I'm tempted to call him an ugly little c**t, but you know, he teaches gender and politics so best not.
This comment came in beneath my post about Professor Godfrey Pirotta and his discussion of the menstrual cycles of women political journalists whose views upset him.
I don’t want it to be missed in the general flow, so I’m highlighting it here.
A professor who teaches gender and politics issues at the university, disparaging those with whose politics he does not agree, on the basis that they’re menstruating or menopausal?
What is this country? In the United States or Britain, he would have to step down. If he refused, he would be severely reprimanded by his university and slated in the press.
But he apparently thinks he lives in the land of Silvio Berlusconi or Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
Our university must be trawling through the gutter when it reports to the police a student editor for publishing a so-called dirty story, then does nothing about trash like Godfrey Pirotta and his sexist comments from the Mad Men era.
How is he fit to teach gender when he makes wisecracks about the menopause and menstrual cycles of journalists?
This disgraceful Pirotta man is Head of Department of Public Policy at the university.
He gives credit number CLS 1205 entitled Gender and Political Science. I quote from the university website.
‘OBJECTIVES : This unit is intended to help participants to grasp the evolving importance of gender in modern society . . . It is hoped that students would . . be in a better position to integrate gender perspectives at their place of work.
THEMES COVERED: Gender and media images.’
This man is clearly not fit to occupy the position he holds and to lecture in this subject. He is the country’s top academic arbiter on Gender and media images. Sweet holy Jesus.
In an ironic twist this runt has appointed his Labour buddy Helena Dalli as a visiting lecturer in his department.
Now Helena Dalli is shadow minister of Gender Equality.
I am not holding my breath to see Helena commenting on the unacceptable rantings of her boss in her weekly column.
Pirotta should be dealt with by the university. Immediately.
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I really worry about my grandchildren being ‘taught’ by such twerps.
Why would a Brit contemplate in educating his grandchildren in Malta?
I have no idea how long you’ve been around here, but you might have already noticed by now that the education system in Malta, which may i remind you was for the last 25 odd years managed by consecutive Nationalist Governments, has countless flaws. Suffice to mention the very high percentage of the population who cannot express themselves in one of the country’s official languages (that’s English).
Like you, I am worried too. On this I’m with you, for different reasons perhaps, but with you nonetheless.
[Daphne – Harry Purdie is Canadian, not British. And some of his grandchildren are Maltese.]
Unfortunately the Rector is too much of a wimp to take action.
Pirotta’s students should just stand up and be counted, and walk out of his next three lectures to show their disdain at his behaviour.
I want to send the link to the university rector but can’t find his Facebook page. Has he removed or hidden it? Do you have a screenshot?
I think that the rector should be made aware of this.
Why do his women students not object? I would raise hell if a pervert like him utters another word about menstrual cycles and the rest.
Give him a break poor thing, maybe Lolita Pusang found Anglu more enticing.
To think he considered learning Filipino to engage in smart conversation and add to his percentage of spoken world languages.
Or maybe he discovered Lolita had a little something extra.
There appears to be a Gender Issues Committee at Uni:
http://www.um.edu.mt/gender/ and a policy:
Luckily, the Committee (http://www.um.edu.mt/gender/members) is (wo)manned by some good people. Hopefully this issue is noted.
Godfrey Pirotta must be married to someone who made a fuss over being pre-menstrual and, subsequently, menopausal. Why else would he have that attitude, and advertise it so unashamedly?
I lived in a household of women for the greater part of my life, and would never have known when it was “that time of the month” for any of us. We simply got on with it, as it should be.
He has a wife, born just a after him in late 1947.
[Daphne – Definitely post-menopausal then. He should tell us about it.]
By the way, what’s he still doing at the university when he turns 65 this year?
It’s time he moved on and joined the young progressive democrats of this country.
No word from the Women’s Council? Is there some feminist lobby group at the university to tackle this issue? I know there was a gender issues committee at the university. Is it still functioning?
What about the women’s rights groups? They must be too busy taking part in late morning ONE radio programs to actually notice the nutty professor’s sexist taunts.
It is amazing how Facebook relentlessly catches out little twerps like Pirotta. Professor of gender issues indeed.
What he wrote was nothing but sexist drivel.
If he had a shred of decency left he would resign forthwith.
If we lived in a more civilized country , the whole media would be up in arms demanding , a public apology at least, from the professor for his sexist remarks.
True this man should be at least reprimanded but then we will have Labour shrieking that he is being victimised for his political beliefs.
Masters Research Supervision
He is currently principal supervisor in the following areas leading to a Masters Degree in Public Policy:
Issues of gender policy in Malta and local government policy issues.” – http://www.um.edu.mt/fema/publicpolicy/staff/godfreypirotta
“to grasp the evolving importance of gender in modern society”
Poor students.
The head of department has not grasped anything himself.
No, not yet.
Judging by his own thick comments, he probably never will.
On 5 March, Helena Dalli wrote in The Times: ´I am proud to say, with conviction, that we will be working toward having the most feminist party”.
Not with this professor around ……
Obviously he won’t resign. He’ll probably say that what he wrote is his personal view and not his professional view – or some other mumbo jumbo like that.
After all, the Prisoner in Brussels can say it, so why can’t he?
This reminds me of a time when the previous rector used to refer to women present during a board meeting as ‘is-sinjurini’.
Methinks it’s high time the professors are taught ‘Gender and Political Science’ and not lecture on it.
On Bondi+ tonight Henry Frendo has helped, in no small way to redress the balance in favour of the academic body of our alma mater.
He has amply shown that not all professors belong to the ‘bl-affari’ Pirotta category. Far from it.
Frendo’s performance was top-notch.
Henry Purdie, take heart.