Nobody wants to say it out loud.
But it has to be said.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando needs to see a psychiatrist.
He’s in no fit state to contract a marriage, still less represent electors in parliament.
Down below you will find an exchange on his Facebook wall, yesterday. It is absolutely horrific.
The man seems to be drunk, but can’t have been. Yesterday was a Friday, a working day, and this exchange took place around lunchtime, when he was supposed to be at The Smile Clinic and so, presumably, not drunk (again).
I hope for the sake of his patients that he is only as drunk as I have seen him (he once polished off an entire bottle of whisky over a couple of hours in my presence), as drunk as he was when he was thrown out of the VIP area at the David Guetta concert, after he closes his clinic doors.
Antoine Vella, a scientist and a lecturer at the university, and a vociferous critic of the Labour Party in general, posted one highly innocuous comment on Jeffrey’s wall, pointing out that many people commenting there had missed the point that the Balotelli/security guard joke was not about Balotelli and immigrants but about Jeffrey and Joseph Muscat.
This sent Jeffrey into a mad frenzy, posting one comment after another at intervals of a few seconds – again, when he was presumably seeing patients at his clinic – insulting him about his personal hygiene, dragging me into the equation, and ending up just stopping short of saying that my son runs a den in London with Seb (Tanti Burlo – father mocks Jeffrey in cartoons in The Sunday Times and so cannot be tolerated; lives next door to Jeffrey’s dear friend Consuelo and so is suspected of reporting the fact that Joseph Muscat visits her, even though it was somebody else entirely because there is a whole street there).
Demolishing the gate: that’s a reference to when I wrote about my visit to Jeffrey’s and Carmen’s less-than-lovely home, when they told me how Joseph Muscat persuaded him to vote against the St John’s Cathedral project, at a party hosted by Consuelo Herrera, following which I was so taken-aback and upset that I left in a hurry and drove through their open gate, scraping one side of my car because the cheapskate’s gate has no sensors. The gate was intact; my car was not. Where I come from, gates have sensors.
I find it absolutely fascinating the way Jeffrey thinks I’m a recluse because I’m his sort of age and I don’t go out partying, drinking, clubbing, to virgin white parties at Gianpula, to Sicily with the lads, to semi-orgies of separati at each other’s houses like an endless rerun of The Ice Storm, to relentless lunches, dinners, weekends, drinks, birthday parties, Gozo and Sicily debauches (how sad – if you’re planning a weekend of debauchery, for God’s sake fly there, and consult the Leading Hotels of the World first).
No, Jeffrey, it’s people like me who are normal. You and your friends are not. You are chased by demons and have no peace. Your behaviour is age-inappropriate.
But the thing to look at below is the neurotic, crazy, frightening, Jack-Nicholson-in-The-Shining way in which Jeffrey replies. The sequence is from the top. This is the sort of man who no woman would ever want to cross, because he’d become very, very frightening indeed.
A psychiatrist should examine it, bearing in mind that this is a 49-year-old member of parliament, father of three, dentist with a warrant to practise and subject to the discipline of the Medical Council, and chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology.
I broke off all contact with Jeffrey Pullicino almost three years ago, when he rang me in a state of high excitement, to tell me in a loud and rapid voice, which I couldn’t stop or interrupt, how he had assaulted a Maltese member of the European Parliament in a lift, and how scared that MEP was, how pleased he was to see him so frightened, and I realised that Jeffrey wasn’t just suffering from depression or some kind of nervous breakdown due to severe stress in the Mistragate aftermath, as I thought he had been.
I understood then that he is not quite right in the head, and that it has nothing to do with temporary stress or depression.
He is one of those seriously disturbed people who can go out and mix with others and seem fairly normal, until you realise that they are absolutely mirthless, their smile is a rictus, their eyes are fixed and dead, and their speech, in tone, content and inflection, is neurotic and obsessive.
People like this speak fixatedly, and become very agitated when anything interrupts their flow. They repeat words, names and themes in an obsessive-compulsive fashion (“nies bhal…Jesmond Mugliett, Robert Arrigo, Jean Pierre Farrugia, John Dalli…”), with a rigid facial expression sometimes broken by a false smile when they think it is expected of them. But the smile never reaches their eyes.
The Labour Party, which has a long history of associating with criminals and lunatics, clearly can’t see the damage being done to it through association with this man.
The Nationalist Party puts up with him because it has no choice. The Labour Party colludes with him through choice. That’s the difference. And electors know it.
Now read the unbelievable exchange below.
Antoine Vella
Uħud minn dawk li qed jikkummentaw ma fehmux iċ-ċajta. Iċ-ċajta mhux fuq Balotelli imma fuq JPO u Joseph Muscat.
Thursday at 7:50pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine – why don’t you ask your students what they think about you
Yesterday at 1:58pm • 1
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine – On second thoughts, don’t bother
Yesterday at 1:58pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine-I’ll tell you
Yesterday at 1:59pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine – you’re so amazingly boring that they’d probably rather slit their wrists than come to your lectures
Yesterday at 1:59pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine—-plus—–it’s called soap—–and toothpaste. Your BO and halitosis are making you unbearable at close quarters
Yesterday at 2:00pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine-now run along to your psycho friend Daphne and tell her to write a post about me.
Yesterday at 2:01pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine – how many votes did you get for the PN when you contested the Balzan Local Council elections? 10?
Yesterday at 2:50pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine – I’m sure your chum Daphne’s going to be a star candidate for the ‘St. Dorothy’s Hall of Fame’
Yesterday at 2:51pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Poor Peter
Yesterday at 2:16pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
….but if she feels a bit ‘low’ with Peter at close quarters she can always go to her son’s and Seb’s little dank den in London
Yesterday at 2:48pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
…as long as she gets a taxi afterwards
Yesterday at 2:18pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
….demolishing one gate is enough
Yesterday at 2:19pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
…..miserable besotted cow
Yesterday at 2:19pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
….I am, of course, referring to your ill-bred, misshapen friend in the above posts.
Yesterday at 2:38pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine – with regards to you , my pungent friend, I have only one thing left say…..weekly baths became passe after Queen Victoria’s reign.
Yesterday at 2:53pm
Antoine Vella
Jeffrey, I’m sure you’ve noticed that Balotelli is black. That’s because he’s the son of African immigrants, just like the ones you insist should be turned back from our shores because we’re full up.
If you and Norman Lowell had your way, people like Balotelli’s parents would be towed out to the open sea and left at the mercy of the elements, even if they risk drowning.
So, yes, I reiterate that you would never accept a black man as your bodyguard. A Sicilian picciotto might be acceptable but definitely never an African.
Yesterday at 2:54pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine-not exactly ‘Mr. Current Affairs’ are you?
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Sending migrants back is ‘not wrong’ –
Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said yesterday there was “nothing wrong” if Malta sh…See More
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
@Antoine-that’s exactly what I said in 2009-nothing more, nothing less. You should spend more time under a shower-you’d be more alert to what’s happening in the real world around you
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
“Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said yesterday there was “nothing wrong” if Malta shared Italy’s controversial policy to immediately repatriate migrants back to Libya.
Speaking after a meeting with Italian counterpart Giulio Terzi in Rome, Dr Borg reiterated his support for the Italian policy that was “also beneficial” to Malta.
“There is nothing wrong if Malta could participate in such operations as long as they respect domestic and international law,” he said, insisting Malta would do nothing that violated any law.”
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
run along now…..go and play with that other miserable recluse …. Daphne
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
no wonder your students make fun of you Antoine
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
….and you’re the butt of quite a few jokes in the Common Room too.
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
No wonder Daphne’s in a continuous state of misery….interacting with losers like you day in day out, practically 24/7…..what a life!
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
…..but she can always go to the den her son has in London if she feels really ‘low’
7 hours ago
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
It’s a bit smoky in there but…..what the hell
7 hours ago
Antoine Vella
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando (I’ll omit the Smith for the moment – your name is already almost as big as your ego) – What you said is not “sending them back”, You said that they should be towed out to the open sea and left to their own resources.
Don’t lie Jeffrey. What you did say has been published and you cannot change it.
No, JPO, the Nationalist government (GonziPN to you) will never take your advice and put migrants’ lives in peril.
You Joseph Muscat and Norman Lowell are a trio of dangerous clowns who want to kick out black people, even at the cost of risking their lives.
7 hours ago
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Antoine, it’s not personal.
Jesus Christ.
He really is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Jeez, does this guy need help.
To post these drunken comments on a public social website indicates he has totally lost it. Very scary.
Time to bring down the curtain, Jeffy.
May you rest in pieces.
Ever the professional, here’s a dentist making fun of halitosis. I pity his patients.
And he should know that actually it has nothing to do with toothpaste and soap.
That too.
I don’t pity his patients. They have a choice.
Who in their right mind would want him as a dentist?
Besides those horny Labour housewives who think him God’s gift, posting on his Facebook walls, salivating.
I wouldn’t want his services free, let alone pay for them.
And by services, I mean dentistry.
We can assume that Carmen was reporting his behaviour to her bosses every single day. Joseph Muscat was aware of Jeffrey’s mental state long time ago.
This is news to me as I am nobody, but certainly has not been news to the PN executive committee.
Why did they allow him to run under the PN ticket? He is dangerous and doesn’t represent the PN’s values.
Could be straight out of a Monty Python sketch with John Cleese for JPO and Graham Chapman for poor suffering Antoine.
On skin colour: I think it’s a matter of personal taste rather than political leaning. JPO might not accept Balotelli as his bodyguard, but Marlene Mizzi would welcome him with open arms.
[Daphne – Open ARMS?]
It took me a second read, but then I had to call my wife to read your post here, Daphne.
She needed a few reads too before the penny dropped – and then we laughed. And we laughed some more.
And, believe me, after reading The Sunday Times today, we needed a laugh.
Poor JPO really needs help, the sooner the better.
My son was his canvasser, and he wants to cut his arm off for helping him, and I sold his tickets for get-together for him.
Muscat is on Dissett tonight.
Reading your above post, I read that Muscat persuaded JPO to vote against the cathedral museum project. So can muscat please tell me and the people who are reading the above post, what is the difference between the two?
Why does Muscat keep running after our MPs who are in need of psychological help, and abusing of them? He does this thing because he is the one that has ‘il-kilba’ ghal poter.
These things between Muscat and JPO have been going for years, and socialising together – it’s been going for a long time. Meeting at Consuelo Herrera’s house has been going for some time.
Carmen Ciantar’s wedding present from JPO is that she wants him to bring the goverment down before August.
Ive heard long ago after the election that he is trying to find out who was after the Mistra thing.
Now Labour came up with the frame-up of RCC, that he was involved in it, and he left it on purposely very close to the election As it happens to him so pn lose the election.
In spite of his inordinate love of Facebook and the long years he’s wasted using it, the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology has yet to master the basic skill of starting a fresh paragraph in a post. He keeps hitting the Enter key and posting half sentences.
Well, I know he follows this blog, like everybody else (at least he’s normal in something) so let me give him a tip: Jeffrey, hold down Shift while pressing Enter and, ipso facto, your cursor willl be transported to a new line. As if by magic.
Antoine, I am afraid that Jeff will not be able to follow your simple instructions, not after having had his mug of Earl Grey 12 year old “tea”.
Minister Joe Cassar, with his psychiatry hat on, must be having a field day.
If this is not a personality disorder, I don’t know what is.
Oh, I see. So according to Jeffrey, there is nothing wrong with immediately “repatriating” immigrants, because after all, even Tonio (I wouldn’t say so) Borg agrees.
Liberal, sure, and pigs fly.
Oh, and please note their justification: If it’s legal, then to hell with whether it’s moral. Sicilians, the lot of them.
Jeffrey did not suggest repatriating immigrants. He suggested towing the boats back to within swimming distance of Libya’s coastline.
That’s close enough to violate national borders but still far enough to let the migrants drown.
If you didn’t know it was JPO, you’d think that it was written by a hormonal 13-year-old troll on a gaming forum after losing a game. Pathetic really.
In other news … Malta Disastru Totali (staying true to its name) has copy-pasted an article about you and started a flame war.
A typical comment on Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s wall (referring to Daphne):
“Maria Galea:
jien nazzjonalista imma il din ix xahmet l art ma nafx kf ghadu hadd ma qatilha ha nghidlek jew at least immankaha kemm hi hadra f *** kemm ghandha… sahhara tal bidnija!
6 hours ago · Like · 1”
This comment was liked by one ‘Billy J Mcbee’.
This Carmen Ciantar strikes me as be a little of an opportunist. I very much doubt that she does anything without having seen what she can gain from it.
That said I cannot help wonder what Carmen Ciantar is set to gain from her marriage with Jeffrey. It cannot possibly be his personality. Politically he is a liability be it for the Nationalists now or for Labour later, so I doubt that is the motivation.
Whatever it is, I am convinced that once she achieves her aim she will most unceremoniously dump him. Not that the plonker does not deserve it.
Imbarazzanti! Imissu jisthi. And this person is an MP, a representative of the people. He has completely lost it.
Beyond any doubt I know that Jeffrey will be reading this whilst sipping his spiked Earl Gray, so this is an open letter to the little bastard.
Jeffrey, I’ve met you on a number of occasions because we used to have mutual friends.
I say “used to” because these people no longer consider you a friend.
Frankly, and i think many would agree here, you’re probably one of the most hated men on the islands.
The survey results on The Sunday Times this morning made my breakfast a little hard to swallow, but there was some respite to read that the public in general know that you’re a dirty little liar with a vicious and vindictive streak, and confirmed your political ruin.
I wish you were seeking re-election just to see the massive drop in the number of votes you’d get because, put simply, nobody in their right mind will trust you ever again.
My guess is we’ll have to wait six years for that pleasure when you come out on the Labour ticket, but we won’t forget.
Reading your exchange with Antoine Vella beggars belief. You read like an 11-year-old girl throwing a tantrum – and nothing like a 50-year-old MP.
You lash out blindly in a frenzied fit, even mentioning names of people who have nothing to do with you (Seb? In London? Really? How low can you stoop?).
Finally – and I’m no fortune-teller here, but I do know a thing or two about marketing and PR. You ou may experience a drop in clientele at your dentistry/botox operation at The Smile Clinic (who can afford botox anyway these days, bil-guh li hawn), and you will want to blame Daphne, Bocca, Lou, Fr Joe or Mary and Peppi tal-haxix – but deep down you will know that you’ve taken away people’s smile and brought this on yourself.
Goodbye, Jeffrey – and may you rot in obscurity.
And knowing that in the beginning this was the fastest sperm; I hate to think with what we would have been lumped with had it been one of the slowest.
I wonder what the Medical Council and his immediate family think of the spectacle he is making of himself.
Would an orthopaedic surgeon deride people ‘li huma zoppi’? Would a psychiatrist mock publicly ‘li huma imgienen’?
This person is drowning, knows that he is drowning and is planning to take down with him as many people as possible. How a presumably intelligent woman would willingly accept to to the knot with such a man is beyond me.
I wonder what the Medical Council thinks of the long entry in Jeffrey’s Facebook (reproduced here recently) which was a blatant advertisement for his clinic.
I’m under the impression that this contravenes the rules and ethical standards laid down by the Council.
Would A. Charles kindly enlighten us?
“I wonder what the Medical Council thinks of the long entry in Jeffrey’s Facebook (reproduced here recently) which was a blatant advertisement for his clinic.”
Does he sell toothpaste? Does he offer the services of a communal shower? If so, how was it an advertisement? If anything, it worked to the contrary.
I am sure there is plenty in the Medical Council rule book on how a medical’dental professional should behave himself in public and about blatantly advertising his wares.
He is a bad example to young people in general, a shocking disappointment to whoever voted for him and he is dragging medical ethics into the mud.
Dear John,
The Medical Council, with the new legislation, can take action without having a formal complaint.
However, it would not be amiss if the above query is passed on to the Council by somebody who thinks that there was a contravention of its rules and ethical standards.
I’d sooner tie my rotting tooth to a door knob and have somebody pull it, than trust that man’s hands in my mouth.
Ir-ragel mitluf.
One word to describe this man: rubbish.
Psychiatrist? For what? As a test case perhaps. Otherwise, he’s beyond cure.
Who the hell does JPO Smith think he is?
Mr Christian Grey maybe?
He is as unprofessional as they come. In the UK he would have his name struck off the General Dental Council in no time. His behaviour is awful.
Oh My God!! I can’t believe what I’m reading. This shouldn’t be the behaviour of a member of Parliament. This is repulsive.
I pity you, Jeffrey. You are making a fool of yourself by posting such comments and these will reflect badly on your children.
Shame on you for everything you’re doing and for putting your family through this hell.
Is he really signing Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith? I happen to know where the Smith comes from, because we are distant (thank God) relatives. Unbelievable.