What a nightmare of a man

Published: March 6, 2012 at 2:43pm

Franco Debono gives new, deeper meaning to ‘self-deluded’ and ‘in a world of his own’.

Does he even know the meaning of ‘logic’?

The Times, today:

Meanwhile, Dr Debono yesterday stressed he was not angry with Dr Busuttil but with “the system which penalises those with good ideas while others implement their ideas”.

“Logic would have dictated I would be chosen instead,” he said. “Instead of being shown gratitude for being proved right I see disrespect from those who were proved wrong.” Dr Debono said he had the courage to “force change” and the mistakes he highlighted were acknowledged.

“In such circumstances one would have appreciated the logic of being offered the possibility of implementing the remedies, though I’m not saying I would have accepted.”

Incidentally, I believe that Beppe Fenech Adami’s approach to this man is by far the most effective and correct one. People of Debono’s depths of self-delusion and detachment from reality simply do not understand when others are handling them with a barge-pole and kid-gloves. They misinterpret this as respect and admiration, and this makes them believe they have won and that they are right. It only encourages them in their warped thinking and makes them have even less respect for those who are careful with them, verging on contempt.

People like Debono, who are far from normal and so cannot be treated as such, have ‘suggizzjoni’ only with those who blow them out of the water, slap them down and hold up a mirror to their appalling behaviour.

There are reasons why you don’t negotiate with terrorists. The same reasons apply in situations like this.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    Dr Debono has still to understand that on occasions, SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

    • ciccio says:

      And someone should tell him that the price of gold is at an all-time high at the moment, so it’s a worthwhile investment.

      [Daphne – It would be a worthwhile investment if it were at an all-time low.]

      • ciccio says:

        Yes, if you follow the Buffett philosophy. But not if you follow the Maltese mentality.

  2. Jozef says:

    “Though I’m not saying I would have accepted….’ Could that be why the PM opted for someone other than him? I mean, who wouldn’t?

  3. Joseph P says:

    Is this the same person who made a public announcement that he is willing to work with anyone except Dr. Lawrence Gonzi? Now he’s saying that he expected Dr Gonzi to choose him as his special delegate. Really, utterly unbelievable.

    • Angus Black says:

      Yes indeed, he prefers to work with a 3.4% backing while ignoring the 96.6% who repudiated him.

      Such is this man’s self-delusion.

  4. A Montebello says:

    This Franco really needs to practise what he is trying to preach. He thinks he should have been the one chosen to listen to the people’s ilmenti? Does he not realise that a huge proportion of the public CAN’T STAND THE SIGHT OF HIM.

  5. Ian Castillo says:

    “…though I’m not saying I would have accepted”: this statement indicates that it’s all about ego. Not only should you ask/beg me to help you, but I might not even accept.

  6. David S says:

    Xi dwejjaq ta’ bniedem. I pity his girlfriend. Does she have to applaud him when he goes for a crap?

  7. Matt says:

    Franco Debono was way out of line when he held a press conference in the palace attacking the PM. Personally, I would have preferred seeing a concerned MP using a dignified way to communicate his frustrations. No doubt he is paying a heavy price for his belligerent behaviour.

    However, lets hope something good can out of this mess. Last week Dr.Gonzi said that a woman who is pushing her baby carriage in the streets of Mosta doesn’t care what is happening in Greece. He is so right. People are facing daily problems in their lives and some of these problems can be solved or ameliorated by the central government.

    If the PN is to be elected Dr. Gonzi must solve immediately the hospital mess. Patients should not be left in corridors for days. The pharmacy of your choice scheme is going too slowly. We are in the fourth year now and medicines are often out of stock. Why has this dragged for so long? Arriva routes must be improved immediately. Transport Malta must listen to the people and change now. Enough with diplomacy. The prison facility and the law courts are a joke. Legal cases should not drag for years. People are tired waiting for their legal cases to be dragged for years.

    On Saturday about 200,000 people are eligible to vote. My hunch tells me that the majority of these voters will turn away from the PN only because they see the PN is not listening to them.

    MLP is feared, for the irreparable damage they did to its citizens for 16 years. In spite of Labours’ corruptions and no plans for Malta they will end up with a victory again.

    So dreadful.

  8. Dunstan says:

    Pity the guy! This would have been his ideal swansong,or so he thought.

  9. Stanley J A Clews says:

    The less publicity Debono is given the better. He should be ignored by the media and do what his constituents elected him for.

  10. Joseph (Not Muscat) says:

    How does he expect to be given any position at all, if he resigned several times.

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    Deluded and deranged.

  12. TROY says:


  13. Gahan says:

    L-ghawwi hu l-genn!

    Jekk dan Debono ghandu lil xi hadd qrib tieghu jghawwieh zgur li jaghmel dawn it-tip ta’ buzullotti.

    Naf wiehed li l-gharusa u niesha kienu jibbumbarjawh fuq il-politika kull darba li jirfes l-ghatba ta’ dar l-gharusa, sakemm ceda u ‘dar’ maghhom!

  14. Steve Forster says:

    I feel torn between his obvious inability to deduce the situation he has placed himself in and the government position of dealing with an obvious “loose cannon” holding it to ransom.

    A conundrum which must not be taken lightly, as obviously what do you with a person who is so clearly self-deluded without putting your own position and ethos as the “nationalistic” sic vision into jeopardy?

  15. JPS says:

    Franco is the black sheep of the party. If left alone and without any attention he will resign out of his own free will with some silly excuse such as an increased private work load or health issues.

    Just let him alone with no attention or attacks and he will resign after the summer recess.

  16. Lord Lucan says:

    Debono is nothing more than a charlatan who should have never been allowed into either political party, and the fact that he was is a very clear indicator of the sad state of Maltese politics.

    Unfortunately he is not the only one, and there are characters of similar nature on both sides of the political divide, though I must say that Labour has a clear majority of this type of character, and even worse their leader seems to be one of these.

    This whole issue goes back to ministers’ salaries, where the idea behind compensating ministers with a commercially competive salary was to attract the top achievers into politics, rather than the private sector.

    The Prime Minister never really argued this issue properly and the public perception of the politically disastrous M.P salary increases was that of a bunch of crooks lining their pockets while everyone else suffered the impact of E.U backed economic measures.

    The reality now is that neither party will ever have the guts to try to compensate themselves at even close to market rates, so we are going to have even more charlatans, misfits, washouts, and generally unsavory characters trying to run the country.

    The only solution to avoiding such an outcome would be to abolish all salaries for M.P.s and like this one could attract wealthy individuals into politics, who are less inclined to have the same personality type as Franco Debono.

    As things stand C and D grade lawyers, economists (and other professions) are attracted into politics like flies to s….t, since all it takes to eventually become an M.P is shamelessness, persistenc, blind ambition and patience.

    After 5 to 10 years of this, the likelihood is these third-rate characters make it as an M.P; they have struck gold. The rest is history, and Malta remains as it is. In the 1960s the both Malta and Singapore got independence, both are small nations, but the difference is between them is huge.

    I’ll leave you with a simple question, which country do you think had the best political leadership?

  17. Ganni says:

    How many times will it take him before he realises that too many resignations have been made?

  18. lola says:

    Debono is an intelligent man but he is not using his intelligence. He must have realised by now that his services are not needed and he is being sidelined.

    He is trying to hang on but I think that he will not be allowed to contest in the next general election on the PN ticket.So to save his face he will resign before the election.

    I pity him. He is not credible any more and his political career is over. The positive results he got when he was in Form Two were useless.

    • Antoniette says:

      I,on the other hand, do not pity him at all. I am disgusted by his appalling behaviour and I wonder how he can stand the sight of himself.

      Moreover, I certainly do not think he is intelligent; his actions do nothing but prove the contrary. He is unbelievably full of himself and a total and complete fool if ever there was one.

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