My press statement earlier tonight
Press statement
18 June 2012
I hereby categorically deny Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s assertion, made in parliament this evening, that I told him – after the general election in 2008 – that Richard Cachia Caruana worked for his resignation from parliament.
Had Pullicino Orlando not protected himself by means of parliamentary privilege when saying this, I would have been able to open civil and criminal suits against him for slander.
Pullicino Orlando was in bad faith when he said that he told the law courts, under oath, of this assertion. He failed to mention that I took the witness stand immediately after he did, to negate all that he had said, also under oath, adding that the level of stress which he was under at the time, and which I remembered well, would have affected both his judgement and his memory. I, who was not affected by the potential loss of income from a Mistra Bay development project, had and still have total recall of what I said and did not say to him.
Yes, there were people working for Pullicino Orlando’s resignation, but I had no reason to believe that Richard Cachia Caruana was one of them. If he were one of them, and had I been privy to that information, there is no way I would have imparted it to Pullicino Orlando, a politician I had spoken to just a few times, in breach of trust to Cachia Caruana, who I have known since I was in my early 20s. Pullicino Orlando goes awry in judging others by his own despicable standards.
Pullicino Orlando also failed to mention that when I was on the witness stand, I took him to task, before a packed courtroom, for betraying my trust and the trust of all those other people who put him in parliament with our vote. The tragic irony is that he has used the constituency support I gave him to betray the political party for which I voted, and to launch a blackguard’s tirade against me and others, while protected by parliamentary privilege.
I can see now it was inevitable that Pullicino Orlando would strip himself of the last vestiges of decency and dignity and give vent to personal obsession and hatred in a manner totally unbecoming to somebody who claims, absolutely without justification, to be a gentleman.
I wish to put on public record the very words I spoke under oath in court: that I will regret until my dying day my decision to vote for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, a man I have come to think of as a blackguard, and to give him so much succour and support, to the detriment at times of my peace of mind, in the first year after the general election of 2008.
I am a firm believer that correctness truly does prevail over indecency and spite, even if it takes a generation and the manner in which it happens may not be immediately apparent.
I hope at least that there is to be some reward for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s consort in the Labour Party, for it would indeed be a shame to think that his extraordinarily ill-bred behaviour has been in vain.
I find it astonishing that he chose to read out in parliament excerpts from an article I wrote in support of him in March 2008, but not the many pieces I have written since, in which I have made it amply clear that I will do penance for many years to come for having voted for somebody so very unworthy and so undeserving of my trust.
Daphne Caruana Galizia
Dar Rihana
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Why do i think that all this will totally backfire on the PL?
Now that Richard Cachia Caruana and Carm Mifsud Bonnici have all the time on their hands they will give their 120% to the PN and their upcoming electoral campaign, to ensure a PN win at the polls. Joseph may live to regret all this.
Let’s put it this way, he’s scared shitless of your opinion and tried to preempt you.
Talk about spineless cowards pining for consent. It must be catching. What he doesn’t realise is that this proves the PM right in putting him aside.
Parmigianino would be pleased, reason for their council of Trent. It’s an elegant tension between poetic licence and aesthetics they fear.
As they say, ‘never underestimate the power of denial’.
It never happened.
[Daphne – I think the real problem, Kevin, is with your wife’s friend who is IN denial.]
That’s rich, coming from the stay-at-home-husband of the gravy-train woman who tried so hard to deny Maltese citizens the benefits of the EU, only to up sticks and shove her family over to Brussels at the first opportune moment.
“Ma’ min rajtek, xebbahtek”
For quite some time JPO has been going to parties with Labour MPs and politicians, and/or their close relatives.
The gang of three strikes again. Maybe this is what Franco Debono was referring to as the ‘clique’ within the Nationalist Party. Shame on them. They conspired to destroy the career of a well proven diplomat, the result of which is a black eye to Malta’s reputation as a stable pro-EU country. What has Malta gained by this move?
It is manifestly clear that the simmering thirst for revenge of this Gang of Three in the PN is the be all and end all of their nefarious political game.
I have no doubt that sooner or later, they will cross over to Labour, their natural party of allegiance. I can just imagine them saying: Qed jghidu hekk? Hekk, ha npattieilhom u nurihom.
They should be dubbed: it-Tlett Manigoldi Vendikattivi u Ghajjurin tal-PN.
Treacherous blackguards, all three of them.
You are forgetting their father confessor and prisoner in Brussels.
Lest we all forget your excellent exposition of some time ago, regarding JPO — how valid your writings about him still are :
Lest we all forget your excellent exposition of some time ago, regarding JPO — how valid your writings about him still are :
Published: March 7, 2012 at 5:15pm
Is Jeffrey insane? (Please don’t answer that.)
He’s sitting there across from Charlo Bonnici, an MP in the same party, behaving adversarially towards him, acting like he’s a member of the Labour Party, nodding approval at everything the Fat Controller – that lump of crap who was one of Mintoff’s most dreadful cabinet ministers – has to say, he goes to all sorts of lengths to attack and undermine the prime minister, his party leader, and damage the government as much as he can, and then he thinks a councillor should resign because of a comment?
So what should somebody do who entered into a secret land development deal for Mistra, lied to the prime minister and party leader about it, and almost cost the Nationalist Party the general election – and then spent the next four years getting his revenge for the hundreds of thousands of euros he lost on his sleazy deal?
Go and botox some buttocks or something, Jeffrey. You’re a lousy politician.”