Time to remind you who that George Vella really is

Published: June 21, 2012 at 10:59pm

Imagine this dangerous, stupid chump becoming foreign minister – again.

The Times, Thursday, March 13, 2003
by Fiona Galea Debono


MLP spokesman for foreign affairs George Vella yesterday insisted the government was “inventing” that the Yes camp had won the referendum.

Despite the 53.6 per cent majority of Yes votes, Dr Vella told a crowd during a Labour Party activity in Zejtun that “as we won the first campaign, we will win the second because the people are not idiots”.

He said the government could remove and reduce as many numbers as it wanted, including the dead, “but it still would not get a majority”.

Dr Vella even went on to accuse the PN of allowing its supporters to take to the roads in celebration, which could have resulted in chaos had the Labour Party not intervened.

He said he wished he was a fly on the wall when Brussels must have told Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami that he was taking the EU for a ride. He said Brussels must have told Dr Fenech Adami to hold an election fast because the situation in Malta was endangering the referenda in other candidate countries.

During the activity, Opposition leader Alfred Sant said that taxes had increased, job opportunities decreased and roads deteriorated, but mentioned “partnership” only in the context of Malta and Gozo and with “creative forces”.

He skimmed through the concept of “partnership” on a national basis when a person in the crowd asked whether it existed.

Dr Sant answered that the question was whether EU membership existed since “the absolute minority voted for it in the referendum”.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Matt B says:

    More of a chimp than a chump.

  2. Liza says:

    I believe that George Vella had (1996-1997) referred to Nazzjonalisti working in the Public Service as ‘griden’. Just as Gaddafi had referred to his opponents as rats – says so much about the man.

  3. edward clemmer says:

    Some people would call it “providing another perspective”. I would call it “rejection of objective meaning and normal rules of logic” in keeping to one’s purposes, ends, and wishes.

    This has always been the objective basis for my fierce and moral opposition to what the Labour Party has become, perhaps what it has been since Dom Mintoff.

    The defect was overt regarding Alfred Sant and his colleagues over the EU Referendum, but always had been an insidious trait of Sant.

    And Joseph Muscat is delegated son of Sant and grandson of an idolized Mintoff: his is an asymetrical warfare against reason and logic for the purposes of political expediency.

    As they say, “to err is human, but to persist in error is diabolical”.

    There is not a shred of humility in the arrogance of the individuals who currently lead the Labour Party, perhaps because in the desperation and the aspirations of their having been so long in opposition.

    It would be in the public and national interest for the PL to remain in opposition. It also would be in the national interest for there to be a normal alternation of the powers of Government, if only both political parties truly were rational alternatives.

    Unfortunately, voters may prefer what they feel rather than a rational perception of “reality”.

    If I am to be rational, under the current political reality, I could never vote Labour because of its unpredictability by virtue of its committed attack on reason. And I cannot accept the perversions of their misinterpretations of reality.

  4. B. Point says:

    Tkunux patetici u tipruvaw tirredikolaw il- Dr. George Vella.

    Lanqas biss tibdew fl-integrita u fl-irgulija ta’ dan it-Tabib u Politiku mahbub u rispettat!

    Veru qedin tmissu il-qiegh!

    • RJC says:

      Int bis-serjeta’?

    • dudu says:

      George Vella huwa patetiku u int patetiku ghax ma tarahx patetiku.

      George Vella huwa patetiku ghax ma jahmilx l-Unjoni Ewropeja pinguta u xorta qed jittanta biex isir il-Ministru Tal-Affarijiet Barranin ma Joseph Muscat li dan l-ahhar sar l-akbar Ewropeist fl-Ewropa. Imma l-importanti li jsir ministru.

      Patetiku ukoll ghax minflok jinkwieta biex iz-zaghzagh Maltin, specjalment dawk li jahdmu fis-settur tat-turizmu, jibdew jitkellmu 4 jew 5 lingwi irid izomm lill-izvedizi milli jigu Malta biex ma jkollniex inkwiet u kullhadd jibqa johodha easy ghax id-daddy (l-iStat) qed jiehu hsiebna.

    • Eyebrows says:

      Jigifieri George Vella huwa il-qiegh?

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