UPDATED: Joseph Muscat really must think that we’re all as perversely stupid as those who plan to vote for him

Published: July 16, 2012 at 12:23pm

The Times reports today:

Labour leader Joseph Muscat yesterday urged Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to use tomorrow’s Nationalist Party executive committee meeting to solve his party’s crisis and that of the country.

He said he was giving Dr Gonzi “the benefit of the doubt and of time” to solve the problems that the Labour Party had warned last November would escalate.

“In November, we had said the problems would grow and they did. A problem with one (MP) has now grown into a problem with three (MPs). And the situation will not end here and will continue to balloon unless (Dr) Gonzi takes the decisions he knows he should be taking,” Dr Muscat told a political activity in Żejtun.

So let’s see, now. Joseph Muscat uses his personal friendship (or shall we say, user-user relationship) with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to create as much havoc as possible for the Nationalist Party. He makes it transparent that the two of them – nasty, ill-bred, squalid little men that they are – are working in tandem on this.

But then he turns around and with the other side of his mouth, he says look, Lawrence Gonzi had better solve this crisis.

Ah but Joseph, if you’re so concerned about the crisis in the country, why did you work to create it in the first place?

Bleeding hypocrite. We’re not all Labour voters, you know. Some of us can see straight.


1. It is MUSCAT’S party which tabled a parliamentary motion to lynch Richard Cachia Caruana, a man without a seat in parliament, after first securing the assurance of Jeffrey Pulllicino Orlando’s vote. They would never have bothered otherwise.

2. It is the very individual who is supposed to be writing MUSCAT’S electoral programme, Karmenu Vella, who is making the bizarre and completely untenable allegations – which have been summarily denied – about Richard Cachia Caruana and Air Malta. Muscat actually sat next to Il-Guy when he made those allegations at a press conference, thereby signalling his support and cooperation.

3 It is MUSCAT’S shadow minister, Joe Mizzi, who spouted a list of horrific fairytales about Richard Cachia Caruana, for which he now faces criminal action, and about which he now refuses to answer the simplest questions.

4. And it is MUSCAT’S shadow minister of eduction, Evarist Bartolo, who this morning published the craziest story of all – that Richard Cachia Caruana implicated two Nationalist ministers in the attempt on his life in 1994, a story which has already been rubbished, even if it were not so absurd to begin with.

Joseph Muscat cannot distance himself from any of this heinous behaviour. He remains a Super One reporter with neither morals nor integrity.

He is responsible, and directly, for bringing politics to this level. A prime minister in waiting, a real one, does not even contemplate doing so. It is only a Super One hack who does.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Mister Fixit says:

    The best interest of the country is to keep labour as far away from government as possible, within the contraints of democracy. (not that they would return the courtesy)

    • Philip says:

      Excellent post Bocca, truly excellent. On the basis of that as well as a few home truths by D, Joey should do us all a favour and go stuff himself.

  2. Jozef says:

    Interesting how he addresses Lawrence Gonzi and not the executive council, does he think the PN is gonziPN’s plaything?

    If Joseph wants to participate in the PN’s decisions he could always become a member and work his way up. Is it his fetish?

  3. Renald Micallef says:


    Just received this video link by email from ‘The Movement’. It seems that this movement is nameless and the ‘new’ logo of the PL is never used in correspondence sent to voters.

    If I got it straight, I am supposed to vote for a party with no name, no proposals just because Malta needs a change?

    Change to what exactly? If I need a change I go buy myself new clothes dear Mr. Muscat, politics are no fashion accessories.

  4. maryanne says:

    It is imperative that, at this stage, Alfred Sant is asked some direct questions about what happened when he was prime minister.

  5. maryanne says:

    All the points listed above prove without any doubt, the collusion between Labour and JPOS.

    Lawrence Gonzi was spot on when he described this whole affair as a frame up.

  6. canon says:

    Somebody tried to kill Richard Cachia Caruana in 1994 in a knife attack. Sant’s party supported – directly or indirectly – the aggressor’s interests. And now Joseph Muscat’s party in collaboration with Jeffrey Pullicino Orland Smith are desperately doing the same.

  7. P Shaw says:

    “He is responsible, and directly, for bringing politics to this level. A prime minister in waiting, a real one, does not even contemplate doing so. It is only a Super One hack who does.”

    Well said – it is a pity that The Times, which complains about the low level of Maltese politics, cannot bring itself to name the real culprit of all this shallowness.

  8. Frunu says:

    Il-liba kemm qed niehu gost narakhom tindannaw :-)

    Oooppss …. excuse my foul language, insejt li this is a place of tal-pepe ….

    Fancy a glass of the Aldo Conterno Barolo Riserva Gran Bussia, Ms. Caruana Malizia? Or should I have said Mr.? quite frankly your face confuses ….

  9. ciccio says:

    Has Labour not rolled out an updated version of that “B’Gonzi mohhok mistrieh” bill board showing the face of JPOS, yet?

  10. Omega says:

    Ha nurikom il-qerq tal-Labour u dak tal-gazzetti ta’ Saviour li jissapportjawhom. Mela illejla l-Malta today online gabu clip tas-super One news li fih RCC jistema jghid bl-ingliz il-kliem li gej u li jien qed nittraduci bil-Malti apposta.

    “Kieku ma kienx ghal Lawrence Gatt u ibnu l-mahrub, tajjeb, ma kien jigrili xejn lili, ghax din kienet hafna ragunijiet kombinati flimkien”.

    Jien din nifhimha li RCC ried ifisser li kieku ma garax dak li gara bil-kaz tat-tifel ta’ Lawrence Gatt, kieku lilu ma kien jigrilu xejn ghax dak li gralu seta’ kien minhabba ragunijiet kombinati flimkien relatati mal-kaz imsemmi.

    Veru trid tkun vili u qarrieq biex dan id-diskors tal-Labour qed jinterpretawh li RCC akkuza lil Lawrence Gatt li kien involut fl-attentat ta’ qtil tieghu.

    Din sieheb tal-Wikileaks. Ghaliex il-Labour qed iqajjem dan kollu issa u ma qalux matul dawn it-18-il sena li ghaddew?

    Dan frame-up car u ninkoragixxi lilek Sinjura Carauna Galizia biex tibda kampanja kontra dawn il-frame-ups ghax dawn qed isiru issa li l-labour qeghdin fl-oppozizzjoni ahseb u ara jekk jitilghu fil-gvern x’jaghmlu.

  11. lol says:

    I prefer being called “stupid” rather than voting your dearest prime minister looool

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