Jeffrey: to be expected
June 18, 2012 at 7:52pm
I wish I could say that I can’t believe my ears. Unfortunately, I can.
Now he’s repeating once more that I told him four years ago that Richard Cachia Caruana was working to force his resignation after the general election. He said this under oath in court, he has just told parliament.
He failed to mention my response when I testified, also under oath in court:
It was not Richard Cachia Caruana. It was somebody else.
Jeffrey is now reading out an article I wrote immediately after the general election, but I didn’t know then what I found out afterwards.
This inability to respond to MPs who can say what they please in parliament is so wrong.
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Mahduma bizzilla. Franco se jappoggja lill-gvern u Jeffrey le. Hemm hi x-xibka tal-hazen, ghidlu lill Franco.
“This inability to respond to MPs who can say what they please in parliament is so wrong.”
Daphne, your blog is our parliament. It has a wider audience than those 69 MPs put together.
I think it is time for an election. I cannot stand these d***heads any longer.
The conspiracy to weaken and damage the Nationalist Party in government is taking the form of a JPO vote for the motion of the opposition.
The back-stabbing is taking different forms and is bound to carry on unfortunately.
It is indeed an insidious and unloyal act of dishonesty.
I cannot believe how our own MP’s throw out one of the best elements we ever had in Maltese diplomacy.
Dr. Gonzi cannot really accept this and go on. It is not fair on the nation but most of all it is disrespecting our party as well.
I’m assuming he felt left out after his fellow Nationalist troublemaker got to force an MP to resign and his name will get an honourable mention in our future history books.
B’liema dritt nsemmu lil Franco u mhux lil siehbu Jeffrey.
I’m listening to the PM right now, he mentioned the crass incompetence of the opposition.
He’s right, the political dialogue has become a futile attempt to drive some sense of dignity into these lowlifes. is not being faithful to its readers, by not declaring what Jeffrey said: that he will be voting with the government till the end of its term and so the Prime Minister does not need to call for a vote of confidence.
JPO is a dick in whatever capacity.
What a publicity-seeking old c..t. For shame.
Gorg Vella, jghajjat qisu qahba f’xalata, kellu il-wicc jghid kif beda, ‘li mhux se jaqa ghal livell baxx ta Gonzi’.
How do MPs stand his loud brash and really annoying voice ? not withstanding the blatant lies and half-truths
As soon as he uttered the sentence you quote I switched off my radio.
While Malta is burning, people are watching the match between Italy and Ireland and Italy scored just now.
Bloody politics someone said.
And another head is going to roll.
Look at the bright side .
Now we will have Austin and RCC concentrating on the PN’s electoral campaign.
I hope we learnt a lesson:The parties (plural) should GRILL all their prospective candidates.
RCC will hold on to his position until a replacement is found and responsibilities are handed over. That might take a while.
If RCC resigns, his resignation should be thrown back at him by the Foreign Minister.
In the national interest.
This is the least I would accept.
Nothing more nothing less.
It is the FM who decides the fate of those working within his domain.
Certainly, it is not Parliament.
Tonio Borg should shoulder full political resposibility for this.
He has the support of the country.
What I could not understand was why the government MPs let George Vella lie and twist and insult without even a whimper. Now I have to admit that I heard him on my computer tuned to 106.6 FM but I could not pick up any protests from the government side.
Even worse was when JPO’s name was called and he voted with the Opposition. I just could not believe that a few on the Govt. side did not interrupt the count by calling JPO some colourful names he deserves.
The ‘appeasing’, the civil behaviour towards the Opposition and its pawns sitting on the government side, clearly do not work and Dr. Gonzi & Co. better toughen up and soon.
I feel abused. I gave him my number one vote. In reality I gave it to the PN but I chose Pulliicino Orlando as my first preference due to his tears and the fact that he was my dentist.
I am sorry. He has abused my trust.
The coward is not contesting the next general election as he knows he has lost the trust of his constituents. And I will have to find a new dentist.
You feel abused? You totally deserve it because you were so gullible.
Unfortunately same here. Even worse, we were shoulder to shoulder in 1984. He has become the typical Maltese Labourite – Hdura u Lanzit.
Surrounded by a bunch of back-stabbing has-beens. Unfortunately that is what we have to put up with to stop that Super One hack from ruining this place.
With spoilt, petulant, self-centred, irascible opportunists like Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliette and Franco Debono turning parliament into a circus merry go round, who needs enemies …..or Labour moles in the usual vote-losing authorities whose modus operandi is losing the PN so many votes?
What a dublett! Veru dublett ta’ Muscat u l-partit tieghu. Issa jmur jghid lill-PM li vvota mal-Labour ghax int Daphne qed tattakkah u l-PM jmissu jikkundanna dak li tikteb u jikkundanna lilek!
Pulcinell first class. Jghiru ghal RCC ghax kapaci.
First, the self proclaimed ”Christian” got his own back at the Church for not issuing an invitation for the papal mass to his live in partner.
Now, for the ex-green politician of the year, it is payback time for the Mistragate affair he lied about, and which almost cost his party the election four years ago.
Who, in her right mind would want to spend the rest of her life with such a spiteful, ruminating, bitchy little shit?
[Daphne – An equally spiteful, ruminating, bitchy little shit, one imagines. So there you go. I hope she has the good sense never to cheat on him, because this man is VERY scary and his episodes of narcissistic rage are spectacular.]
Get your mate to call an election! That is what democracy is all about. Your beloved leader is gutless.
[Daphne – I know the word ‘mate’ is common currency where you live in Australia, Joseph Carmel, but exactly to whom do you refer in this context?]
Daphne, is there any way how we can kick this guy’s ass?
Ironic indeed that your megalomania and venom resulted in the end of the fine career of your political best friend. You must be beaming witj pride. He must be pondering “with friends like Daph, who….”
[Daphne – What twisted, perverse reasoning, Edward Fenech of Milner Street, formerly of AD and scion of a family of Mintoffjani. As I have had occasion to remark in a similar vein before now, this is like blaming the actions of a rapist on the woman who wore a revealing skirt. I’m not the one who behaved abnormally here, Edward, difficult though it may be for you to understand, given your illiberal upbringing. Freedom of speech cannot and should not be constrained by thoughts of what mad, vengeful and unstable people might do. When racists set fire to my house, did you blame me for writing about immigration? No, you did not. The same applies here. If you truly believe that Jeffrey voted with Labour because of what I wrote, rather than because he backed their motion in truth, then you should be questioning his sanity and his morality. What I think, however, is that some kind of deal was struck, particularly when you consider that his wife-to-be is now heavily involved with the Labour Party, that he’s very close to Evarist Bartolo due to their children going out together, and that he STILL HAS MISTRA PENDING.]
So Mistra’s still pending?
Didn’t he say he was giving up anything related to that story? Honestly, he’s one nasty piece of work.
I had always found it strange how Joseph leaked the story too early.
Mistra is still pending and Joseph lately stated that he would consider development within ODZones.
Mere coincidence? Methinks not.
you confirm the irony….
[Daphne – No, I don’t, Edward. What is quite clear, on the contrary, is that Malta is a textbook illustration of the moral relativism of Mediterranean societies, which has been widely studied and written about in anthropology. People like me – and there are many – are at odds with the society in which we live, and the culture in which we operate, because we do not think like that. Our early conditioning was different. Yesterday Malta was split, to give you one example, between those who noticed what was wrong with Judge Farrugia Sacco’s statement “We won’t break the rules because it isn’t worth it” and those who saw nothing wrong at all, because to their mind, the reason you don’t break rules is because it’s not worth your while, and not because the rules govern correctness of behaviour. Last night we had a spectacular example: a sick and obsessive man of 50, bearing the sort of grudges that a stable man would be embarrassed to admit to even if he held them for a few months let alone years, says quite confidently, and feeling entirely justified, that he is going to vote out of spite. AND PEOPLE EXPECT IT AND TAKE IT FOR GRANTED. Can you expect that in the British parliament? Yes, people do vote out of spite, but here’s the difference: where it is not culturally acceptable to do so, people have the good sense to hide that spite, if for no other reason then to protect the semblance of their integrity. What shocked me yesterday was not Jeffrey’s vote, which was expected, but his speech – because it made me realise far more than I had done already that in Malta it is culturally acceptable for men of 50 to think and behave like 13-year-old girls.]
Why so mad defni? *sips champagne* Democracy won did it not?
[Daphne – No, it did not. Once more, as with Carm Mifsud Bonnici, we have seen the democratic process and systems, gifted to us by a society far more democratically advanced than our own, made to serve essentially anti-democratic means. I wrote a piece about this a couple of weeks ago. Look it up. Personal vendettas are the antithesis of democracy.]
Democracy did not win at all – it was raped. Democracy is the least imperfect form of government but it can be abused and it is currently being grossly abused in Malta.
Both Richard Cachia Caruana and Carm Mifsud Bonnici are innocent victims of rival politicians choosing to share the same bed in order to satisfy personal vendettas and political ambitions neither of which are in the national interest at a time of international economic turmoil.
It is a typical case of politics making very strange bedfellows indeed. One has only to recall JPO’s involvement in the Mistra illegal development exposed by the leader of the MLP and the associated tearful farce on TV.
Why am I not surprised that Pullicino Orlando today voted with the Labour Party to make Richard Cachia Caruana resign, citing as a reason Cachia Caruana’s close connections to ‘journalists’ (read Daphne) who attack him?
Another case of personal vendetta, and to hell with political allegiance.
I am sure he still expects to retain the cushy job as chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology, which Gonzi had given him, to the detriment of more worthy people.
Gonzi can only redeem himself by pruning the PN tree of the likes of Franco Debono, Pulliicino Orlando and Mugliette, come what may.
What these Labour twerps fail to realise is that by their actions, they’ve freed up their number one nemesis, the one man who can really run an effective electoral campaign against them.
Richard Cachia Caruana is now free to devote 100% of his time and energy to running that campaign.
This inability to respond to MPs who can say what they please in parliament is so wrong.
I agree that it is wrong, but at least you can say your piece here on your blog where thousands read it; and I for one believe YOU.
No sweat, Daphne. This little shit is vying for the limelight with two other little shits. (Three Shits in a Tub)
Any rational potential voter can see through the charade. We just have to hope that the majority of voters are rational.
No different really to the public’s inability to respond to you when you say what you please. Goose and gander come to mind.
The public can respond right here, like you have just done.
Only if Daphne allows them to which she sometimes doesn’t if she doesn’t like the point they are making.
Franco Debono, Jeffery Pullicino Or;ando and Jesmond Mugliet , they work in tandom to destablize the Government. We all know why.Please get us rid of them at all costs.
Richard Cachia Caruana has not been popular for years. Competent people rarely are because they expect high standards from all those around them and usually find others wanting. He is forceful and tends to rub people the wrong way. Some say that he can be scheming, but I wouldn’t know about that because I have never been the victim of such scheming.
However, he is sharp, competent and very capable. He strives for quality in all he does. A perfectionist.
These are traits which have been in short supply in Malta for the last few decades, particularly in the area of politics, government (with a small g) and the public service. In addition, because our culture does not strive for quality in all we do, people who do tend to be laughed at. Scorned.
Richard has been managing the EU integration process for Malta since 2004 or thereabouts, and rarely have I heard anyone comment that this part of the government’s remit has been handled badly. It is indeed a shame that he is being plucked out of the process. Warts and all, I would prefer him handling this task then anyone else.
Regarding JPO, Mugliette and Debono, what is there to say that has not already been said. They are small-minded, obviously not very smart, and very clearly driven by personal revenge. No worse indictment of a person can exist.
My level of trust in Muscat’s band is so low, and my memory so long, that I do not feel comfortable seeing the old guard still so much a feature of the present and possibly future Labour Party.
I regret Richard Cachia Caruana’s resignation – however, I am comforted that his involvement back home increases the chance of a better result for Malta when the next election arrives.
What a wanker. Let’s go for an election and have a working and loyal parliamentary group as that’s what the country needs. The more the likes of wanker and southern cowboy have fits , the more the country will believe in PN
How sad to see that such a brilliant servant of the state has to leave.
Malta gained so much thanks to this man’s thoroughbred genius.
Mr Cachia Caruana will be able to have a well deserved rest from public office and hopefully will still consult government as his train of thought is possibly the finest Malta has ever seen.
This man helped pull through Eddie Fenech Adami’s European dream and now some fool who knows little or nothing about international politics votes him out.
Of course Labour look all the more silly once again and cannot help but shoot themselves in the foot so soon after their Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici blunder. Labour will never change and rather then being smart in these delicate matters they continue to show their true colours.
Keep it up, Joseph.
Chapeau, Richard Cachia Caruana. Ad multos annos.
And these rats carry the title of Honourable.
It is only a meaningless courtesy title when applied to such people.