Published: July 25, 2012 at 11:24am

Members of my extensive worldwide network of spies, which covers Il-Belt (obviously) as well as Tas-Sliema (doubly obviously) and Asti (less obviously until you really think about it), tell me that the Romanian companian (female) of Labour star candidate Manuel Mallia, who a few years back moved into his house near Hastings Garden and bore him twins, has thought up an excellent way to save money.

She is forever kvetching round town about the high cost of water and electricity bills, which her man apparently cannot afford to pay, even though he is a top criminal lawyer and a real catch.

Issa din ha nghida bil-Malti biex ma tifhimnix: Jaqaw dan xi qammiel ingiddem li jghidilha li m’ghandux flus, biex joqghod isorrhom f’ismu biss? I wouldn’t put it past him.

There’s worse. Members of my extensive worldwide network of spies at the Mainguard report that most evenings, either one or the other of Manuel Mallia’s two imported nannies (they don’t change HIS nappies, I hasten to add, though he’s rapidly getting there) would most evenings wheel the twins’ double-buggy to the exciting new fountain there.

Except that the double-buggy did not contain the twins but a series of large and empty detergent bottles, covered with a cloth.

These bottles would then be uncapped, filled at the fountain, recapped, covered with the cloth again and, presumably, wheeled back to the Mallia household at Hastings and used for domestic purposes to save on water charges.

This is an assumption, of course. Maybe the nannies drank that water. Or they had a fountain-water fetish. Or maybe the Romanian companion comes from the sort of social environment where women line up at the village pump to fill their buckets and jerry-cans, and thinks that this sort of behaviour is completely normal.

The nannies have not been seen doing this since their boss became a star candidate. But if they are, I shall keep you posted.

It’s just too bad, isn’t it, that these particular members of my extensive worldwide network of spies don’t use a smartphone. So there are no pictures of the Mallia nannies filling up empty detergent bottles at the Mainguard fountain. Damn.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Sarah says:

    Photos would have been nice, also in the case of the Fat Controller and his privileged parking bay.

    • DNA says:

      Sarah, next time I’ll be visiting Malta I’ll drive to my home town, and park in that reserved spot with a poster inside my car saying “Go on a diet!”.

  2. ciccio says:

    Hilarious. The Star Candidates do not even know how to manage a household. Yet they claim they can run an EU country.

  3. Jozef says:

    I know we shouldn’t, but,

    ‘two days before that conversation [4 March, 2008], I had told him I wanted to hand over this famous contract to the Police Commissioner,’

    What’s he on now, Asti?

    ‘So I told them I was sick so I could go to visit my lawyer, Alex Perici Calascione. I had nothing to hide, but I knew that they were looking at me as their possible scapegoat had the PN lost the election,’

    It seems crucial Joseph cannot allow himself embroiled in this story. Maltatoday can only spin so much, rather easy to detect when Joseph isn’t mentioned anywhere.

    Now that he made a serious allegation to some official within the PN to be the leak, if he doesn’t, give us this official’s identity, he’ll simply destroy any credibility he might have ever had. If it’s a given that he has no reason not to.

    If one had to follow Joseph Muscat, the traits of an insipid coward are clear, what remain to be seen, are the extents.

  4. Neil Dent says:

    Tidher li gejja l-elezzjoni. The good lawyer was doing the rounds at the Msida feast at the weekend, accompanied by no less than 5 burly ‘helpers’.

    They called at my local and he was spouting out nonsense (as he stepped out for a fag near where I was sitting), something like ‘ghandna bzonn l-imhuh tajbin….’, or some such drivel, to a few fawning Labourites who were there enjoying a Sunday lunchtime aperitif.

    Funnily enough Charlon Gouder also showed up, about two minutes after Mallia, and then left about two minutes after him.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Dawn il-“helpers” x’jaghmlu ezatt? Jghinu lill-politicians taghna jaqflu c-cintorin maz-zaqq wobbly taghhom?

  5. Leli says:

    Is this a future leader of Malta?

  6. Ganna says:

    manuel Mallia is cheesed off because his Romanian girlfriend’s qualifications as a pharmacist are not recognised in Malta. No doubt, with Joseph as prime minister, they will be.

  7. C.Portelli says:

    Bhal ma jgid il-malti WICCHOM U SORMHOM LISTESS

  8. Claire says:

    We need more criminals to further increase the poor man’s income, so that his Romanian lady isn’t reduced to this.

  9. M. says:

    Ha! I’ve seen it in action myself, though with a single buggy, not a double one. Don’t know who the woman was, but it must be a regular occurrence. I believe she was foreign, too, and thought it rather strange, thinking she must be destitute.

  10. Stingray says:

    And you had the cheek to speak about Labour preparing a vicious election campaign. You have no shame.

  11. mandango70 says:

    And we’re meant to take your word for it. For all I know it could be just a figment of your imagination in your delirious day dreaming of how to damage a person.

    All the signs of a desparate and sad person are so evident in you. In a way, I sincerely pity you.

    [Daphne – Desperate. With three ‘e’s. Day-dreaming, hyphenated. If I were to use my imagination to damage Manuel Mallia, it wouldn’t be with a story about nannies filling bottles of water at the Mainguard fountain, Mandango.]

    • It`s well known in Valletta says:

      It`s a well known fact to many people who live in Valletta and others and something of a standing joke too.

      What`s more, it`s been a well known fact and a standing joke for months and months on end now.

  12. L.Gatt says:

    This situation in Malta is very sad indeed.

    Labour, with the likes of this sleazeball, Grace Borg, Marisa Micallef and Marlene Mizzi representing the novel ‘women’s’ element and AST, Debono Grech, Karmenu Vella and Leo Brincat for continuity, is, to say the least, pitiful.

    The Nationalist Party, on the other hand, is out of control. Leadership is very, very weak and all focus seems to be on a handful of over ambitious “arrivisti”.

    I have no idea whether I still have the right to vote in Malta and sadly, for the first time in my voting life, I am not even bothered to check.

  13. Aunt Hetty says:

    Miskina, omm uliedu. Hasbet li ghamlet xi akkwist u mid-dehra twekkiet b’wiehed bil-karta anzjan u mqammel aktar min Duminku Mintoff.

  14. lola says:

    Is it true? If he can keep two nannies for his twins, so that his partner can rest, I am sure that he can pay his bills.Good luck for his partner ,I am not jealous of her.She is very lucky to have Dr.Mallia for a partner.She can live like a Sinjura.
    And even his children are lucky to have him as their father,being an intelligent and a rich man.
    Any sour grapes for sale?

    [Daphne – Ehe, yes, sour grapes, because we’re all gagging to have sex with Manuel Mallia in return for a meal ticket. Sorry to be brusque and to the point, but that’s about it, isn’t it.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Not so fast. If he were to set up a nice little endowment fund for me, I’d be willing, to er, let him use his endowment on me. Anything for money, I say.

    • Charles says:

      Those will not be nannies, but relatives of Mrs Mallia, rescued from Romania.

  15. Martin says:

    JPO musty be laughing fit to bust a gut at the way he has managed to gag you.


    [Daphne – Not at all, my dear. Clearly, you don’t understand something which women of my age and experience take to be elementary: that what men like that hate more than being criticised by a woman is being ignored by her. Unfortunately, that sometimes drives them to extremes of behaviour, but there you go.]

    • Martin says:

      Sure, sure.

      It’s just pure coincidence that you went from a zillion “Botox Jeff” pieces a day to zero at the same time as he laid down the conditions for his “coalition:”.

      Of course it is.

      Ask them to slacken the gag every now and then – you don’t want to choke.

      [Daphne – Martin, I’ll try to explain this r-e-al-l-y slowly. If Jeffrey’s hysterically predictable behaviour were the reason for my not writing about him now, it would have been a reason for not writing about him before now. Believe me when I say that I have a sixth sense for when the spirit of the times has changed. It’s the reason I’ve kept my readership engaged (and in the case of Labour, frenzied) for 22 years. You should be thoroughly bored of me by now, but I must be doing something right because clearly, you’re still fascinated and addicted.]

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Elementary. That’s the Fountain of Youth, and that’s how Mallia’s managed to keep his loins functioning long enough to produce a brace of inheritors.

  17. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Oh to be a defender of alleged criminals and have a companion, twins, two nannies and free bottled water. Unfortunately I arrived on this planet much. much too early.

  18. kev says:

    Here’s a fine picture to post on your Running Commentary Notebook. It charts the net contributors to the EU budget (and net recipients on the negative side):

    Note that Malta is the last of the net contributors – last only because these are not per capita calculations.

    So, not only are we forcibly entrapped inside the EU’s permanent bailout fund that orders us to borrow new money to lend to the most insolvent eurozone countries, but we also end up, as predicted, contributing more to the EU budget than receiving.

    Basta kemm allahalaq billboards, ‘another project funded by the EU’… To boot, we need EU approval over how we spend the percentage we eventually get back.

    Ahleb, Guz!

    With a 75% debt-to-GDP ratio one can only wonder how long it will take for Malta to get ensnared in the bailout net.

    By any chance, did your “extensive worldwide network of spies” get an ear of this, Deffney? Or have they all joined Joseph for a bit of fun in Asti?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Meanwhile, the country is horribly obese. So there must be enough money to buy food, isn’t there, Kevin? What are YOU doing about it?

      • Anthony Briffa says:

        Especially by those hypocrites who are getting obese both financially and physically by the goodies of the EU, although they detest the mere name of it.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Kevvy will be buying the food, cooking it, doing the dishes and washing the floors.

        BTW, Kevvy, Germany’s debt to GDP ratio is 85 percent.

    • Procedures says:

      Hey Kev, don’t forget, you got the dishes waiting.

    • Joe Micallef says:

      It may be hard for you to understand, but if that chart is correct then Malta is doing bloody well!

    • Snoopy says:

      Don’t know where you got those figures from, but the official eu report shows otherwise 61,000,000 Euro net revenue (mostly cohesion funds = projects)

    • GakkI says:

      Sure Kevin, we need EU approval. If you were in Germany’s place you would want to make sure that the money is not being wasted away but being invested to contribute to the growth of the EU economy as a whole.

      If the EU economy grows it benefits everyone and the country’s GDP growth will hopefully far outweigh the net contribution to the EU budget – well that is how I actually think it works. If it were not that way then Germany would be the first to dump the EU project.

    • Guzi says:

      Well kev, if you want us to believe what you have to say, please do not use anything from the website of the UK Independent Party, which has as its aim the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU. More reliable sources are needed.

  19. Grezz says:

    So now we have to wonder whether Mrs Emmanuel Mallia sends her nannies to harvest rolls of lavatory paper from the loos at McDonald’s.

  20. WhoamI? says:

    The PL should have given a new meaning to the old MLP name they had. Moderati Liberali Progressivi. But what do they know? A slimmed-down coconut can’t work that out can he? Instead they’re just a Moviment. How clessi.

  21. elephant says:

    I read a few posts back that Mallia used to frequent Dom Mintoff, at Delimara for walks. Well, it could be that Mallia get the water hint from Dom “biex tiffranka gib l-ilma mil-fontana, Manwel

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