Joseph tried to toss Jeffrey into his skip

Published: July 7, 2012 at 12:41am

Jeffrey Pulliicino Orlando Smith was interviewed by Andrew Azzopardi in his Time to Answer series carried on his blog (see link on comments-board below).

Q. Has the Labour Party ever asked you to contest on its ticket?

A. Yes, and I refused.

Well, I should hope so. Imagine that: Jeffrey and his ex wife Marlene both running on the same ticket (it’s bad enough they have rival dental clinics in the same village) with Carmen clapping and cheering in the stalls behind the Great Leader.

A French farce, with a Maltese twist.

It says a lot, though, doesn’t it, that Joseph Muscat asked JPOS to be a Labour candidate. There are no limits at which he will stop when filling his skip.

When you next try to toss Jeffrey in, Joseph, make sure he doesn’t land on Cyrus and damage him, miskin.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    I don’t believe he said no. Call me paranoid but I think he said he would love to but couldn’t because a simple defection would make him look bad.

    But Dr Muscat, knowing that he had an friend in the PN who was vulnerable, decided to make use of what he could.

    He used JPOS by getting him to put forward the divorce issue since he knew it would cause problems within the PN which he could use to his advantage.

    And I believe he did the same with Debono, promising him to help him get his revenge on the people who knew he was thick as two short planks and kept him away from anything important.

    That is what it looks like to me.

  2. maryanne says:

    I have said it before and I will say it again. All these underhand and devious tactics by Muscat only confirm one thing – insecurity.

    What with all these years in opposition, a new, young and progressive leader, and a movement of sorts, Muscat still feels very insecure that the next election is his.

    • Angus Black says:

      And Joseph should very well feel insecure.

      1 Even his own supporters are realizing that the Party had made a grave mistake electing him as Leader.

      2 The more time goes by, the more Joseph proves that he is incapable of developing policies which may make the difference this time.

      3 He is now perceived as being the puppet of the string pullers from the 70s and 80s (and 90s).

      4. The more underhanded tactics he uses in luring NP dissident MPs, the more evident it becomes that if elected he would wage open war on anyone with Nationalist sympathies.

      5. The more he succeeds in manipulating JPOS and FD and to a lesser extent JM, the more resolute true Nationalists become, even the fence sitters or the ones who in the past chose to stay home and not cast their vote.

      Maybe Joseph is reading the faint writing on the wall. Fail this once, and he will become history after the shortest leadership tenure in Labour Party’s history.

      Far from becoming Malta’s youngest prime minister. Screw up this chance and he will not get a second one.

  3. jae says:

    JPOS should have been asked another question. Did the Labour Party ask you to cross the floor of the House?

    And while we are at it, here’s another question for JPOS:

    Did the Labour Party ask you to use your position to inflict damage to the PN to increase PL’s chances of winning the next election?

  4. mark says:

    kemm intom vojta u nies bla sens puh jasal iz zmien tal hlas

  5. Christian says:

    Perhaps the more relevant political questions this story raises is when this offer, made to JPOS by none other than the leader of the opposition himself, was put forward to him and whether he informed the whip or the Prime minister about it. If not, given his refusal of the proposal, why not?

  6. edgar says:

    Mark, ilkoll nafu li jasal iz-zmien tal-hlas, imma ma bzajniex fil-passat u mhux sejrin nibzaw issa.

    Drajnikom u ma nippretendux ahjar minn nies li ghandu fl-iskip il-bahbuh Joseph.

  7. Adrian says:

    What’s Alfred Sant’s position on this?

    • maryanne says:

      Sant’s position on this and on other issues is: Santa huwa konxju.

      That is how Muscat answered Reno Bugeja on Dissett (tomorrow’s programme). The subject being discussed was the collusion of Cachia Caruana with Labour.

      Alla hares Sant mhux konxju la darba qed jghix u wkoll deputat. Dik twegiba ta kap tal-oppozizzjoni.

  8. anna caruana says:

    Did the Labour Party confirm what JPO said? I have a hard time believing anything this guy says. Didn’t he cry when he was (rightly accused) of trying to build a disco in a green area?

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    We musn’t believe all that Jeffrey says, so Muscat might or might not have asked him to contest the elections and Jeffrey might have accepted or refused.

    Just because Jeffrey says something doesn’t mean it’s true. On the contrary.

  10. markus says:

    It’s very interesting to note that the PL has asked JPO to stand as a candidate. It shows that the PL approve of the Mistra project. What a bloody farce! Igri tghaddi l-elezzjoni ha nehilsu minn dan ir-ragel.

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