Reserved seats for young nonentities, while Helena Dalli and MPs struggle to find their own

Published: May 8, 2012 at 1:35pm

The Labour Party’s communications coconut has released photographs of Joseph’s public meeting last Sunday. One of the photographs was taken when the young people seated behind Is-Salvatur Il-Gdid rose to applaud him, exposing the paper ‘Reserved’ notices on their chairs.

You have to hand it to these chaps: they try hard, but they really slip up on the details. No wonder they just don’t get people like Richard Cachia Caruana.

So the reserved seats were for the photogenic nonentities directly behind Joseph in the camera’s sights, allowing him to feed off their reflected youth like a sort of middle-aged vampire with the face of the three little pigs in my childhood Ladybird book.

As for those details, if they were going to all the trouble of choosing young people, they could at least have made sure they were good-looking. With the exception of one woman behind the great leader, they all looked like dorks from a village youth club Sunday outing, the sort who go on picnics with priests and nuns and wear fleeces in winter.

Then the coconut, slipping up on the details again, released another photograph showing the arrangement of the place: young people (scraping the bottom of the looks barrel) behind Muscat, directly in the camera’s line of vision; politicians banked uo to his right and ordinary people to his left; all the oldies and fatties and detritus directly in front of him, where they wouldn’t be caught on camera, except by the party’s own camera in a picture which Kurt the Communications Man released.

Here’s another detail: Joseph should learn how to contain his excitement. In one of these photographs, he looks like he’s getting off on the certainty of an easy ride into the prime minister’s chair. He wears the facial expression of a man who is interested in women and who has unexpectedly walked into a room full of nude page 3 girls and told he can stay.

17 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    “Garanzija ghaz-zaghzagh.”

    Can we see the terms and conditions, and the small print please?

  2. dudu says:

    Does the look sported by the guy on the right (blue shirt, washed-up jeans), in the first photo, count as the male version of the Middle Eastern look?

  3. JPS says:

    It seems that someone at the Labour Party HQ has managed to obtain a copy of ‘The Complete Idiots Guide to Politics’ …..
    (it really exists…..)

  4. TROY says:

    Pity we couldn’t see the ‘applause now’ sign.

  5. TROY says:

    Is that Inspector Gadget to the right of ‘el supremo’?

    What the flipping hell is this old geezer doing with those young socialists. And where is his baby elephant?

  6. Censu says:

    Ajma, dak il-geddum, kemm hu helu Joseph taghna.

    [Daphne – It’s called prognathism ]

  7. Kollox blue says:

    What’s the thing with the white collar shirts? One can see three or four of them behind Joseph Muscat, including the Rising Star from Dingli. Did Labour get a cheap consignment from North Korea in return for the wishes of shining achievements?

  8. cikku l-poplu says:

    Ninnota li hafna minhom qieshom gew ordnati jilbsu l-blu donnu sar moda l-blu anke mal-ahmar.


  9. Ciro Ciro says:

    Where is Cyrus Engerer?

  10. Amanda Cortis says:

    Is the guy in the blue shirt the token hamallu?

    [Daphne – TOKEN? I’m not sure I see anything else.]

  11. Lilla says:

    And what’s with all these billboards with the girl and the words “Garanzija għaż-Żgħazagħ: Tagħlim, Taħriġ u Xogħol” with only a small caption in the right hand corner stating ‘Partit Laburista’.

    Are they embarrassed? Ashamed? Stupid? Because if you want to put your point across and promote yourself, you don’t hide your name and trademark.

    It’s probably all three.

    And by the way: “Tagħlim, Taħriġ u Xogħol” – don’t we already have all this under the current administration?

  12. Viva l-Labour (ghal xi whud) says:

    The lady clapping her hands on the left side of the picture (with long dark hair and specs) is someone who in 1998 found a job in Castille as one of Helena Dalli’s people.

    Once Labour back to the opposition she returned to her previous place of work which surely wasn’t the private sector.

  13. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Where has his Cyrus gone to?

  14. cat says:

    Who is Joseph’s and his party’s image consultant?

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