Before the vote, he asked to be made Leader of the House
May 31, 2012 at 2:03am
Yes, that’s right. Before yesterday evening’s vote in parliament, Franco Debono demanded, through the good offices of a mediator or go-between, that he be made Leader of the House instead of Carm Mifsud Bonnici, who had stepped down from that position.
His request was – obviously – not met.
Tonio Borg has now been made Leader of the House. Meanwhile, the prime minister has assumed the workload and portfolio of the home affairs ministry. He will decide to whom this should go. But I think we can say with certainty that it will not be Franco Debono and that Debono will find some reason to create a new series of scenes when he discovers this.
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There is a flight to Italy tomorrow at 8:35am. Please Franco treat yourself to a one-way ticket and give the rest of us a holiday… from you.
Tridx naghmlulu gabra ghax tant qieghed high bhal issa ma jafx fejn qeghda rasu.
Pity the Mistra king is not a lawyer – otherwise a sure candidate for the post.
I do not think that he needs to go as far as Italy. A hospital in Attard is a much better and safer place for him.
Daphne, you usually rub my feathers the wrong way when you call people “peasants”. But in this case I think it’s completely justified.
I think that what Franco Debono needs is a day in a brothel to vent his obvious pent-up frustration.
Probably if he was appeased by being appointed Leader of the House he would have either abstained or voted against the motion. But good move not giving in again.
I offer him the position of the Leader of the Opposition. It has been sort of vacant for some years.
Il-Prim Ministru qed jagixxi kif suppost. Ahna hafna li ma naqblux mieghu, imma fil-verita’ qed imexxi b’sens ta’ responabilita’ u mhux b’reazjoni ghax xi haga.
Nemmen li jekk issir elezzjoni, xorta jirbaha il-PN, ghax il-PL bla ghazla, bla direzzjoni u mhux partit matur biex imexi.
BISS iridu isiru decizjonijiet iebsa qabel. Jekk il-PN ser ihalli nies bhal Franco Debono, JPO, Mugliette, u ohrajn li jahdmu minn wara (qedin komdi fuq siggu iehor ta’ poter u flus), ma hemmx cans li jirbhu.
Poor, poor Franco, he has been shouting and screaming to be someone important.
There is a vacant post for a minister. Can he apply? What does he have to do to get the job?
They shoot horses don’t they?
Ghandi kurzitá, Dan il-kankru jikkwalifika ghal-pensjoni mill-parlament?
After all he’s put us through, I can’t believe that this man thinks he can still become leader of the house/ minister/ prime minister even!
He must be one thick, stupid, deluded, frigging crazy individual.
It appears you were mentioned in dispatches, Daphne. Looks like FD also thinks that GonziPN is your paymaster.
[Daphne – No, that’s not exactly what he thinks.]
Nahseb Franco nesa l-proverbju Malti li Hadd wara Hadd tigi ta’ kulhadd.