Joseph Muscat: a bloody fraud

Published: May 7, 2012 at 1:11am

Just listen to Muscat’s speech today, what brass neck. The Nationalist Party shatters the dreams of the young. He and his Labour Party will work to make young people fulfil their dreams.


This is the man who bent over backwards to shatter the dreams of generations by keeping Malta out of the European Union. The bloody fraud should tell the young people in his audience, who probably think that he personally piloted them into Europe, the truth about his dark, Luddite past.

Then they might know him for what he really is: the arch enemy of their dreams.

The only dreams Joseph Muscat cares about are his own. The irony is that he was able to fulfil them only because his plan to keep Malta out of Europe didn’t succeed.

Oh, and he’s going to bake a new middle-class, is he? How – by using the old middle-class as fuel?

18 Comments Comment

  1. SC says:

    That blue tie is going to drive me crazy. Wear your own colours. It really is quite sad that you are embarrassed about wearing your party’s colours.

  2. pazzo says:

    X`inhu jaghmel il-PN – raqad? `Mnalla hemm int, Deph. Thanks.

    • NOTMLPandproudofit. says:

      Inutli li il-PN ivara skemi elettronici ta’ djalogu mal-eletturi, jekk fl’ahhar tal-gurnata nibqu ‘paroli si e fatti no’.

      Jehtieg li wiehed jara fejn huma il-labour moles fis-soliti ”vote-losing” awtoritajiet li qedin deliberatament jghatu fama hazina lil gvern b’certi decizjonijiet kontroversjali , regolamenti u impozizzjonijiet li ma jaghmlux sens prattiku jew logiku, u zbalji kbar li taghhom jispicca ihallas il-konsumatur iz-zghir.

      Fejn jinstabu dan il moles ghandhom jitnehhew, u l awtoritajiet ghandhom jaghmlu dak li hu possibbli biex min mar f’ras il-ghajn u ghamel ilmenti civili u f’waqtom jiehu dak li haqqu mil aktar fis-possibbli.

      B’hekk jista il-PN jassikura ruhu li ha akkwista lura l eluf ta’ voti Nazzjonalisti meta tasal elezzjoni.

  3. Joe Micallef says:

    This is the virtual reality Muscat is trying so hard to establish – he is trying to transpose foreign realities (topical example would be France) onto Malta – and he is very selectve avoiding Spain as run by his hero Zapatero.

  4. David Sciberras says:

    Silly me, there I was thinking that all those plaques at University which read ‘funded by the EU’ or ‘partially funded by the EU’ are there because the Nationalist government doesn’t care about education

    ….SURE IT DOESN’T…..

    Any student with an ounce of common sense should see right through this idiot.

  5. Neil Dent says:

    He’s convinced that Labour are ‘on the right side of history’ – a proud Gonzi mantra from not so long ago, affirmed and reaffirmed time and time again by the Nationalists in government.

    Muscat’s ripping off of that phrase is like a sick joke.

    Yes, he’s a brass-necked fraud. I mean, of all people?

  6. Lomax says:

    He is not only a bloody fraud but a manipulative liar. He bends over backwards to rewrite history. First he described the Mintoff years as “the Golden Years”, then he tried to make us forget that the MLP had been elected in the 96 election and now he wants to make us forget how he wanted us out of the EU and worked hard for it.

    Fact remains that history cannot be rewritten.

    I wonder, do the people listening to him actually believe him?

    Above all, does he believe himself?

    • AJS says:

      Lomax, you might want to read The Prince – it should give you an excellent framing of our Prattikament Prim Ministru (for life?)

    • yor/malta says:

      And yet so many believe him. I’ll wager that as soon as he is elected he will do what Mintoff and Sant did and declare Malta’s ‘kaxxa’ empty. Then he’ll squeeze us dry and blame the ‘dizastru’ left behind by tal-PN.

  7. ciccio says:

    And the next thing this political fraud will be doing is to vote in favour of his own (or his own party’s) Parliamentary motion against the man (Mr. Richard Cachia Caruana) who pushed Malta’s agenda in the negotiations with the EU.

    And this political fraud is using Parliament (and the people, whom he incited) to carry out a court trial of a Maltese person who serves his country.

    Such a low direct assault on Malta’s EU Chief Negotiator and Ambassador to the EU.

    This is surely being done “in the national interest” and not in the “political interest of Labour.”

    Joseph’s Labour continues to be driven by a deep anti-EU instinct and sentiment.

  8. Manuel Camilleri says:

    It’s useless. They won’t even see the trick.

    Their minds have been moulded like their parents’, even though many of them are reading (thanks to the PN) whatever at university, their minds are set.

    They do know that EU membership was the PN’s achievement. However, they they are so naive (jahasra) that they look upon Muscat as the re-inventer of the wheel.

  9. elephant says:

    Muscat knows that the great majority of the truly illiterate vote Labour. Whatever he says and whatever the Nationalists say will not make any difference when THE DAY arrives.

    It is time for all whiners to wake up and forget that the pavement in front of their house has not yet been done up, or the garbage bag was not collected on time. We have to shake off this lethargy – soon if not sooner.

  10. mac says:

    Labour has not changed. They still hate the EU.

    And their supporters had been so brainwashed for years that the EU is not good for us that they still think so.

    Talk to any Labour supporter and you will see the venom (put there by their leaders) that they still have against the EU. One doesn’t change his opinion as easily as a puppet on a string.

  11. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    What is this new middle class that he’s on about? Is there such a thing?

  12. Francis Saliba MD says:

    If they believe the lie that Mintoff gained independence for Malta it won’t be hard for them to believe that other lie that it was Muscat and the MLP who obtained the benefits of EU membership to Malta.

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