Alex Saliba……JAHASRA
Look, I know this is awkward, but I’m going to have to ask again: is it absolutely essential to have half a brain to vote Labour? Surely not, because I know several people with a whole brain (and a chip on their shoulder about something or other) who do the same, but they strike me as the swallows who don’t make the summer.
I mean, when even the Labour Party’s OFFICIALS repeatedly fail to understand basic issues and then get hold of the wrong end of the stick, what hope is there, really?
The Department of Information released a statement tonight explaining that Labour spokesman Luciano Busuttil (no surprise there, because the man is an idiot) and shadow foreign minister George Vella (who relies too much on what others tell him) failed completely to understand the gist and detail of the Wikileaked cable on which they then built a whole set of assumptions leading to their motion in parliament against Richard Cachia Caruana for working to get Malta INTO Partnership for Peace.
I’ll upload the DOI statement separately.
Now here, so help us God, is the secretary-general of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, a twerp with a Super One microphone, several Facebook pages and a battalion of smarty-pants comrades as daft as he is, all slaving to increase the Labour vote, getting things ever so slightly wrong and telling his Facebook friends that Cachia Caruana should go for getting us OUT OF Partnership for Peace.
Forum Zghazagh Laburisti’s sec-gen does not know:
1. what Partnership for Peace is;
2. that his party is AGAINST Partnership for Peace;
3. that pulling Malta out of Partnership for Peace is what prime minister Sant and foreign minister George Vella did as their first act of government business in 1996;
4. that the decision to join Partnership for Peace is for the government, not parliament, to make;
5. that in government decisions, the buck stops with the prime minister;
6. that soldiers love being in Partnership for Peace because it means they can do something other than what they used to do in Labour government days, which was manning road-blocks at night in search of teenagers with a joint;
7. that he embarrasses his party by being wholly uninformed, though his party is unaware of this because Labour is like a competition for cack-handed idiocy, amateur ‘let’s have a go’ behaviour and poor judgement.
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What a prize berk. He should take up professional baby-making services – in a fish farm.
KWAZI…. Ma titwemminx.
KWAZI tajba ghar-Ripley’s Believe it or not, fis-sezzjoni fejn ikun hemm l-affarijiet ta’ taht fuq.
This is one of Joseph’s inner circle we’re talking about, with a Che Guevara poster in his bedroom.
The American standup comedians had Bush. The British have the two elder Princes. The Maltese have the whole of the Labour Party.
“…the secretary-general of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, a twerp with a Super One microphone, several Facebook pages and a battalion of smarty-pants comrades as daft as he is, all slaving to increase the Labour vote…”
I would add to that “…and a new room, with pictures of Joseph Muscat and Che Guevara hanging on the walls, a little snowman on his computer desk, a Christmas tree and several soft toys of South Park’s Kyle Broflovski, Kermit and Mickey Mouse, and the crucifix hanging on the wall above his bed…”
Alfred Sant used to say: “Partnership – l-ahjar ghazla.”
It should be enough if Tander knows that.
Can you imagine them people running our foreign policy? God help us.
To use the language that Alex and his friends understand. Vera basla.
someone commented underneath: “Imnalla jkun il-PL li jiddefendi d-dritt taghna biex nibqghu fil-partnership tal-paci. Prosit Luciano!”
Imnalla hi!
L-ahjar hi li Stevie Borg irrispondih u qallu li l-PN kontra l-paci ghax harigna mill-Partnership! Mur ghidlu li kien Sant li pront kif tela fl-1996 harigna mil-PFP.
Tal-biki! Jekk dawn in-nies se jkunu fil-gvern msieken ahna.
Nsomma fl-istess hin daqxejn entertainment tara dawn il-hmerijiet.
Dak haseb li qed jitkellmu fuq ‘il-partnership li rebah’.
Probabli, kif jisimghu l-kelma partnership, mill-ewwel imorru ghal-partnership li ridu mal-Ewropa minflok shubija.
I’m just speechless!
When you’re left speechless, staring at your screen,
You need to find a way to say, precisely what you mean:
The real reason for the motion is not the wikileaks. It is Franco Debono’s recent speech in parliament against Richard Cachia Caruana. They are trying to get Franco to vote on their side “forsi fl-ahhar jirnexxielna naghtuhielhom il-gambetta lil dawk in-nazzjonalisti fil-gvern”.