Jeffrey: an embarrassment to the Malta Council of Science and Technology (and to himself)

Published: May 8, 2012 at 11:28am

Left click on the image to read it. Sorry I keep repeating that but one can’t assume anything.

Hey, Charles. I don’t write or think with my teeth. But I’d climb into Jeffrey’s chair if I were you. You never know, he might be inclined to pull your todger.

18 Comments Comment

  1. fran says:

    Do these people work?

    [Daphne – Charles doesn’t, no. He’s retired after a lifetime of comfort at Air Malta.]

  2. A. Charles says:

    “A BIRMINGHAM doctor and dentist have been arrested following an investigation by The Sunday Times into the scandal of genital mutilation inflicted upon girls living in Britain”.
    (The Sunday Times, London)

    Per cadere piu in basso, I think you should put the above news item in your FB page, Jeffrey.

    As a colleague in the profession, I think your comment “The moral of the story? Don’t mess around with dentists” is uncalled for.

  3. Paul Bonnici says:

    There you go, Daphne. You have a dentist for free.

    • Grezz says:

      Would one really trust Jeffrey as a dentist, especially after he, presumably, found that article funny?

  4. psa says:

    Dan Charles li kien jilghab/imiss id-duda tat-tfal tieghu biex juri imhabbtu lejhom?

    [Daphne – Iva.]

  5. edgar says:

    I never imagined that we would ever see Charles J Buttigieg from Mellieha passing comments again. I would have thought that he would go and jump in a lake with shame after announcing that he pulled his sons’ willies.

  6. ciccio says:

    Jeffrey, beware when the likes of Charles J show you signs of affection.

  7. TROY says:

    OMG, Charles il-Lallu is back in the Hate Daphne brigade. Maybe your wife should go to Jeff, Charles, and get rid of those rotten teeth.

  8. Grezz says:

    How embarassing these people are.

  9. silvio says:

    This was in one of the London papers:

    Dentist’s nurse accuses dentist of continuously peeing in the basin meant for patients to rinse their mouth in.

  10. Joe says:

    Hahaha good one, Daphne. A codger without a todger!

  11. Willie Cojones says:

    Somebody needs to show Charles J some affection. Any volunteers?

  12. lino says:

    Actually Charles’ comment confirms that Daphne ‘tigdem fil-laham il-haj’. And rightly so.

  13. u Le! says:

    Thanks to Jeffrey I stopped enjoying Mr. Harper’s performance in ‘My Family’

  14. frank says:

    That story doesn’t appear to be true:

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