Published: June 23, 2012 at 9:05pm

All Nationalist MPs, with the obvious exceptions of Jesmond Mugliett and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith (JPOS), have put their names to a declaration that they never wished, or signified their wish, to vote against Richard Cachia Caruana.

This is in response to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith’s claim, in parliament last Monday, that he knows of another 10 MPs who wanted to do what he did, but felt they could not – the implication being that he’s the hero, because he’s got the bigger balls (min jaf kemm haseb li ammiratu, Carmen Ciantar – miskin, kemm ma jaf xejn).

The Nationalist Party released the declaration last night.


B’referenza għad-diskors tal-Onor Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando li qal fil-Parlament:

“Hawnhekk nista’ nistqarr pubblikament li minn numru ta’ diskussjonijiet li kelli ma’ kollegi tiegħi, li ovvjament mhux se nsemmi isimhom għax kienu privati, jirriżulta li hawn għallinqas għaxar membri parlamentari minn din in-naħa tal-Kamra li jixtiequ jivvutaw għal din il-mozzjoni.”


“Ħa nerġa’ ntenni li hawn tal-anqas għaxar deputati oħra sħabi minn din in-naħa tal-Kamra li jixtiequ jagħmlu hekk ukoll.”

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista għandu f’idejħ dikjarazzjonijiet minn 33 deputat illi jicħdu kategorikament li kellhom xi intenzjoni li jixtiequ jivvotaw favur il-mozzjoni tal-MLP jew li kellmu lid-Deputat Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando f’dan ir-rispett.

Id-deptutati huma:

L-Onor. David Agius
L-Onor. Frans Agius
L-Onor. Robert Arrigo
L-Onor. Frederick Azzopardi
L-Onor. Jason Azzopardi
L-Onor. Charlo Bonnici
L-Onor. Tonio Borg
L-Onor. Joe Cassar
L-Onor. Dolores Cristina
L-Onor. Franco Debono
L-Onor. Giovanna Debono
L-Onor. Louis Deguara
L-Onor. Mario deMarco
L-Onor. Joseph Falzon
L-Onor. Jean Pierre Farrugia
L-Onor. Tonio Fenech
L-Onor. Beppe Fenech Adami
L-Onor. Censu Galea
L-Onor. Mario Galea
L-Onor. Austin Gatt
L-Onor. Lawrence Gonzi
L-Onor. Michael Gonzi
L-Onor. Karl Gouder
L-Onor. Peter Micallef
L-Onor. Philip Mifsud
L-Onor. Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici
L-Onor. Clyde Puli
L-Onor. George Pullicino
L-Onor. Chris Said
L-Onor. Stephen Spiteri
L-Onor. Edwin Vassallo
L-Onor. Ninu Zammit
L-Onor. Francis Zammit Dimech

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jitlob li, invista tad-dikjarazzjoni ċara tat-33 deputat illi huma qatt ma kellmu lil Onor Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, jsemmi hu min huma l-għaxar deputati li rrefera għalihom.

Frank Psaila
Direttur Uffiċċju Informazzjoni

13 Comments Comment

  1. gogemini says:

    Its rather strange thayt you haven’t as yet shared your views with us about Franco’s communication to the PN executives contesting the party’s decision to condemn him.

    Rather weird.

    [Daphne – Not weird at all. As a committed democrat, I respect his right to do so. Procedure allows for it.]

  2. A Montebello says:

    Well I guess JPOS has no option but to disclose the names of the 10 politicians he referred to, and go public with their sms messages, unless he is a bare-faced liar as well as a back-stabber.

  3. FAVETTU says:

    ”The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.” ~ Aristotle

    And careful there with JPO because his is far from an initial deviation from the truth.

  4. xmun says:

    JPO on Dissett as reported on Maltatoday.

    Pullicino Orlando said that he remains a Nationalist MP and “feels comfortable” being a government MP.

    On the PN executive condemnation, the Zebbug MP shed doubts on the democratic credentials of the Nationalist Party and said that neither he nor Muglett and Debono were informed of the meeting. He added that such condemnations “only happen in totalitarian countries.”

    Contradictions galore, will he please decide, is he comfortable or not?

  5. lola says:

    Someone is not saying the truth. I believe JPO’s declaration more.

    • ciccio says:

      Iola, correction: “JPOS’s declaration…”

    • La Redoute says:

      One tells the truth, not says it – and it is immaterial whether Pullicino Orlando is more credible to you or to anyone else. The man acted incorrectly, believing he had massive support and is now disappointed to see that he has not emerged as a hero, but as a spiteful loser.

  6. Botom says:

    The Nationalist Party called his bluff and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando chickened out.

  7. Taks Fors says:

    Le ta! JPO qalilna li ghandu SMSes li jixhdu li hemm ghaxar MPs ohra li xtaqu jivvutaw mal-Labour. U jien min jien biex ma nemmnux? Fuq kollox jien kont li emmintu meta gie jibki fuq it-TV. U la ma urinix il-kuntratt li kellu tal-Mistra ghalfejn ghandu jurini l-SMSes li qal li ghandu. Jien x’cuc jien?

  8. ciccio says:

    The PN gave him a list of 33 out of 35, and JPOS cannot even come up with 1 of 10?

    PN 33, JPOS 0.

    • Jozef says:

      I love it when he says he obviously won’t reveal the names.

      The PN has kindly asked him to provide these, even because it could be rather difficult to take the relative decisions when what he says is true.

      Jeffrey has no choice but to name these, if he doesn’t, it means he doesn’t care for the party he ‘stands for’.

      Or is the pathological liar he is.

      • ciccio says:

        He might publish their names on his Facebook wall. Between photos of his breakfast and video links to Enya.

  9. JPOS and the 10 Sicilians says:

    OK, so JPOS has not come forward with the list of 10.

    Let ME name at least three on the government side who were thinking to vote with Labour:

    1. Jeffrey Pullicino
    2. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
    3. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith

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