“gOnzIpN is against peace because he pulled us out of PfP” – mhux ta’ b’xejn jivvutaw Labour, ha nghidlek, lanqas biss jifhmu sahta
I can’t believe some people are actually considering voting Labour because they think they’ll do a better job. I hope for all our sakes that ‘incompetent gOnZiPn’ is busy writing a guidebook and a large instruction manual to leave behind, otherwise we’re pretty much sunk.
Alex Saliba’s demand for Richard Cachia Caruana’s resignation for taking Malta OUT of Partnership for Peace has been up on his Facebook wall for some time now. It has been mocked and derided on this website, screenshots are going viral by email, presumably his stupidity has been pointed out to him by several people, and still he hasn’t removed or corrected it.
Alex Saliba is secretary-general of the Labour Youth Forum, the most important Labour organisation in Joseph Muscat’s party, and somebody called to speak at the annual general conference and consulted at regular Labour ‘tink-tenk’ meetings.
Good stuff.
And if that were not enough, the walking, talking farce who is all geared up for a prominent role in the new Labour government is also allowing his dumb Facebook friends to repeat his gross error: gOnzIpN is against peace because ‘he’ pulled us out of Partnership for Peace.
See below (and weep).
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Ok, hara kiri anyone?
No. A Luger and a couple of cyanide capsules.
But before please buy me a one way ticket to Tristan da Cunha.
News Flash! Malta first nation to give children the vote. Called Labourites.
George Vella and Luciano Busuttil insinuated that Richard Cachia Caruana took the decision himself, while ‘Tander’ Saliba was shocked because he lobbied.
Well, it is RCC’s job to lobby (and he’s extremely good at it too). So basically Tander has also interpreted the PL’s motion badly by practically saying that he should be sacked for doing his job.
Il-vera gherf. Borat in parliament would be better.
Would that mean “hiring manure” ?
Hopefully, just hopefully, Stevie Borg was being ironic? Wishful thinking, I know. Just trying to see a silver lining.
It must be something in the water . . .
For the life of me I can’t understand what people see in the MLP. They just want to be in government so they can take us back to the horrific totalitarian Mintoff’s years. Wise up people.
In 1971 many people voted for MLP as they wanted to have more social services, yet the same people today don’t see that under the PN Malta is enjoying more social services than ever before.
No other country can match our social services while simultaneously the economy is growing faster than many countries. It is a miracle what the PN has done in just 4 years in spite of the MLP’s shenanigans.
You know what? It’s not these people who really get my goat. It is the much better educated strata of people who should really know much better, but who keep insisting that the PN “has been too long in power”, that “they’re doing nothing”, and more nonsense along these lines.
They’re going to sit on their butts at home, whilst the vastly uneducated masses seal our fate.
Injoranza grassa.
Is this a joke? Don’t people read or bother to keep themselves informed? Or is it true that on the average people rely on others to think for them? Economising on time spent thinking on difficult things.
Off to Dingli Cliffs …
“Imnalla jkun il-PL li jiddefendi d-dritt taghna biex nibqghu fil-PfP”
And this chap. believe it or not, has a right to vote.
Joseph is right. He DOES lead a team the likes of which Malta has never seen before.
Is someone putting expired Earl Gey tea in the water supply of the Labour Hedaquarters ?
To refresh some memories.
Fenech Adami’s government joined the PFP.
Alfred Sant pulled us out of PFP on the day that Switzerland, the neutral country par excellence, joined.
Truly a day to remember.
GonziPN put us back in
Now Labour wants Richard Cachia Caruana to resign because according to them, he pulled us out? After getting us back in??
Is this some sort of revolving door?
It must be the air….
I’m sure that Stevie boy is taking the piss. His Maltese is pretty decent.
I don’t think Stevie is a youth. The fact that s/he writes “jkun” instead of “ikun” after a word ending in “a” indicates that Stevie was educated in the 1980s or earlier. At some point in time, the rule that you can’t have two vowels near each other in the Maltese language was changed.
Was it? I didn’t know that
Whether Stevie Borg is having a bit of fun or not I wouldn’t know, but “anke jridu” is the correct way of writing that particular phrase.
The rule has only changed in respect of words (mostly of Italian origin) of which the initial vowel is an integral part. For example, in the old days we used to write “kotba nteressanti”, while nowadays we write “kotba interessanti” because the “i” of “interessanti” is not a “vokali tal-leħen”, but an integral part of the word “interessanti”.
How is ‘imnalla’ of Romantic origin? You’re all reading way too much into this.
The Romance (not Romantic) origin rule applies to the words following the words ending in a vowel, not preceding them.
Redneck Rabti –
għandek żball oħxon… ir-regola GĦADHA tapplika.. u btw kull min ġie edukat tajjeb fil-lingwa Maltija jaf jikteb sew bil-Malti. Forsi inti għandek bżonn edukazzjoni fil-Malti aħjar!
nista’ nassigurak li għidt ħmerija għax jien twelidt f’nofs it-80.
Is someone putting expired Earl Gey tea in the water supply of the Labour Headquarters ?
This PfP business has exposed the havoc within the PL.
The government-in-waiting.
“We are not amused”. (Queen Victoria).
Incredible morons
I read in awe…I really do. I mean how can you be so misinformed?
Jhalluk bla kliem…
The fact that it’s called ‘Partnership’ must add to the confusion in the dimly-lit corridors of Labour minds.
Sorry, this is totally unrelated, but very interesting.
Didn’t these people used to say that joining the PfP contravenes the neutrality clause in Malta’s constitution? What do they actually want? Opt in or opt out of the PfP?
I think we should all just ignore Alex Saliba. He is young and doesn’t seem to know what he is doing, like the time he “liked” and promoted a homophobic blog which tried to blackmail Daphne.
I was told that, miskin, he didn’t realize.
Perhaps the same applies to this situation his ineptitude has lead him into.
I mean, it s not like he is running for PM next election, or ever. At least I hope not anyway.
Alex Saliba is a case of someone being promoted way beyond one’s capabilities. Labour is full of them.
“LP table a motion a motion”
That screenshot really is the best argument against democracy.
Thankfully, they did not table a motion in Cyrus Engerer, as Labour had done in Sliema in 2010.
Perhaps he got confused with the PIP breast silicone implants – whether they should be pulled out or not?
But what’s far more worrying is that Joseph Muscat is not even bothered to grab the phone and give the secretary-general of his youth movement a mouthful .
I very much get the feeling that Muscat has an “u iva mhux xorta” attitude. Imagine him as PM of this country where amateurism seems to be ingrained in a large number of people.
Does Alex Saliba even know that it was Alfred Sant and George Vella who pulled Malta out of Partnership for Peace?
Is it a case of “hawwadni ha nifmek” ?
It is not so much that people think Labour will do a better job, it’s more along the lines of not being able to do any worse. I think people hope that Labour will at least be honest in their dealings, something which GonziPN obviously are not.
[Daphne – As John Attard Montalto (a Labour politician, as I recall) wrote in a newspaper piece some days ago about his love for chess: “Chess teaches you to think strategically and that wishful thinking is punished.”]
A people who learns nothing from the mistakes of its past history is doomed.
Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.