Joseph Muscat is sad because Kim Jong Il died? This is getting more disturbing by the day.

Published: April 13, 2012 at 3:45pm

Kim Jong Il's funeral: even without the ice, this scene would be chilling.

Yesterday, the state news agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (that’s Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il territory to you and me) uploaded this story.


Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) —

The leader of the Malta Labor Party expressed deep condolences again over the demise of leader Kim Jong Il on behalf of the Party Central Committee and on his own behalf. He met with Han Tae Song, DPRK ambassador to Malta, on April 3.

He was convinced that the Korean people would greet the centenary of the birth of President Kim Il Sung with shining achievements in economic construction under the wise leadership of the dear respected Kim Jong Un, he said. He hoped that everything would continue going well in the DPRK.

Satellite launch is a legitimate right of sovereign states, he said, expressing his will to work hard to expand the friendly relations between the Malta Labor Party and the Workers’ Party of Korea and between Malta and the DPRK in the political, economic, cultural and other fields.

It’s significant that we found ourselves having to resort to the North Korean dictator’s news agency to find out what our imminent prime minister has been up to, and what he’s been saying to the North Koreans behind our backs.

Kurt the Coconut didn’t issue a press release about this meeting, did he, even though when his boss ran into two French politicians while waiting for a lift (as in elevator) in Paris, they took a snap in profile with their SmARRRRRRRtphone and sent it out to all media, pretending that the meeting was something official and scheduled.

Was Alex Sceberras Trigona with Muscat too, by any chance, when they slobbered all over the North Korean ambassador? That man just LOVES North Korea. He was so hot for Kim Il Sung you’d think the man was actually attractive and charming.

First the Mintoffs and all those truly ghastly people from the Mintoff era, and now THIS? Remember how hard they tried to distance themselves from Muammar Gaddafi as soon as they saw him lying in a pool of blood?

Suddenly, he was no longer a Labour hero or the man who gave their Loser Leader pocket-money in return for right royally shafting our Constitution and our country up the nether regions with his neutrality fixation.

But Kim Jong Il? Kim Il Sung? Those mass-murdering psycho dictators are fine.

I’m beginning to think that when Muscat spoke about being progressive, he used the word in the way it’s used in ‘Democratic People’s Republics’ right across the globe.

Gonzi can fry up a hundred frejjeg as far as I’m concerned. Just save us from this. As with 1980s fashion, having lived through it the first time round, I’m damned if I’m going to do the whole Malta/North Korea/Kim Bang Sun Il/Labour Party thing again.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    This can’t be true.

    Is it related to the early Jum Il-Helsien celebration?

    Will someone in parliament please stand up and start asking some serious questions?

  2. David II says:

    Is the North Korean press really a reliable source of information?

    [Daphne – When reporting on meetings with political leaders, yes, of course it is. You can’t lie about a foreign dignitary without creating a diplomatic incident. If the Labour Party wished to have a different version hit the newspapers first, they should have released it themselves. But they probably thought – stupidly – that nobody would find out. Or more stupidly, that the meeting was of no significance, when the Labour Party’s history with North Korea makes it immensely significant.]

    • Lomax says:

      Given that you REALLY have to be creative to cook up something like this, I’ve no doubt that it really happened.

  3. ciccio says:

    It is quite evident that Joseph Muscat is just a political puppet of the old Mintoffian guard of the likes of Alex Sceberras Trigona.

    This was clear earlier on, when he brought back into the fold the dinosours which we thought been democratically rendered extinct first in 1981, but who stayed in power against the will of the majority until they were pushed out once again in 1987.

    Strange to say, but Labour was doing better under Alfred Sant. He had the courage to stand up to the Mintoffjani.

  4. George Mifsud says:

    Their centenary celebrations commenced with a big splash in the yellow sea.Their ‘legitimate’ satellite seems to have aborted the flight.

  5. Zian says:

    In other news from the Korean news agency:

    “Pyongyang Declaration Serves as Banner of Progressive Parties: Foreign Political Parties”

    “Russian Party Wishes Korean People Success in Socialist Construction”

    “Gifts to Kim Jong Un from Foreign Political Parties”

    Since when is the Korean news agency being taken seriously?

    • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

      Even if the report isn’t true, just look at how the supporters react, as though there’s nothing wrong with it all or better still, that is what they like to hear.

      [Daphne – The report is true. The Labour Party hasn’t denied it. The Times rang Muscat for clarification.]

      • Zian says:

        Just because someone doesn’t agree with everything you say doesn’t automatically make him a supporter of your adversaries. I agree with you on more points than you might think but what’s the point of challenging your thoughts where we agree?

        As for this, I’m sorry but I find it very difficult to believe a news agency that is used for communist propoganda and I believe Labour did clarify what he said.

      • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

        Did they? What did they say? I can’t find the article in the papers at the moment. Do you have a link?

  6. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    “The agency said Dr Muscat was convinced that the Korean people would greet the centenary of the birth of President Kim Il Sung “with shining achievements in economic construction under the wise leadership of the dear respected Kim Jong Un” –

    So when Muscat talks about achievements, growth and prosperity in Malta, does he mean “let’s be like North Korea?”

    Judging by some of the comments on the comments board I think he does. Or at least the supporters do.

    One person actually said that this news won’t let her forget the high price she has to pay for fuel, electricity, gas and water, because in her world it is the PM who slaps the price on that and not the oil companies, and with a PL government she will get all these things at a lower price automatically.

    Supporting the N Korean dictatorship is a sacrifice she is willing to make – bless.

    • ciccio says:

      “One person actually said that this news won’t let her forget the high price she has to pay for fuel, electricity, gas and water, because in her world it is the PM who slaps the price on that and not the oil companies, and with a PL government she will get all these things at a lower price automatically.”

      You sure it was “her” not “his”? I was waiting for Victor Laiviera to write in with something like that.
      But I couldn’t see any comment by him under that headline.

  7. dudu says:

    James Tyrrell is having second thoughts.

    James Tyrrell
    Today, 14:06
    I fail to see why Joseph Muscat is showing any form of support for a country like North Korea. It seems to me that the closer he gets to the seat of power the more determined he becomes to commit political suicide and remain in opposition!

  8. dudu says:

    Personally, it is in these instances that Joseph Muscat really puts me off. The other one was when he thought it fit to remark that the goverment should launch a massive marketing campaign to capitalise on the political instability in North Africa and the Middle East earlier on this year.

  9. Paul Bonnici says:

    They do not mention the name of Dr Muscat, they only refer to him by his appointment ‘leader of the Malta Labor Party’.

  10. ciccio says:

    Can the Labour Party issue a categorical denial that the Party, the Party’s Central Committee or the Maltese Dear Leader, may have signed yet another SECRET treaty with North Korea in-between the exchange of hugs and kisses with the Ambassador of the Democratic People Republic of North Korea?

  11. elephant says:

    Does anyone remember the secret agreement between the then Labour Government and North Korea? Has this AGREEMENT ever been ratified by the Maltese parliament? I was under the impression (forgive me if I am wrong) that ALL treaties and agreements with foreign countries had, by law, to be ratified, to be considered valid. Could the Labour Party please say where it stands in this regard?

    [Daphne – ]

  12. Tim Ripard says:

    Ta’ biza’ kbira.

  13. Manuel says:

    Dark days are looming ahead for Malta.

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