Mary Mifsud is back, and this time, he’s cunningly disguised as M. Mifsud
Every time reported a story about Franco Debono, a certain Mary Mifsud peppered the comments board beneath, taking on anyone who criticised him and speaking as though she were Franco Debono herself.
When a few of the people commenting on this website began to refer to Franco as Mary Mifsud, there was a bit of a lull in Miss Mary’s enthusiasm. But now she’s back with a vengeance and possibly also a miraculous smartphone that’s on even when it’s off, allowing Miss Mary to keep abreast of challenges to Franco Debono’s wisdom and authority, and reply accordingly.
Beneath yesterday’s report on the start of Franco Debono’s war with former European Court of Human Rights judge Giovanni Bonello (not long now before he asks for his resignation):
s grima
Yesterday, 18:46
m ghadikx kredibli franco……… paroli si fatti NO!!!!!!!!!
M. Mifsud
Yesterday, 19:45
@ S grima.
Thallatx l-affarijiet Sur Grima. Dr Franco Debono hawnhekk qed jitkellem bhala avukat u mhux bhala politiku. U skuzani Sur Grima pero’ bhala avukat ftiet hawn avukati ta’ stoffa bhalu. Ghandu mohh fin li kapaci jgharbel argument jew ligi b’mod analtiku hafna.
Fuq l-argumenti politici tieghu m’inhiex ser nikkumenta ghax ma jidhirlix li hawn hu l-lok adattat biex tikkummenta rigward l-argumenti politici tieghu.
Michael Seychell
Yesterday, 18:39
I am not a legal person so I cannot comment on whether what Franco wrote is correct or not.
Having said this, even if Dr. Fraco Debono is correct in what he said, in my opinion he is totally wrong to raise this matter in the press, as this can only be interpreted that he wants to belittle Judge Giovanni Bonello, more so since Dr. Bonello enjoys great respect throughout and beyond Europe.
This is another confirmation that Dr. Debono wants all the world to know that he is the most knowledgeable person in the world not only on political issues but even on legal matters.
M. Mifsud
Yesterday, 20:07
@ Michael Seychell
Yes you’re right Mr. Seychell you’re not a legal person.
Mr. Seychell please note. Dr. Debono raised this matter in the press because it was first raised in the press by Judge Bonello himself.
That’s all.
Francesca Abela
Yesterday, 17:43
This guy’s ego has no limits and no bounds, Judge Bonello is one of the most senior and respected Judges and yet our Franco presumes to ‘correct’ him. What a pathetic little loser this self inflated little MP is turning out to be!
M. Mifsud
Yesterday, 20:02
@ Francesca Abela
Why are you annoyed with Franco Debono’s arguments. Judge Bonello expressed an opinion on a legal matter in an article he wrote in this newspaper. Franco Debono has a different opnion and he responded to Judge Bonello’s article in the media. That’s all. What’s all the fuss about? A legal expert has expressed an opinion. Another legal expert wrote another article expressing his diverging news. So what?
Grow up please. Leave politics out.
Angelo Vassallo
Yesterday, 15:50
@ Franco Debono
Please read carefully!!!!!!!!!!!
HUMILITY – Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. It is a spirit of self-examination; a hermeneutic of suspicion toward yourself and charity toward people you disagree with. The courage of the heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous, and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved.
Reverence for those who have wisdom and those who selflessly teach in love. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one’s own self. Being faithful to promises, no matter how big or small they may be. Refraining from despair and the ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation.
M. Mifsud
Yesterday, 19:54
@ Angelo Vassallo.
From where have you obtained this quotation Mr. Vassallo. Please quote book, author, chapter line and verse. Or is this all your scribbling vernting your rantings.
One may not be im sinc with Dr. Debono’s political ideas, but one cannot deny one simple fact about the man. He’s a fine legal mind. And his legal arguments are really valid.
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Good to see that like the Prime Minister and the government, M. Mifsud survived Franco’s rants of the last 6 months.
Ooops, sorry, and I have to add, like the rest of us….
Isn’t this illegal? If it’s him, and The Times should know, he’s putting up adverts for his law firm on a newspaper under a false identity.
‘Fine legal mind, legal expert, avukat ta’ stoffa’, surely the chamber could look into it.
Would a fine legal mind write to the Times as Mary Mifsud?
Do we need more proof?
This is hilarious.
I always wondered who comes to the rescue of “top criminal lawyers” when they need legal help themselves. Mary Mifsud gave me the answer.
Jaqq man.
And now we find out he’s got a multiple personality disorder…. this is getting serious.
I’d get seriously worried if Franco Debono turns up in tights for parliament. You know… forgetting to change after dressing up as a woman to comment on
It is also dangerous that Franco Debono is actually reading the comments others write about him.
There once was a comic strip depicting a the reaction one gets when reading the comments-board… does anyone have a link to it ?
Yawn, is this guy boring or what?
This Franco has got some weird aliases.
I saw Mary on TVam this morning. She could not stop praising herself.
I think the technical term for the Mary Mifsud character is ‘sock puppet’.
Ahjar ma nghid xejn fuq Mary, ghax baqbqitni kemm ‘il darba.
Kulltant anke Lilly Vella tbaqbaqni.
Who else would write about him as “Dr. Franco Debono”?
Mary threw quite a ferocious tantrum this evening in parliament. Is it that time of the month or what?