Has the Labour Party taken collective leave of its senses?

Published: May 15, 2012 at 2:00am

On timesofmalta.com a few hours ago:

Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech has raised a breach of privilege complaint against the editors of MaltaStar, One News and One TV, insisting that their report that he, as chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, had had a meeting with Richard Cachia Caruana to coordinate tomorrow’s committee hearing was ‘a blatant lie’.

The committee is due to meet to consider an Opposition motion to censure Mr Cachia Caruana for allegedly working behind parliament’s back to reintegrate Malta in Partnership for Peace. The government has denied the claim.

Dr Zammit Dimech said the media reports were an insult towards him personally and against the committee and constituted a breach of privilege since they was based on his duties in the House.

Dr Zammit Dimech said he had told a MaltaStar reporter that the information was wrong, but the website still carried the news. This afternoon he wrote to the website, but the item was not removed, and it was also carried on the other Labour media.

This, he said, was a clear attempt to hinder and influence him ahead of tomorrow’s committee meeting.

Opposition whip Joe Mizzi said he was raising a privilege complaint against Dr Zammit Dimech. He did not know whether or not DrZammit Dimech was lying, but he could not implicate the Opposition in what had allegedly happened. Furthermore he did nto deny meeting Mr Cachia Caruana.

Dr Zammit Dimech said his complaints were against the Labour-owned media. Their report was absolutely not true.

The Speaker said he will rule in another sitting.

Separately, the government issued a statement to deny the MaltaStar report.It said the Labour media had invented the story about a meeting which never took place. Even if the meeting had taken place, this would not have been relevant for the discussion within the House committee since the committee was not a court, as the Labour Party was making it out to be.

Labour whip Joe Mizzi raises a breach of privilege complaint against Francis Zammit Dimech because, Mizzi says, Zammit Dimech shouldn’t implicate the Labour Party in his accusations against Maltastar, One News and One TV.

Is the man nuts? Maltastar, One New and One TV are OWNED by the Labour Party. They are the Labour Party’s propaganda machine.

And they’re nuts, too. Exactly what do they hope to achieve in the credibility and authenticity stakes by telling bare-assed lies about one of the most honest, correct, decent and well-respected MPs in the entire house?

He tells them that their information is wrong, and still they repeat it. What are these people?

When they’re elected to government, it will be like being governed by the National Enquirer or the Daily Star.

Il-vera qabda mgienen inkazzati. The closer they feel they’re getting to the seat of power, the madder and more irresponsible their behaviour becomes.

Government by Joseph, Kurt, Charlon, Byon, Quinton, Brandon, Jason and the rest of the Super One ‘ON’ squad (and let’s not forget that Joseph is one of them still). And to cannibalise a famous McDonalds question: would we like some dinosaurs with that?

19 Comments Comment

  1. Matt says:

    The MLP is not worthy of being in Opposition let alone being in government.

  2. Neil Dent says:

    Here is the first comment under the above report. Look who has now migrated from the Times’ printed letters pages, to the online comments boards. Oh the humanity!

    ‘Eddy Privitera
    Yesterday, 19:54
    Just heard the news. Zammit Dimech has not replied to the direct questions put to him by MPs Dr. Alfred sant and Joe Mizzi, as to whether he did meet RCC or not !Very interesting !!’

  3. Jozef says:

    ‘….the committee was not a court, as the Labour Party was making it out to be.’

    Same old story, they ignore the basic premise of why institutions exist, to inflict their brand of democracy.

    As for doubting his colleague’s integrity by implying he could be lying, Joe Mizzi, Opposition whip, brings the house into disrepute.

    Where’s Franco? He’s not one to stand for this.

  4. Lomax says:

    Besides, even it it WERE true that Francis Zammit Dimech and Richard Cachia Caruana met that day, how can the PL conclude what was discussed?

    Was anybody present?

    Of course this is just for the sake of argument. But this is the craziness of the Labour Party. They spin a lie and expect us to believe them and the PN to do nothing about it.

    This is very dangerous.

  5. Bob says:

    They are accusing him of being at the Westin hotel at the same time as someone else was there. Wow. Soon he will not be able to go to Valletta when someone else is there too.

    I go to the Westin quite a lot as it is a great place to be and relax. You see many different people there, but it does not mean they are all there together. The PL need to grow up and get out.

  6. Nero says:

    I think that this letter deserves prominence:


    This might be of interest to many, though those who were not directly involved will find it very hard to understand the true harassment, worry and suffering of the shareholders and their families::

    “Thus, I cannot see how one can categorically state that the police (aided by thugs?) were not involved in threatening NBM shareholders with dire consequences if they did not immediately transfer their shares to government. Indeed, it was no secret that even MALTA’S AMBASSADOR TO ITALY AT THE TIME (my caps) was involved in seeking the signatures, by personally calling at their Rome addresses, of members of Marquis Scicluna’s family who had substantial equity interests in the NBM.”

    The ambassador in question was the late Carmel J. Mallia. I believe he is the same ambassador referred to elsewhere on your blog ( http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2012/04/lino-spiteri-is-in-no-position-to-know/#comment-243168 ) for personally ringing up a Maltese shareholder overseas to sign away her shares (though he had, apparently, got the reaction he deserved). My reliable sources have it that that woman in question was the sister of the then chairman of the National Bank.

  7. Gino says:

    How is Francis Zammit Dimech still denying those claims when videos are shown with the date? What is he pretending? Going to Hilton and not getting observed and reported about. This man must be Adami’s predecessor.

    [Daphne – What videos, Gino? The Westin, not the Hilton. ‘X’jippretendi’ does not translate as ‘what is he pretending’. I think you must mean successor rather than predecessor, but I still don’t understand what you mean in general.]

    • Gino says:

      Successor??? How could he be Adami’s successor when FZD has been there for light years before?? What the fuck….btw it’s Beppe just in case you haven’t realised. Mela Fenech Adami kien jigdeb jew, ma tarax.

      [Daphne – What does Beppe Fenech Adami have to do with it? Are you on something strange? Early Grey tea, perhaps?]

    • Neil Dent says:

      Gino – Daphne (and others I’m sure – me included) haven’t got a clue what you are talking about. It’s like you’re talking in some strange code. She has only asked you to clarify what you’ve posted already.

      Enlighten us please.

  8. Dee says:

    I would have thought that if A wants to have a meeting with B to discuss something of a controversial nature ,far from prying eyes and ears, the best place to hold said meeting would be in someone’s PRIVATE home ,and not in a PUBLIC hotel.

  9. Herbie says:

    Le hi, dawk independenti bhal l-Orizzont u jaghtuna biss il-FATTI tal-gurnata.

  10. Dad's Army says:


    Is it possible to check on just how many years , Judge JR Micallef takes on average, to decide a case, any case?

    Justice delayed is justice denied.

  11. DICKENS says:

    The ex-green politician of the year and would-be despoiler of Mistra Valley is sounding his own trumpet as the protector of the valleys (widien Artna) on his face-book.


    Does he care to inform us on just how many protest marches did his association take part in of late ,in support of the enviormental issues?

    • Jozef says:

      At twenty to six in the morning he’s already on his second cup of tea, listening to Vivaldi.

      • Dad's Army says:

        Forget Vivaldi. He would be dancing to Rod Stewart’s “Do You Think I’m Sexy” more likely.

  12. Neil Dent says:


    Strange – the only person of interest that Mr. Cachia Caruana saw in the Westin on Sunday, was Luciano Busuttil. How about that then Eddy Privitera?

  13. Francis Saliba MD says:

    “When one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it.” (Joseph Goebells – Hitler’s propaganda minister)

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