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Published: May 31, 2012 at 12:32pm

Posted by Pablo:

“Franco Debono did not vote with the Opposition. The Opposition voted with Franco Debono.”

Yes, that pretty much sums up the situation, and how people are looking at it this morning. Even Labour supporters are embarrassed at how the party has been used by Franco Debono as his stooge. He got what he wanted and used the Labour Party, which got nothing, to achieve it.

Forcing the resignation of a decent man in such circumstances is not an achievement for the Labour Party, and they’ve only just come to understand this, which is why they’re looking so confused and unsure what to do or say.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Dee says:

    I’m listening to Super one radio right now. Labour have Michael Falzon right now trying to reduce the embaressment the LP has found itself in after finally realisng that they were used by Franco Debono as a battering ram against Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

  2. Sue Borg says:

    “If a politician isn’t doing it to his wife, then he’s doing it to his country.” – Amy Grant

  3. ciccio says:

    Pablo is absolutely spot on.

    Franco Debono has used them. Led them by the nose.

    Yesterday, after the vote, Joseph Muscat appeared on PBS with Reno Bugeja. Joseph’s appearance was like “We won something. Now what was the prize?”

  4. ciccio says:

    In the circumstances, a few Haikus would be appropriate. Since I am not an expert on the matter, I apologise if I did not follow the rules, but it’s the message that counts.


    Irbahieh il-vot
    li ried Franco Debono
    Imma ghaliex tlifna giehna?


    Franco ghadek zghir
    ghal-siggu ta’ Ministru
    Tridx kaxxa biex titla fuqha taghmel il-priedka tat-tifel?


    Nixtieq, Nixtieq
    Is-siggu tal-Gustizzja
    Dak is-siggu mkisser fil-Qorti min poggihuli hemm?

    Ir-rizultat tal-bierah
    Kien eccellenti
    Imma mhux daqs tieghi tal-Form 2c.

  5. SC says:

    Joseph won the political equivalent of a set of steak knives.

  6. Qabadni l-Bard says:

    “Yes, that pretty much sums up the situation, and how people are looking at it this morning. Even Labour supporters are embarrassed at how the party has been used by Franco Debono as his stooge. He got what he wanted and used the Labour Party, which got nothing, to achieve it.”

    I don’t agree, the core Labourites do not give a shit about what who or why, they are just happy that the Government has been dealt a humiliating blow and they are all asking for elections. The end justifies the means. People with decency, common sense and certain level of IQ might subscribe to the above analysis but people like Eddie Privitera and Super One listeners are definitely not feeling embarrassed, quite the contrary!

    [Daphne – It’s not the core vote and Super One’s audience that Labour needs to impress to win an election. It’s the people who weren’t impressed at all.]

  7. Mister says:

    Joseph Muscat has just been dumped by Franco Debono and he is just waking up to it.

    He might want to bulk-buy some Deżerta to ease the pain and suffering.

  8. Crockett says:

    Frankly, I’m disgusted and angry at Debono’s latest piece of work.

    And the level of disgust and anger is at the same level it was when Labour clung to power in ’81, the same as during the Tal-Barrani incidents and the ugly violence that marked those years.

    I’m as disgusted as when Labour kept us out of Europe, as disgusted as when silly Sant declared Labour won the effing referendum.

    A couple of weeks ago, I met a journalist friend for a quick chat and a coffee. It was after office hours, even though some journalists don’t really stick to them, for obvious reasons.

    I recall his mobile went off 4 or 5 times during our conversation, much to his annoyance. Guess who was calling?

  9. Marisa borg says:

    Since Minister Mifsud Bonnici resigned from his post because according to Franco Debono and the opposition, the departments he was responsible for, were of little or no good.

    At this point in time I expect that the new home affairs minister that is the prime minister will ask for the resignation of the police commissioner, the director of prisons and the director of civil protection since they are of little or no good either.

  10. bryan says:

    I disagree with Pablo. Labour did manage to achieve something. They managed to reunite alienated and disgruntled PN supporters, and for that Franco deserves a big pat on the back. Sweet ironies of life.

  11. Anthony says:

    Very good comment.

    Put in idiomatic Maltese :

    Il-grupp parlamentari Laburista serva lil Franco Debono ta’ vas.

  12. PG says:

    Shame on you, Franco Debono. You let Labour lead you by the nose. Satisfied now with the resignation of one of our decent ministers? You have disgusted many, many people, believe me. Call yourself a Nationalist. Hallina.

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