012 at 12:35am

I forgot to mention this earlier. Does the Fat Controller and his liberal Super One party know just how bad an all-male panel of talking-heads looks, especially when they’re laying into a woman for her evil ways?

They looked like an Inquisition Tribunal, discussing the merits of a woman accused of witchcraft, and boiling with frustration because they can no longer have her burned or flayed.

It looks worse still when they are all middle-aged to elderly, humourless, charmless and lacking eloquence, and when all but one share a point of view and veer from sounding like the Inquisition Tribunal to a self-help group.

The main sentiment they communicated was ‘if only we didn’t have to be bothered by people like that, and were left in peace to get away with murder’.

An all-male panel with an old-man host, tearing a woman to shreds without presenting her point of view. Very liberal. Prosit tassew.

20 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    The Fat Controller called the Dwarf Jester and Franco Debono for their views, but not Daphne.

    Maybe he’s lost her number.

  2. Susan Attard says:

    They must also have forgotten to contact Manwel Cuschieri, the spreader of good will, or Charles Mangion, the expert on DNA.

    Or even the great Dom himself (followed by KMB), holy men who used to preach love to their followers, who in turn spread it around by smashing houses, PN clubs, Curia, Times printing press etc. Spiritual times, indeed.

  3. paddy says:

    Mr Grima’s show was so fake that I thought it was a toto’ bis. That telephone call by Kurt Farrugia, the Labour Party’s communications officer: even his voice – ‘Gonzipnnnnnn’ – showed his anger.

    And why was Joe Grima changing the goal posts on the Joseph Muscat – ” L-ghadu taghna huwa l-PN” – when there is a recording of how he said this, on Youtube?

    Then Joe Fava on Peppi Azzopardi – wow, he apologised after saying those awful things on L-orizzont. But with Julian Galea, the Sliema councillor, it is a differet story. An apology is not enough.

    I would not want to get into this but many people are still awaiting apologies from various PL exponents….still waiting.

  4. Ganna says:

    Joe Grima is waiting for an apology for what Julian said. He apologised. Now what?

    I tell Joe that we are still waiting for an apology for what he did when he was a government minister and so awful.

  5. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    To get updated hatred scripts, buy L-Orizzont and watch Super One every day.

    • Dee says:

      …………………and listen to One radio live phone-ins very late at night when Joe Debono Grech is howling like a werewolf at the full moon.

  6. Pedantiku says:

    But then again the programme is set up and chaired by some one who, very early on in his political life, eloquently and forcefully demonstrated his commitment to liberal values by walking up to a Malta Broadcasting Authority employee and punching him squarely in the face.

    • ciccio says:

      My dear Baxxter, you know I love these “spot the difference” games. Here’s your answer.

      Joe Grima is a Labour supporter: he talks like one, acts like one, and looks like one. He even wears a red tie.

      The Fat Controller in the cartoon is a Labourist posing as a Nationalist. He chose a blue backdrop and is wearing a blue shirt.

      • ninu says:

        The Fat Controller in the cartoon is the one who used to present programms on NET TV when he even stated that he voted PN.

      • ciccio says:

        Ok, ninu. I withdraw my answer. After all, I did not get a prize. (Sob).

  7. Jozef says:

    The photo is the quintessential example of the challenge which obsessed Francis Bacon, transfiguration of the male sitter to achieve the opposite: A lightness in movement leading to transience of the subject. If only.

  8. Dee says:

    Kienu qieshom dawk il-misogeni mixtrijja bigotti u intolleranti bic-coqqa jew xabla ta’ kavalier, li iddecidew li Govanna D’ Arco kienet sahhara u haqqa tinharaq ghax inzertatilhom skomda ghat-twettiq tal- ambizzjonijiet taghhom..

    What a sad collection of frauds with the saddest one being the Dominican in their midst.

  9. Dee says:

    As far as hate speeches and comments are concerned, I hope that note has been taken of links posted here in the past , which links showed the very hateful comments passed against non-MLP supporters, mps and the prime minister himself on the facebooks of Labour MPs themselves.

  10. Paul Bonnici says:

    Why is this man so obese, I wonder? He could hardly breathe.

  11. Rita Camilleri says:

    In this photo Joe Grima reminds of King Henry the Eighth..

  12. john says:

    I distinctly heard the Botox-pusher’s friend declare that Daphne is paid to write this blog.

    Surely this a libelous statement.

    [Daphne – Yes, Evarist. Definitely libellous.The fascinating thing about them and this thing they keep repeating is that, if they are going to lie, why not lie properly? Why not say WHO pays me.]

  13. Angus Black says:

    Put Joe Grima in a room full of the most beautiful women in the world and he would still manage to ruin the picture.

    He cannot even control his figure, how is he expected to control his anger and bitterness?

    One can never be nice to those people because they will bite you back.

    Joe Grima is one classical (colossal?) example.

  14. TROY says:

    Fat Joe is now a born again Laburista, preaching the gospel according to Joseph.

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