Comment of the night

Published: June 22, 2012 at 1:06am

This comment was posted tonight by ‘Wishes This Need Not Be Anonymous’, under the post ‘Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith is under pressure and hitting the “Earl Grey”‘.


I heartily wish that I could publish this comment under my full name but my position precludes this.

Mr Pullicino Orlando Smith, I have worked with both Karol Aquilina and Richard Caruana Caruana for a number of years. Karol’s commitment and sense of values is second to very few, offset by a great sense of humour that crops up at the most unexpected moments. If he is a dork then we could do with many more of them.

Mr Cachia Caruana is a fundamentally decent and humane individual whose service to the country in the most difficult circumstances is absolutely unmatched. He will always remain one of the most inspiring people I have ever had the privilege to meet.

Despite your hatchet job on Monday, his reputation will prevail while yours is already in tatters. Here you are hitting the Earl Grey, torn by the envy and bitterness that has brought you to this point.

Hollow victory, eh? If only you had one ounce of the dignity that Mr Cachia Caruana is showing even in these circumstances. You trumpeted yourself as an elected representative of the people on Monday while Mr Cachia Caruana, according to you, is a power-hungry oligarch who, again in your book, flouted the democratic process.

Well, I think far many better people than you have reached their own conclusion on that accusation.

You were hardly transparant in your motivation. So we are left with a Permanent Representative packing up his boxes in Brussels at a point where concluding Malta’s financial package is a pressing priority for the next few months and a vacuum in this position is a critical liability, while our elected representative hoovers down the Earl Grey while listening to Enya.

Great. Something has gone so seriously wrong.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Joseph Attard says:

    “I heartily wish that I could publish this comment under my full name but my position precludes this.”

    Why exactly? What is said here that could not be said under one’s own name?

    [Daphne – The office: civil servants are barred by the Estacode from commenting in public on issues of a political nature, unless they first receive clearance to do so.]

  2. Stanley J A Clews says:

    I have never been a civil servant so under my own name, I say that I concur with everything written here by this person.

  3. edgar says:

    I have it from the horse’s mouth that the Earl Grey is matured in casks for 12 years.

  4. Botom says:

    Richard Cachia Caruana has proved time and time again that he is an asset to our country.

    Meanwhile, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando continues to be liability to both his party and our country. Both men will be remembered – Richard for his invaluable contribution to our country, and Jeffrey for the mess he made during his time in parliament.

  5. Observer says:

    Let’s not forget that negotiations with the EU Commission about Airmalta’s restructuring are in a crucial stage. Who will assume responsibility if these fail and jobs are lost once Richard Cachia Caruana is forced to abandon talks?

  6. GALLETTU says:

    These three vicious morons remind me of Dallas and Dynasty – people with power unscrupulously destroying honest, hard-working people who are in their way, so as to get more power.

    The difference is that instead of money, for power they have the Labour Party.

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