You can tell already what the Labour government’s problems are going to be

Published: May 16, 2012 at 7:00pm

Here’s the intellectually and educationally challenged Luciano Busuttil, shouting in capital letters on his Facebook wall and asking whether it was a coincidence that Francis Zammit Dimech and Richard Cachia Caruana were in the same hotel lobby – when he, Luciano, was there too.

And he only saw one of them anyway, not at the time he claims he did, and they actually exchanged greetings.

Again, I suppose this is what Joseph means when he says that he’s going to turn Malta into a METTOKRAZIJA: people like Luciano Busuttil, who has the mind of a snail in the sun, will get positions of responsibility, based on the inverse meritocracy principle that it’s not what you know but who you know.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Joseph Borg says:

    Dan jaf juzha l-lingwa Maltija? Jew dan huwa it-tip ta Malti li jintuza fil-Qorti?

  2. spa says:

    There’s only one thing I envy this man….his hair.

  3. Socrates says:

    Luciano must learn that in politics one scores points on things that matter, and not on matters which are of no substance.

    • Not Tonight says:

      If only this were true! In less than a year’s time, Malta will be at the mercy of an incompetent and clueless government the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Sant’s stint at the helm.

      This government has ticked all the boxes that matter, like jobs, education and health, yet is on course to be sent to the opposition benches by a bunch of wannabes and have-beens. How is that fair?

  4. Angus Black says:

    Another one of Joseph’s rising stars. Ouch!

  5. Wagga wagga says:

    Esteri? More like: esterismi.

  6. mattie says:

    Fejsbook sar mezz biex in-nies jidhku iktar bil-qalb.

  7. Rita Camilleri says:

    Ghax ma jghildilniex is Sur Luciano x’kien qed jaghmel hu hemm f’dik l-istess lukanda?

  8. tony says:

    Francis Zammit Dimech goes to the gym at the Westin Dragonara almost every Sunday. Luciano Busuttil and the Labour Party probably don’t know that.

  9. Mister says:

    Tghid Luciano isir Ministru ta’ l-Ittri Kapitali ?

  10. Riya says:

    Forsi gralu bhal Magistrat Consuelo Scerri Herrera meta kienet qalet li rat lil AC Michaeil Cassar imbaghad qalet li hadet zball.

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