The Mayor of Qormi wants to know what her “medium-sized tits” are worth

Published: April 27, 2012 at 9:27am

Here is a partial view of the Mayor of Qormi's medium-sized tits. She wants to know whether she should flaunt them. I think so, yes. It might get her more support from the sort of people who vote for Joseph Muscat.

Joseph Muscat seems to be going out of his way to embrace Silvio Berlusconi-style politics, with his women celebrated for their excruciating blow-dries, make-up and pout-and-flirt quotient and with more importance given to what they’ve got on their chest than between their ears.

It’s become embarrassing.

The latest is the new Labour mayor of Qormi, Rosianne Cutajar, a wannabe ‘hostess’ who promotes herself on Italian hostess sites as Nuxellina, who teaches Italian at a boys’ school in her spare time (our teacher of Italian wore Crimplene suits and Nana Mouskouri specs) and who has just been caught on Facebook wondering out loud what her bosoms are worth. To quote her: looooooolllllll!!!!!


Here is the Mayor of Qormi, getting into position for what Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has described as the inevitable consequence of popularity.

The Mayor of Qormi wants to know: 'Do my tits look medium in this?'

The Mayor of Qormi teaches Italian and has clearly embraced the Berlusconi take on women in politics

Waiting for Berlusca: sadly, she's only got Joseph

La Cicciolina has left a situation vacant

75 Comments Comment

  1. The chemist says:

    Not bad, Nuxellina. Get ’em out for the lads.

  2. Sue Borg says:

    She and the housing consultant make a lovely pair.

  3. butterfly says:

    In my opinion this young lady should have stayed away from politics. It seems that she still enjoys playing the model and the hot girl.

  4. Jozef says:

    I’m not surprised Labour’s embraced this aspect of Berlusconismo, given the long established Maltese access to Mediaset.

    They’re indolent enough, however, to copy the phenomenon without realising that Berlusconi engineered these girls on TV, making them celebrities first, to be able to use them to gain consent.

    His tactic was that of transferring them from his channels to Rai to induce familiarity. Mara Carfagna was transformed from poster girl to suave ‘career woman’

    What Joseph’s done, is to propose an unknown youngster dressed like a tart. What model is he proposing, the Lolita?
    I really don’t see university students subscribing to this.

    He doesn’t understand the basics of models and the feedback required to refine them.

    Yesterday’s Mepa vote, where Labour’s representative voted in favour, is confirmation of this. Now that THEY think elections are close, they’re doing their best to hand out permits.

  5. Kenny says:

    She’s beautiful and talented…perfect combination…

  6. Tim Ripard says:

    Terrifying pics. She looks absolutely heartless, like a vampire wanting only to suck your life-blood away.

  7. Anton says:

    She flaunts knowledge and beauty! You go girl!

  8. Dee says:

    Words fail………..

  9. AJS says:

    The general trend of most Maltese girls today is the Essex look. Oddly, they believe the only route to a good man’s love is through lust.

    Self-disparaging, really, because she ‘looks’ like a good kid (albeit immature) and if she is as intelligent as she has us believe then she doesn’t need to resort to showing off her wares.

    To make matters worse, they’ll yell jealousy at whoever makes a negative comment!

    [Daphne – I know. It’s tragic. If only they knew how much further they’d get with a clean face and flat sandals, and if only somebody were to tell them just how much men hate make-up. Apart from anything else, that look is so ageing. This young women is in her early 20s. She looks 10 years older with all that thick make-up on, those age-inappropriate clothes and that stiff hair. It’s so…unEuropean.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Oh god Daphne, I’ve been telling them exactly that for flipping ages, but no one will listen. Soap and water is all you need. Instead, Maltese girls go for the Al Jazeera look.

      UnEuropean. You nailed it.

      • AJS says:

        I don’t think it is that un-European: just visit the major cities in Britain or pop over to Amsterdam – it’s like Essex or like the MTV Crib “ho” style so in vogue. I am not saying it’s tasteful; I am rationalising to the extent that now everything is being turned into a universal pre-packaged stereo-type.

        The look appeals only to man’s lust (oh by the way I am a man so this is not even the case of a woman commenting). On the one hand it is sexually appealing in a peasant girl kind of way on the other how can you take women who dress up like this any seriously? When I talk and deal with female professionals, I am interested in brains and character. Of course, looks to a man are important – we are shallow in that respect – but Hilary Clinton, Lady Di, and Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned are THE ladies who have talent, elegance and brains and make themselves heard for what they are.

        I am afraid, though, the problem here is also cultural. These girls are raised to be pleasure objects by their mothers and treated as pleasure objects by their male friends and future partners. It pays their men to objectify these girls – keeps them under the heel.

        And this young mayor instead of getting her act together because she was elected, is selling herself short. X’hassra

      • butterfly says:

        What do you really mean by Al Jazeera look? The female journalists of Al Jazeera do apply make up which looks wonderful.

    • butterfly says:

      Men do like make up as long as women do not look as Moira Orfei.

      [Daphne – Not true at all. Take heed and take note. Major turn-offs: make-up that looks like make-up, and nylon tights. Use both concurrently, and you have a recipe for disaster.]

  10. Sowerberry says:

    How about a centrefold or a calendar like the veline who seem to be her aim in life.

    Mysterious – at Corinthia San Gorg?

    • Sowerberry says:

      The Times has already changed headline to “Government” instead of “Mysterious” leaving latter in inverted commas in text of report.

      • Sue Borg says:

        Indeed! As if the PL protagonists are not having its own ´mysterious´ – albeit possibly more enjoyable – meetings.

  11. The Phoenix says:

    I’m guessing she has had a discreet boob job.

  12. Miss O'Brien says:

    She might have medium sized boobs but she has a minuscule brain.

  13. FP says:

    Not half bad, I must say!

    I wonder what The Good Timekeeper would be posting on his FB wall were he to be landed with the Nux sitting next door in parliament. I suspect the speaker would probably be objecting to his leaving the house every 10 minutes for 5-minute breaks.

  14. Dee says:

    Lino Spiteri lends a hand at re-writing recent history.

    Has Lino Spiteri been promised the presidency of the Republic by prattikament-prim ministru Muscat?

  15. Sowerberry says:

    Malta’s own Nicole Minetti ?

  16. GD says:

    Shades of things to come under a new Mintoffian-inspired government;

    How very reassuring for those with the enviorement at heart. Hallina Rodrick. Qiesekx l ex-green politician of the year meta ipprova ifotti il-Mistra Valley?

    • Jozef says:

      He just had to put his foot in it when he stated that the ecological value of the area in question was gone.

      He’s employed by Mepa for heaven’s sake, as a public officer he should be working to strenghten the instruments to enforce the conditions of permit. His typical argument is what caused Mepa to lose credibility.

      What next? Call for the removal of the protection of grade one buildings because they could be in a pitiful state?

      He should resign, given that his statement contradicts the spirit of the reform.

      • GD says:

        If government departments and authorities like MEPA are infiltrated by Labour moles such as him, no wonder then that there are so many complaints from the general public.

        I hope that in the coming weeks the authorities will take a closer look at the complaints ordinary people make re the modus operandi of certain employees at MEPA and other authorities to ensure that Joseph’s moles will not cause any more harm then has already done and , where possible , wrongs redressed.

  17. Qegħdin Sew says:

    She must have taken the Cavaliere’s words at face value. He had famously quipped to Rosy Bindi, then Minister for the Family and a Plain Jane par excellence, “Sei più bella che intelligente!”

    • ciccio says:

      Or maybe she is trying to rally support for the inclusion in the preamble of our Constitution of the following words:

      “Respectful of the Creator of the Universe and His abundant blessings,…..”?

  18. Mary says:

    I’m not a make-up artist imma fl opinjoni tieghi she’s not wearing a lot of make-up bhalma qed tghidu! Normali hux! Usually in photoshoots jkollhom hafna aktar!

    [Daphne – She’s wearing full make-up, Mary. At that age, you shouldn’t be wearing foundation at all because that’s when your skin is just about perfect and never will be perfect again. Why cover it in a thick coating? The eye-shadow, the lipstick, the thick mascara – it can all go. That whole Middle Eastern look is just so wrong.]

    • Steffy says:

      On television it is a must to wear make up!

      Ma nahsibx li tkun dejjem bil make up! or does she?

    • David II says:

      In fact she looks prettier in the Cicciolina flower tiara photo, where she looks more natural. In the others, she looks like an Aline Skaf photo shoot.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      Not wearing a lot of make-up? Her face and her arms (especially in the fourth photo) are of a different colour.

  19. Jozef says:

    What is Lino Spiteri up to?

    • DICKENS says:

      Making himself eligible for the post of President of Malta once the Mintoffians are back in power.

    • maryanne says:

      Why is he speaking openly only now?

      “”Not so. The individuals who went to plead with shareholders to hand over their shares to the government were members of the bank employees’ union, hugely concerned about their job.”

      So they weren’t thugs. They pleaded. And how can he attest to that? Was he present or is it hearsay?

    • FP says:

      I’m more amazed that all these “facts” have been kept secret for the whole of 40 years and not a single word uttered by anyone, not even the PM of the time.

      Well, the arch-bullyboy of the time DID utter a few choice words at the time (

      All this seems rather contradictory to me.

  20. ciccio says:

    On national radio, today, at about 12.30pm, Joe Dimech of PBS interviewed a person who I believe was an officer from the Palace, and who stated that the President’s visit to Peru will be a private mission, and that this was out of the President’s annual holidaying (i.e. private) time and that the President will not be in this as President.
    If that is correct, and if it is a private mission, then I find it hard to understand how Community Chest Fund money will be used to subsidise the trip for volunteers who are not in full time employment, by 50%, and why we needed to know about this trip at all.
    I also find it hard to understand that this point was not made on 13 April, or that the media failed to pick it up.

  21. DICKENS says:

    The question we should all be asking is WHY a pretty, fresh-faced young woman should feel the need to get herself tarted up like a Lebanese party girl, in order to advance her political career in Joseph’s NEW Liberal and Progressive Labour.

  22. X. says:

    OK then. Maybe they’re just chicken fillets ( It would take a man to say they are natural.

    I have never understood people wanting to put themselves through such discomfort to turn themselves into human Barbies.

  23. Sowerberry says:

    By any chance, was this “mysterious” forum held at the Corinthia San Gorg? The Times might know.

  24. Monte bello says:

    Memo to me:
    Do not read Daphne’s blog whilst scoffing a pack of cashews! The Nana Mouscouri reference near killed me.

  25. Martin says:

    Never mind – your earrings are bigger than her boobs.

    [Daphne – Yes, Martin, but I have a famously spectacular double-length neck, and so can carry them off where somebody with no neck cannot. But there you go.]

  26. Martin says:

    Young, good looking women make so soooo furious, don’t they?

    When will you learn to grow old gracefully?

    [Daphne – No, in fact they don’t. Young, good-looking people are much more fun to be around and cheer up a room no end. I love to be surrounded by them. If there is one thing of which I just can’t be accused, Martin, it’s of refusing to age gracefully – and the people who do refuse to age gracefully mock me for it because they think I should join the pressured, grotesque race to be 17 at 47. But if I had a daughter that age (and I do have children that age), I’d know to advise her to go for the far more attractive, natural European look rather than this most unattractive Middle Eastern aesthetic of too much (and very ageing) make-up and tortured hair. European young women don’t have that look and are so much more attractive, in every sense of the word, for it. You also seem to forget that all women my age were once 23, and though I hate to say it myself, in my case this otherwise charming young lady wouldn’t have got a look-in, though I never wore make-up and just washed my hair and went. There’s something you should know, though: very few women would actually like to be 23 again, because youthful looks are not sufficient compensation for youthful angst. We would only like to be 23 again if it came with guarantees of knowing what we know now, and that, of course, is impossible.]

  27. Angus Black says:

    Is it not customary to address a lady mayor ‘Madam’?

    Very appropriate in this case, methinks.

  28. Reporter says:

    Tal-biki – ni.

  29. Stingray says:

    This girl looks good, she’s cool and sexy. So what’s your gripe?

    [Daphne – That she’s a mayor, my dear. And represents the progressive party. Looking good, being cool and sexy are not the issues here. A woman politician is not a hostess, and I use that word advisedly.]

  30. attard says:

    ieqaf ivvinta Daphne.

    She’s not a hostess, she’s a young woman with an outstanding personality and I’m sure she has a bright future ahead!

    [Daphne – Don’t take my word for it. ]

  31. Pisces says:

    Do not know why all the fuss. She is not beautiful – attractive yes, but certainly not a Marilyn Monroe. Of course, she thinks she is with all her poses and expressions. Being 47 too, I agree with you Daphne 100% in what you said to Martin.

  32. Sowerberry says:

    Instead of Rosianne she should have been called Titsiana.

    Ok it’s stupid, where’s my pre-lunch scotch?

    She teaches at a boy’s school? Imagine that.

  33. Giovanni says:

    Today on the times: Title:
    PL promises jobs, education and training for all young people

    Robert Caruana
    Today, 19:39
    We need Rosianne Cutajar instead of Dolores Cristina….that would be a step improvement in our educational system

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