Just look at this loser

Published: July 13, 2012 at 1:29am

A friend sent me an email this evening: Is Jeffrey overcompensating for something here?

Well, how would I know.

All I can say is that he looks absolutely ridiculous. Real security officers, Jeffrey, walk, stand and sit at a discreet distance. What you’ve got there is a rapper’s bouncer scenario.

Now all you need is a stretch Town Car with blacked-out windows and a CELEB number-plate.

But quite frankly, if I were you, Jeffrey, I’d be careful. People who don’t know you’re so utterly famous might actually mistake those two for your pimps and ask how much you charge for working that preppy look.


Now check out his appalling arrogance:

“I have no doubt that the party that I am proud to be part of, will take the adequate decision because there can be no other outcome than the one that I am expecting,” Pullicino Orlando said.

My way or the highway.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    I’ve noticed the reaction from Labour was rather muted.

    • La Redoute says:

      Of course it is. Jeffrey’s providing the cover they need. As long as he continues with his drama queen act, he’ll divert attention away from the PL’s shady incompetence.

      • Jozef says:

        Horrible to think that this Opposition actually believes it can make it last a full term. There’s panic at Maltatoday, elves out in force, the ‘true’ Nationalist variety.

      • ciccio says:

        Will Joseph be sitting next to JPOS at the PN’s Executive Committee, in the same way Joseph was sitting next to Karmenu Vella in yesterday’s press conference?

  2. Riff Raff says:

    1. GonziPN thrashed at the elections.

    2. Changes in PN leadership.

    3. 2018 elections draw near.

    4. NewPN sends out olive branch to the rebels.

    5. Rebels welcomed back Lost Sheep/Prodigal Son style.

    That’s reality.

    [Daphne – It isn’t, at all. Nationalist voters are a very different kind of animal to Labour voters, Riff Raff. This is exactly what those three made the catastrophic error of failing to understand. If we were like Labour voters, we would vote Labour. In fact, if you assess and analyse Franco, Jeffrey and Jesmond, you will see that their thinking and behaviour has more in common with what people associate with Labour, and that is precisely why they have been rejected, and why constituents are so furious at them.]

    • anthony says:

      Lost sheep/prodigal son these three are certainly not.

      They have been denied the party ticket.

      They are outcasts as far as the PN is concerned.

      They could never have been genuine PN supporters in the true sense of the word, anyway.

      The PN has lost all trust in them.


    • kev says:

      “…Nationalist voters are a very different kind of animal to Labour voters,…”

      Yes, very different, like two peas in a pod.

  3. Matt says:

    Why has JPO not been stripped of the Malta Council for Science and Technology chairmanship?

    Who would want to be seen with this man? One day he pretends to be your friend and another day he stabs you in the back.

    Who would want to have his teeth examined by the MP?

    Those who hate will self destruct. It has always been and it will always be.

  4. johnusa says:

    True, ridiculous, but the fact that he felt he needed two bodyguards says a lot about the atmosphere of the PN right now.

    [Daphne – He does not feel he needs two bodyguards, John. Read that post again. One of them is his canvasser. And quite frankly, I think the only reason he wants them is because the man he hates so much has security officers – who stand at a distance.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Johnusa, the fact that you believe he needed two bodyguards says a lot about your knowledge of the atmosphere within the PN right now.

    • Anna says:

      He probably thought he would look really good arriving at Dar Centrali flanked by two bodyguards.

      What he did not foresee is that these two men, who seem very tall but probably aren’t, would make him look like a gnome. Or more accurately, he looked like a real prick (and not a particularly big one at that).

    • anthony says:

      It says a lot about the atmosphere of JPOS.

      Who, for Christ’s sake, does he think he is?

      Hariri in Beirut ?

      To me, each day that passes, he seems more and more like Johnny Walker.

    • P Shaw says:

      Security officers are not meant to be seen. It is the norm.

      Look at all the footage of Obama and other presidents. Their security detail is rarely seen except in fiction (Hollywood movies about presidents).

  5. edgar says:

    He is absolutely right to be proud of the party but I very much doubt how proud the party is of him.

  6. Village says:

    Jeffrey and Franco have no political foresight and prudence.

    A political party is a group of people who share the same ideas about the way a country should be governed. They work together for a common cause.

    Even a novice in politics knows that such a confrontational approach is politically suicidal with electors and with the party itself, and that you inevitably end up chucked out unceremoniously.

    The wiser conspirators know this. They should change their approach and work loyally from within the party or bow out.

  7. chair says:

    I think the Nationalist Party finally did the right thing, even though I would have liked to have seen Franco voted out by the electorate.

  8. TROY says:

    Bodyguards, my arse: those are two losers with no, or little IQ.

    Jeff would have been better off guarded by two chimps. At least the apes would have behaved better.

  9. Patrik says:

    He’s giving us a lesson in how to look short; Put two tall guys next to you, angle the camera from slightly below and make one of the guys walk slightly ahead of you.

    Short is the new black.

  10. jae says:

    The vote of the Executive Committee was unanimous.

    Those who speak of a divided Party are wrong.

    It is a party with some problems with three individuals – problems made infinitely more difficult because they can use the one seat majority to their advantage.

    This is a UNITED party which is sick and tired of the shameful abuse of power of JPOS and Franco Debono.

  11. Sowerberry says:

    Is JPOS that short or are the bouncers that tall?

    [Daphne – JPOS is what, if he were a woman, would be called ‘petite’.]

  12. Lomax says:

    Jeffrey needing bodyguards? Now that’s a laugh.

    JPO feels he needs to be a victim to draw sympathy. The crocodile tears at Mosta before the last election are a clear indication. The “bodyguards” cum bouncers are there to show that he thinks he is in some sort of peril. The reality is that we’re in peril because he’s in Parliament.

  13. Rita Camilleri says:

    Jisthajjlux xi Tom Cruise.

  14. Mario Cassar says:

    Time for the prime minister to request JPOS’s resignation as chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology. He is bad for the reputation and image of that august institution.

  15. Interested Bystander says:

    Perhaps they are there to save him from himself.

  16. Daniel Debono says:

    Well said, Mario – let’s replace him once and for all from all PN actvities. He showed how weak he is and with a big CHIP.

  17. canon says:

    When JPOS said that he is proud to be part of the party, please do not believe him. After all, he has said that he is not even going to vote for it.

    This man is a proven liar.

  18. ciccio says:

    The picture above reminds me so much of Labour’s Golden Years, when Labour Ministers surrounded themselves with thugs.

  19. mark v says:

    I hope that following Tuesday’s hearing regarding RCC, we will have a break from JPOS.

    He is not hitting the headlines on timesofmalta.com today and that is a good sign already.

  20. Ganna says:

    Ciangura was always JPO’s canvasser, and he hung around with him for a long time.

  21. fm says:

    Dan ir-ragel tilef ir-raguni u nisperaw li ma jitlifx lil Malta mieghu.

  22. Mister says:

    Super 1 News, please stop trying so hard because you`ll end up giving the game away.. just like today.

    Look at Jeffrey’s look in the video posted by our dear Super 1. They had the perfect shot. Obviously knowing what was going to happen.


    Seriously… ignore the ‘scripted commotion’, look at Jeffrey’s expression and tell me what you think.

    Do his security stand by Jeffrey when he is in the bathroom? Just in case, because you never know who might be hiding behind the shower curtain.

  23. ron says:

    Alfred Sant frequently used the word “skadut”. I think we should use it in terms of these three.

  24. Grezz says:

    Nahseb li Jeffrey qed jizzmaga:

    “May I suggest that, for the forthcoming meeting, it would be better for our image if we discouraged the presence of certain individuals who were gathered in front of our headquarters yesterday” http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120713/local/jpo.428427

  25. Danton says:

    The PN has got to make double sure that this time round there are no Trojan horses on the list of prospective candidates.The political affiliation with the opposing party of close family members, including siblings, has got to be taken into account when deciding on the eligibility or otherwise of a prospectrive PN candidate.

  26. canon says:

    How come Luciano Busuttil didn’t provide Jeffrey with an affidavit about Richard Cachia Caruana? When Cachia Caruana greeted Luciano at the Westin Hotel not that long ago, it was a sure sign of collusion, wasn’t it?

  27. Sowerberry says:

    Franco Debono has now taken to posting very frequently on timesofmalta.com; perhaps the only platform left or is he trying to drum up business ?

  28. Johann Camilleri says:

    Oh for heaven’s sake, what a dope.

    Can’t Labour and their ilk (i.e. JPO) get ANYTHING right?

    They are an amateur bunch of twits and this shows even in the choice of their ‘security personnel’.

    They have absolutely no attention to detail, so God help Malta when they are in government.

    One of our (the company I work for) clients is a (real) security firm that provides security services to clients in the UK, the US and Canada. On one of my visits I was introduced to ‘one of their top agents’. I was incredulous, he was (to me) a puny-looking fellow who could, in my eyes, pose no threat to anybody.

    On commenting on this later, I was told with laughter – the days of renting out goons, or gorillas – they were called that, are long gone.

    The best defense is brain rather then brawn, and goons are only good in nightclubs against a couple of rowdy drunks, but are quite useless outside the bar scene other then to show what a total prat their employer is.

    True security personnel are inconspicuous, because they need to be to do their job well.

    How typically Labour to think might is right, and to get things so abysmally wrong.

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