And Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith has the nerve to call other men dorks

Published: June 22, 2012 at 1:10am

This is what he looked like when Carmen Ciantar nabbed him. She must have been magnetised by his sex appeal (sorry, SAX appeal), for sure.

The photograph below is what he looks like now – and before you ask, yes, he’s wearing foundation make-up in this picture. He’s stopped dyeing his hair (he used to be quite a sight at the hairdresser’s, with his head wrapped in foil, lined up with the girls) and has started colouring his face instead.

Ma jmurx tahrablu Carmen Ciantar ma’ xi wiehed sexy minn tal-Labour. Daqs kemm hemm ghazla kbira.

The best comment (because it is so true) about this post came from Antoinette (below):

These nerds are always the most dangerous ones. They sometimes come into their own around middle age and think, “it’s now or never” and start trying to relive their youth, but this time as a cool person.

It is often when families start breaking apart due to some dork’s newly found “cool” persona. They become insufferable to everyone around them.

How embarrassing for his family that Jeffrey’s wander into lala land is so public.

73 Comments Comment

  1. Dickens says:

    The ex-green politician of the year’s enviormental NGO WIDIEN ARTNA was conspicuous by its absence from the list of objectors.
    What is WIDIEN ARTNA’s stand re development in what is left of Malta’s valleys?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      When Nature Trust declared Pullicino Orlando Green Politician of the Year, he was already trying to develop his large Mistra plot.

      He wanted to build what he described as a “reservoir” back in 1998 but this was refused even at reconsideration stage (PA/04572/98).

      Barely three years after being Green Politician of the Year, he and his business associate, at long last, managed to obtain an outline permit to build a disco (PA/05880/05).

  2. Danton says:

    ”MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said on Thursday evening that 10 government MPs on Monday night wished to vote for the motion (…) He said the exchanges he had with the MPs would remain confidential despite this declaration, but he even had SMSs where some of them said as much. He had retained them but would not publish them”

    Do I detect a slight whiff of blackmail in that exchange?

    This summer promises to be the silliest of seasons ever.

  3. P Shaw says:

    “Ma jmurx tahrablu Carmen Ciantar ma’ xi wiehed sexy minn tal-Labour. Daqs kemm hemm ghazla kbira.”

    Li jkun sexy jew gustuz mhux importanti ghall-Carmen, i.e. il-foundation ta’ Jeffrey kollu ghalxejn.

    L-importanti li jkollu l-flus u/jew power (plus li jimliha bir-rigali, gadgets, accessories u fuq kollox deheb).

    In-numru ta’ ‘vittmi’ matul l-ahhar 25 sena huwa signifikanti, u certament li Jeffrey mhux se jkun l-ahhar wiehed li se jigi mormi meta ma jibqax iktar utli (allavolja haqqu kollox). Ghandha 41 sena u baqghalha x’tahtaf mhux hazin.

    • Iz-Zebbugi says:

      At least another one that knows the truth on this Borgia

    • ciccio says:

      “L-importanti li jkollu l-flus u/jew power (plus li jimliha bir-rigali, gadgets, accessories u fuq kollox deheb).”

      Tghid hu importanti li ikollu xi 5,000 vot u xi 5,000 “frands” fuq kull wiehed minn xi tlett accounts fuq il-Fejsbukk?
      Inkella kif ser naghmluha MP ta’ Joseph?

  4. P Borg says:


  5. Ellie says:

    I bet ‘li xi wiehed sexy minn tal-Labour’ jigri wara Jeffrey, minflok. Min jaf kemm qeghdin jecitaw ruhom tas-Super One.

  6. cat says:

    X’naqa ta’ frenza.

  7. Don’t they all wear foundation in front of the cameras?

    [Daphne – No. And that was an interview with The Sunday Times.]

    • I thought he was facing a camera but I still think they all put makeup on.

      [Daphne – Believe me, they don’t. I’ve worked in the media for years. There are even women who don’t bother to put on make-up, like me.]

    • Matthew Vella says:

      Not all, but quite a few do. They obviously have it done professionally so it isn’t obvious. Even Kennedy used to wear make-up decades ago….

  8. Miss O'Brien says:

    A sorry excuse for a ‘man’.

  9. Joe Xuereb says:

    FYI. Comment by marlene Mizzi on JPO facebook page.!/groups/108083645408/

    One of the most faithfulful apologists of the PN took umbrage at my statement on FB that this nation is no longer democractic! I suppose this apologist would agree that: 1) representatives of the people should be disciplined adn ostracised by their Party for exercising their right of voting according to their opinion and conscience in the House of Representatives, and 2) that the PN Whip requests that journalists ‘keep off’ PN MP’s – a Whip who usually positions himself infront of a camera at every possible occasion ! The PN ostracise their own team members . Imagine how many valid non- PN leaning Maltese nationals were ostracised over these many years of the PN in power? Democracy a la Pieta’ . No thank you!

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Joe, I don’t read your comments on The Times website because you never have the time to write briefly. You must be drinking gallons of Earl Grey, however, to belive that we do not have a democracy.

      The Labour Party has just won a court judgement allowing it to flaunt Mepa regulations. You can be sure that the government and its agencies will disagree with this judgement but abide by it.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        My mistake: the Facebook comment was written by Marlene Mizzi, the woman who launched slightly less than a thousand ships.

        Apologies to Joe Xureb, though my remark about his Times website comments has to stand, I’m afraid.

    • Angus Black says:

      Joe, with all due respect, your arguments are so full of holes, one can drive a fleet of trucks through them.

      1. If, by your argument that, “…the representatives of the people should (not) be disciplined and ostracised by their Party for exercising their right of voting according to their opinion and conscience…”, then why the fuss about the PM voting his conscience in the Divorce issue? Then why, after declaring themselves against the LP’s policies and their intentions to run in next election, both Marie Coleiro Preca and Adrian Vassallo, changed their mind preferring not to suffer the ‘consequences’?

      2. If I am not terribly mistaken, the request by the NP Whip, was regarding government MPs (and MPs in general) while exiting the Palace building after Parliamentary sessions. It had nothing to do about prohibiting the Press from interviewing MPs. It’s a question of security, respect and order. It certainly beats Joseph’s constant refusal to answer questions from the Press, especially by Media-link journalists!

      Mr Xuereb, you pick and choose what you think is best in the interests of those who most flagrantly denied you and the whole populace the most basic human rights and fragmented democracy so much that they made Malta look like a country run by two bit dictators. And it was!

  10. Theresa says:

    And she was obese back then. Two weird people, I say.

  11. Antoniette says:

    These nerds are always the most dangerous ones. They sometimes come into their own around middle age and think, “it’s now or never” and start trying to relive their youth, but this time as a cool person.

    It is often when families start breaking apart due to some dork’s newly found “cool” persona. They become insufferable to everyone around them.

    How embarrassing for his family that Jeffrey’s wander into lala land is so public.

  12. Matt B says:

    Any further comments after reading this article are superfluous.

    • Galian says:

      I agree … but just look at some (most) of the comments below that article, I truly despair.

      • Angus Black says:

        That’s because all pro-RCC comments are carefully filtered and only those which ‘have to be published’ appear.

        My comments are usually censored and not appear at all. Also if one mentions some Labour ‘untouchables’, any negative comments on them will make the whole posting disappear.

  13. Sarah says:

    What a transformation from Fra Jeffery to the open-ecked shirt, his spray-tan, the salt and pepper Clooney-style hair and plucked eyebrows.

    Impressive, JPOS.

    • ciccio says:

      I am eagerly awaiting his next transformation after he is re-registered as Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith (JPOS). Do you think there is a chance we will see him with his hair dyed blonde?

  14. maryanne says:

    Sometimes I think that Labour exists for the sole reason to embarass Malta.

  15. Antoine Vella says:

    In case Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith has forgotten, this is why the PM never even considered him as a possible minister.

  16. Randon says:

    Police ask Adrian Vassallo MP to ring his birds: report in Malta Today. Apparently the law demands this.

    Are Franco Debono’s multitude of birds ringed? I wonder.

    • Angus Black says:

      Did Adrian Vassallo ring Franco Debono?

      On his always-trurned-off-but-always rings mobile, or around his ankle?

  17. FAVETTU says:

    Wicc l-indannati, if ever there was one.

    See JPO’s frantic look on today’s The Times :

    • Galian says:

      What happened to the photo?

    • Bunny Rabbit says:

      When you spend your entire life ruminating on past real and perceived slights, you are forever re-living your past and in so doing, missing out on the present (and the fresh new experiences and challenges it presents), whilst losing insight of what the future may hold.

      That is the problem with JPOS. His latest vengeful act helped him emerge from the time-warp in which he imprisoned himself in these last several years, and now he is at a complete loss at what to do next – which makes him very vulnerable but also very unreliable, unpredictable and irrational.

      No wonder the poor sod looks so frantic, disoriented and restless, and so very pathetic.

      As Fr Joe suggested, we should pity – and pray for – him.

      And spare a thought for Mrs JPOS, whose life with this man, is not going to be a bed of roses or an eternal zumba on the dancefloor of some downmarket club in Mistra.

      • Jozef says:

        It’s called manic depression.

        The worst that was done to him was the applause as he sobbed away. His was an admission to the opposite of what he was saying.

        Then the rebound to prove himself, confusing it with the ideas he wanted to propose. Everything becomes personal, a test on his inner strength.

    • Jozef says:

      He just managed to get a categorical statement from all 33 MP’s, Franco included, that his claim is false.

      Enough said.

  18. fran says:

    My son just whatsapped me a brilliant quote:

    “The best way to test a man’s character is to give him power.”

    How true.

    Jeffrey should reflect on this.

  19. gianni says:

    Check Robert Musumeci’s Facebook. JPOS is talking about Karol Aquilina, his friend Musumeci’s Siggiewi nemesis.

    • Matt B says:

      There actually was one thing that made sense on Musumeci’s Facebook wall, though – perhaps Joe Borg wouldn’t be a bad idea to ‘replace’ RCC in his role.

  20. Babe says:

    The timing of this shameful piece of skulduggery on Richard Cachia Caruana is abyssmal.

    Malta’s interests in the EU will be affected most, not that this minor detail is of the slightest interest to the slobbering jackasses and gibbering hyenas monopolizing the comments boards on timesofmalta and maltatoday.

    Once you wrote that the Maltese tend to argue from the seat of their pants.

    How true.

    • Ellie says:

      The jackasses and hyenas will be even more ecstatic if Malta’s interests in the EU are affected negatively by these developments. their vindictive nature requires much to satiate it.

  21. B. Point says:

    “When you resort to attacking the messenger and not the message, you have lost the debate.”

    [Daphne – Yes, that’s just what happened with the motion against Richard Cachia Caruana, except that they lost the debate and still won the vote.]

  22. Darren says:

    Pullicino’s new shenanigan regarding a new moniker reminds me of that English character, Wolfie Smith, from the comedy series ‘Citizen Smith’.

    Wolfie Smith was an unemployed layabout with grandeur dreams of toppling the British government via a communist revolution, installing his party (which had 6 members) as a dictatorship, and create a communist Britain.

    His schemes were farcical and totally bullish, and every one took him for a total prat. The series was hilarious as opposed to our local ‘Smith’.

  23. Dee says:

    But didn’t this gormless wonder not so long ago state publicly that he had resigned from the PN? What is he on about now?

  24. John Schembri says:

    I’ve been wondering whether these Maltese wannabes are purposely putting up all this as a reality show.

    They sometimes look like the untouchable aristocrats in Blackadder, who are bored stiff with life and cause trouble, or pick on someone to get some excitement to the detriment of their underlings.

  25. Village says:

    Jeffrey you have a clear condemnation from the party. What are you waiting for? Be a man and resign. The party does not want you.

  26. oliver says:

    Some MPs just can`t be trusted at all. They are all liars and deceiving individuals with only one thing in mind, and that’s only themselves. They don`t care about anything or anyone but only themselves. They don`t care about what they destroy or who they hurt, just as long as they themselves are all OK.

    Now that it’s all in the open, not many people have much respect for them anymore.

  27. John Schembri says:

    Sunday 24 June is the Feast of St John the Baptist, who was beheaded not because he did something wrong, but because he was considered to be a hindrance to a king and his wife who was also his brother’s wife.

    The opportunity to get rid of him once and for all presented itself when Salome danced for King Herod and he made her a wild promise which he had to keep. On her mother’s behest, Salome had asked for the head of John the Baptist, whom Herod had imprisoned but did not intend to kill.

    Salome could have asked for half of Herod’s kingdom and he would have obliged, but it seems that John’s head was more precious.

    When Salome was given John’s head on a platter she handed it over to her mother, showing little interest.

    There are many other parallels which can be drawn between John’s beheading story and what happened lately in our parliament.

  28. TROY says:

    This scumbag tried to tarnish RCC’s reputation because he could never, ever be half the man Richard Cachia Caruana is.

    He envies him and tried to break him – and I said ‘tried’ because he will never succeed in doing so.

    RCC’s star will keep on shining while JPOS’s has long since dwindiled, leaving a trail of envy and discontent.

    May I please, Daphne, use your blog to thank Richard Cachia Caruana for always giving his best for our country.

  29. Frank says:

    A deeply disturbed individual.

  30. Enid Blyton says:

    “In November 2007, Mr Camilleri informed him that the outline permit had been granted subject to a lot of conditions which involved a change of plans.”

    There has been recent case-law about outline permits. These are effectively permits, if one abides to the conditions in the OP.

    Mistra (Disco) has a strong possiblity of actually happening.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      The 2005 outline permit for the disco was revoked by Mepa when the scandal broke out. In any case it would have been valid for five years only so someone has to re-apply and start the process all over again.

  31. Dante says:

    Ara vera saret tapplika ghalih l-introduzzjoni tad-Divina Commedia: “Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, che’ la diritta via era smarrita”.

  32. GD says:

    Mugliett, Debono and Pullicino Orland Smith – Les Miserables.

  33. Jozef says:

    He’s after Louis Galea now.

    If only he had the so called, Jeffrey would challenge the PM.

    Why else continue? What he’s doing instead, is showing his masters it’s beyond him.

    If he were the ‘genuine Nationalist’, he wouldn’t provide more ‘internal rift within the PN’ stories to the press.

    You’re not at all sharp Jeffrey, just malleable.

  34. Michelle Pirotta says:

    Here’s something to consider, given the Facebook obsession of both JPOS and his soon-to-be second wife.

    While JPOS proudly lists his status as “In a relationship with Carmen Ciantar”, Carmen has disabled her relationship status, thus making no reference to JPOS.

  35. etil says:

    Today – 23rd June – we have once again been regaled with JPOS’s opinion (without really asking for it) regarding who should have been made President of Malta. JPOS wrote in his statement, third paragraph second sentence – ‘me and Dr. Galea’.

    Well, that does give you further insight into the man’s personality. Should it not have read ‘Dr. Galea and I’? The Earl Grey or whatever he is drinking is certainly going to his head and I would suggest he sticks to fruit juices.

  36. Galian says:

    Daphne, once again you were proved right. Read Marco Cremona’s comment under this article. Will the impetus of his criticism remain the same if there is a change of government?

    Marco Cremona
    Today, 16:06
    Although its not mentioned, one assumes that the water is fresh water (and therefore mains water or groundwater)

    “All the water used in the €600,000 park is recycled and stored in a reservoir beneath the park.”. Oh really? Anybody owning a swimming pool knows that the pool loses a significant % of its water through evaporation and through backwashing of the filters. With all the splashing I have seen in the video clip, I expect the evaporation rate to be higher than that of an average swimming pool.

    The Chief Engineer of the Hilton yesterday mentioned that they experience a 10% loss of water every day from swimming pools at a water saving Conference in which the Minister for Resources delivered a closing speech (in absentia).

    It is SCANDALOUS that in a situation when we finally have it from official’s (and indeed ministers’) mouths that Malta is facing a water crisis, we then go to ‘invest’ hundreds of thousands of euro in (fresh) water parks which not only lose precious water but give the mistaken impression to children and adults alike that this country has lots of water to spare.

    Beats me why the park doesn’t use sea water given that its meters away from the sea! Simply incredible.

    • P Shaw says:

      Another one who thrives in the limelight. He even was on TV parading the adopted twins, as if they were the first couple ever to adopt kids, in order to inflate his big-headedness further.

      He tries to tweak the adoption as an act of genorisity. He embarassed all the honest and struggling adoptive parents, given that the process is long and painful.

    • John Schembri says:

      Dear Galian, I think you’re wrong about Marco.

      Is it OK for you to have precious fresh water used that way?

      Marco is genuinely angry about this water park if it is run on fresh water. Even if we start to pay to enter, it sends the wrong messages.

      If it runs on sea water than it’s another story.

      This idea is plain stupid like the other one of having turf in our roundabout landscaping…it’s just not on.

      • friend of the earth says:

        Now we will see what Marco has to say about Joseph’s bright idea!

        This is what he argued two years ago:

        “Marco Cremona
        Oct 19th 2010, 12:13
        Hello,hello!! I have said this all along, and especially when the PM announced the sea-reclamation project in conjunction with the announcement of 3 golf courses, the first planned for Ix-Xaghra L-Hamra. In both instances it turns out that I was right, common sense prevailed and both sci-fi projects are now effectively dead.

        Sea-reclamation projects in other countries (notably Japan and Singapore) augment services such as ports, harbours – not for real estate. Moreover, Singapore flattened half the country to make the material for sea reclamation readily available, and did not wait for the odd C&D waste vehicle to be redirected from Maghtab to go to the reclamation site.

        Coupled with the fact that the C&D material at Maghtab is contaminated with God knows what and cannot be used for any sea-reclamation project, this idea was clearly a non-starter.

        Unfortunately, we have lost the best of 5 years studying this ‘opportunity’ when we should have implemented sustainable and realistic ways of conserving our stone resource. If this project were given the green light we would have ended excavating good virgin stone (of which we only have 40 years left) simply to justify the sea reclamation project.”

        It seems he’s been caught between a rock and a hard place.

        He is conspicuous by his silence, unlike the outspoken Dr Deidun for example.

        We will see wether Daphne summed him up correctly.

  37. Giovanni says:

    Jeffrey is losing it on TVM’s Dissett.

  38. Il-mignun says:

    Xi hadd jaqtalhi kurzita dwar di Carmen Ciantar. Tidhkux bija, imma illum smajt fuqha l-ewwel darba. Dhalt fuq FB u jekk gharaft sewwa, din bejn 1997 u 1998, kienet SEGRETARJA tal-Profs Louis Buhagiar, dak iz-zmien Segretarju Parlamentari ghall-Kura tal-Anzjani?

  39. Nina says:

    I clearly recall Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s and Carmen Camilleri Ciantar’s (ugly) home featuring in My Favourite Room, when Marie Benoit headed the relevant magazine.

    Maybe her choice of guest should have sounded alarm bells, in much the same way as when she chose to feature Karen and Jesmond Mugliett.

  40. alfie says:

    The only decent way out for the three of them is to resign their seats and let the goverment continue with its work.

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