A typical comment on the Facebook wall of the Malta Council of Science and Technology chairman

Published: July 8, 2012 at 8:25pm

The Smile Centre: you don't have to be mad to work here, but it helps

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando deleted the horrendous exchange on his Facebook wall, which I reproduced on this website a couple of posts back.

He’s never deleted anything before, no matter how appalling or ill-advised. So I can think of one reason only why he might have done that: his daughter, for reasons that become obvious when you know that she lives in London, would have put a very large rocket beneath him.

Meanwhile, he’s quite happy to leave remarks like this on his wall, embarrassing and compromising him as MCST chairman, MP and dentist.

Maria Galea:
jien nazzjonalista imma il din ix xahmet l art ma nafx kf ghadu hadd ma qatilha ha nghidlek jew at least immankaha kemm hi hadra f *** kemm ghandha…..is sahhara tal bidnija!

16 Comments Comment

  1. Catsrbest says:

    And do you believe that this Maria Galea is a real Nazzjonalista. I just do not believe it.

    • Mustafa' says:

      She’s one fo those green Labour stooges who will do anything to see Labour in power to take revenge on all those Nationalists who laid them into the Opposition benches for these last 20 years plus, interrupted by Sant’s 22 months.

  2. Marku says:

    The company he keeps just gets better every day.

  3. A Montebello says:

    Where’s Reuben Scicluna now?

    How do you like the above for a bit of irony or undiluted bile? And this is on a politician and council chairman’s Facebook wall.

    • It goes to show that you’re not that different to this Maria person or even Pulllicino Orlando himself.

      [Daphne – Let’s not have any infighting here, please. There’s enough elsewhere.]

  4. Not Sandy :P says:

    It’s pointless, really. Lots of people saw that exchange, talked about it, and emailed it to each other. So it was just a matter of time before it popped up again:



  5. NGT says:

    Best words ever uttered about “the people”

    Trust Ye?
    With every minute you do change a mind,
    And call him noble that was now your hate,
    Him vile that was your garland.

  6. Whoami? says:

    Daqt tbikkih.

  7. Jozef says:

    Why is there a paw next to The Smile Centre?

    • WhoamI? says:

      Two options:

      1) He’s trying to appeal to the owner of animals to take their pets to his clinic for a dental check-up, filling, implants and dentures – all at competitive and reasonable prices mind you (halli l-lejburisti jmorru ukoll).

      2) He’s hopping on MLP’s LGBT bandwagon. It’s an important sign in gay culture. He wants to tell us he’s a cub – chubby but generally of small stature who is also slightly or moderately hairy. Otherwise, he’s hunting for one himself.

  8. anthony says:

    As chairman of MCST, JPOS is beyond reproach.

    He is himself a god(damn) particle.

  9. ciccio says:

    He runs the Smile Centre in Zebbug and the Bile Centre on Facebook.

  10. Edmond Dantes says:

    Ms Galea is an old acquaintance of this very blog: “Miss Nutcase” rings a bell?

  11. Joe says:

    It seems our Jeffy has a filler for everything.

    He has a filler for every incisor, canine or molar.

    He has a filler for every fold, crease or wrinkle.

    One thing he has not found a filler for: his empty, miserable life.

    And now that he is coming to understand that alcohol does not solve his problem, he tries to fill that void with envy, hatred and vindictiveness. Oh, the desperation.

  12. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Is the Smile Centre a pet clinic? The paw print seems to suggest so.

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