Mrs Prattikament Prim Ministru is going to want one of these

Published: July 31, 2012 at 9:14am

An artist in Los Angeles has created a waffle-maker which stamps your breakfast waffles or closed toast with the famous Louis Vuitton markings.

57 Comments Comment

  1. Nicky says:

    The knowledge that the graceful, charismatic Mrs.Gonzi will be replaced by this low life, incredibly fake and pretentious piece of work is just too painful.

  2. Jozef says:

    That’s so true to form. Branding.

  3. mattie says:

    Brands don’t make for style or class. Somebody should explain that to Mrs Muscat.

    • Grezz says:

      The chavs will never understand that,will they? It’s like their buying a flat on the front and thinking that they’ve arrived.

      • mattie says:

        Or graduating from the University of Malta thinking they’ve made it. Posting chav comments on Facebook (whilst working as translators in Brussels) to tell the whole world how well they’ve done.

        No they won’t understand. Malta is full of chavs and wannabes, hamalli who wear Ralph Lauren logo shirts with a huge graphic tattoo underneath it, Calvin Klein shorts and Levi’s Jeans.

        Louis Vuitton handbags, Burberry scarves and Gucci shoes. Faces full of Chanel makeup. BMW’s and Mini Coopers imported specially for them at half the showroom price.

        Welcome to chav Malta. Enjoy your stay.

  4. cat says:

    Ara kemm jinzlilha ghal qalbha dan il-” branded toast” lil Mrs Muscat.

    • mattie says:

      Hafna Maltin huma kopja ezatta ta’ dawn it-tnejn. Dawn it-tnejn xempju klassiku tas-socjeta Maltija, moderata u progressiva.

      All flash on the outside, no class on the inside, zero contents in between the ears.

  5. Someone says:

    We are all a bit guilty of succumbing to the ad men’s skillful wooing in some way or other.

    However, what is blatant about Mrs Muscat display is that we are supposed to be a country in an economic black hole according to the Movement, so this display of wealth by the Opposition’s leader wife is uncomfortably close to Mrs Marcos’s behaviour while the rest of the Philippines was in abject poverty.

    Also, what is it with the sunglasses indoors?

  6. Maria says:

    And what was she doing wearing sunglasses indoors?

  7. ROberto says:

    My favourite is her Manchester tan – face only.

  8. cat says:

    Why is she wearing sunglasses while she’s indoors? Maybe she wanted to hide bags and red eyes from a busy night?

  9. Charles says:

    Oh giezu gieez, kif ghajjejt inzomm mal-moda.

  10. DNA says:

    She still organises tours to Brussels. Last year I encountered her with a herd of Gozitans (take a guess who they vote for) in flip-flops and shorts, while she proudly showed off her Vuitton handbag. Pathetic.

    • Grezz says:

      The irony is that it would have failed to impress them. They’d probably have thought “Ara, din bhalna – Tixtri l-henbegs minn fuq ilmonti.”

  11. ciccio says:

    Can someone invent a similar machine to stamp the Gucci brand on my made-in-China garden boots?
    But he/she has to make it time by the next elections because I plan to wear them to the polling station, with my North Face jacket.

  12. TinaB says:

    The woman has absolutely zero sense of style. In this photo she looks absolutely horrendous, as per usual.

    • mattie says:

      Vide the one of the satin top. Now if you’re pregnant or slightly on the large side, satin is a big no-no.

  13. Stingray says:

    Nicky wrote that Michelle Muscat is “Low life”.

    Wikipedia defines ‘Low Life’ as follows:

    A low-life or lowlife is a term for a person who is considered morally unacceptable by their community, especially those who exploit others for their own selfish purposes. Examples of people who are often called “lowlifes” are the dregs of society: drug dealers, drug users, alcoholics, those with bad hygiene, thieves, liars, thugs, hustlers, con artists, griefers, pimps and spammers.[1]

    Is this the sort of comment you want to provoke and allow on your blog Daphne?

    [Daphne – Well, I would rather you used your own mind instead of quoting Wikipedia, which is a little….inadequate.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      There. You said it yourself. Liars and con artists. The Muscats are low life on at least two counts.

      • Claire says:

        I think low life is harsh and derogatory. Style challenged is more apt. Kate Gonzi comes across as conservative and appropriately dressed for her age and social status. Michelle Muscat looks like a WAG. She has yet to grasp that she is a public figure by virtue of her marriage to a politician.

        I’d say ladies if you want freedom from protocol, glamour and aspire to look like a Wag, stay away from politics where you might one day have to represent your country and take to something artistic.

        I’ve seen one of the working girls in Testafferrata Street strut in mandatory barely there mini and a Louis Vuitton, black , patent leather bag. If I could afford thousands of Euros on a designer bag, I’d dread the comparison,

        Today’s style icons mix vintage with high street and designers. Kate Middleton has worn both Zara and designers beautifully. Logos are so 80s yuppie.

        Money doesn’t buy class but with some common sense it can buy style and with so many glossies, tv shows and what not for inspiration there’s really no excuse these days. Even people from the gutter dress well these days, let alone if you travel frequently and can pick a few style tips.

        The issue here is rather the mentality of wanting to flaunt one’s wealth at the cost of good taste. Much like the villagers who used to pile yellow gold bracelets on their arms to show they could afford all that gold.

        To this day I have an inexplicable phobia for yellow gold or the slightest hint of gold on an acessory. It’s more like total aversion. I’ve come to associate yellow gold with dark roots peroxide blonde hair and screaming matches. Some women can carry off gold-tone accessories but I believe they are few and far in between. The very thought of those bingo wings and yellow gold makes me sick to this day.

      • mattie says:

        So true. People outside Malta are wearing fewer blatantly obvious designer brands. You can’t buy style. You either have it, or you don’t.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      Lowlife also means someone of low social status.

      • mattie says:

        Yes we know. Hawn hafna minnhom Malta. Tarafhom. Mohhom f’Gant, Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Gucci u Vuitton. Biex jghattu dak li hemm taht.

  14. Angus Black says:

    Back to the 70s, I see.

  15. Anthony Briffa says:

    Dan ir-ritratt vera tal-misthija. Dik it-tbissima ma hi naturali xejn.

    Qieghed nara tajjeb jew le. Is she expecting, Gos bless?

    • P Shaw says:

      Mela ghalhekk din l-ghagla kollha ghall-elezzjoni – trid tkun bhal Cherie Blair u Samantha Cameron u twelled Kastilja. Hello magazine diga bbukjati.

  16. Marie says:

    She might well be Mrs Prime Minister when Soleil and Etoile do their holy communion. Logo ahoy.

  17. Spiru says:

    U ajma miskina halluha – she smiled at me at Scott’s car park at Burmarrad, and she’s really sweet.

    [Daphne – I’ll smile at you in the car park at Scott’s, if you like…]

  18. L.Gatt says:

    Cool waffles. Any Prada garbage bags available for Mrs Peron “di noi altri” tto dispose of left overs?

  19. SPB says:

    This is franco’s reply to someone who commented on his blog about his obsession with life in Form IIC:

    “what about form IIC? what’s wrong. i used to take things very seriously ever since i was a young boy. what’s wrong with that?

    i took things seriously in my profession, i took things seriously in politics. what’s wrong with that?

    to those who wera accusing me of behaving like a little child i replied : even when i was a child i used to take things very seriously let alone today!

    imma jidher li f’Malta mhux kemm taf imma lil min taf!”


    • La Redoute says:

      The problem with Franco – apart from the notorious narcissism – is that he’s not very bright. NO ONE would flash around a From IIC report – especially not one with such mediocre results.

  20. mandango70 says:

    U pratikament kap tal-oppozizzjoni will yearn for a panciera sooner or later ghax qed jizzaqqaq. U pratikament mrs kap tal-opposizzjoni will want a hadida tal-moghdija to iron out the creases and haggard look off pratikament kap tal-oppozizzjoni’s face.

    Given that such humour is in line with your own repeated (ad nauseam) humour, I take it you will let this post through to please your faithful readers with this upmarket sense of humour.

    [Daphne – Not at all. Dr and Mrs Gonzi are genuine, which is why people accept them as they are and warm to them. Dr and Mrs Muscat are quite obviously try-hard, and so bring perceptive people out in hives. Mrs Muscat puts me in mind of one of those girls who used to come to Saddles in an “outfit” and wonder why the in-crowd didn’t immediately embrace her when she had done “all the right things”.]

    • TinaB says:


      I do not remember ever seeing the Prime Minister or Mrs Gonzi trying to look younger than they actually are, or even worse, imitating famous political leaders and their spouses, like, for instance, the Sarkozys and the Obamas.

      Getting old and being yourself is perfectly all right – being a working-class girl and trying too hard to give the impression that you are the opposite is definitely not. It is pathetic.

  21. Spiru says:

    My heart melted at the very thought! LOL. Will tell you when we meet.

    [Daphne – OK. I’ll be the frazzled one, cursing under my breath.]

    • silvio says:

      Dear Daphne, I think you should ask him to hold a carnation in his mouth.

      How else would you know who this Spiru is?

      You can’t just smile at anybody who is around. They will think you are contesting the next election.

      [Daphne – I always smile at people, even when I don’t know them. I do it because it foxes them….”Ara gejja dik l-antipati….ooops.”]

  22. Martin says:

    Why do young and attractive women give you goosepimples? Never fails, does it?

    [Daphne – Martin, unfortunately (for you) I don’t teach sex education classes, but I will try and help make you a little less challenged in this department. 1. If young and attractive women gave me goosepimples, I would be a lesbian. 2. Michelle Muscat is neither young nor attractive. She is middle-aged and very ordinary looking, with a terrible figure for her age, a bad complexion that means she is unable to leave the house without make-up, very dull clothes and – this is the most important bit and it’s not linked to aesthetics – absolutely no sex appeal. If you are a straight man and you haven’t registered this lattermost fact, be worried. Even a woman can spot it.]

  23. johnnie be good says:

    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is considered to be the worst-dressed VIP. Michelle now takes the gold medal

  24. A. Charles says:

    Dedicated to all the “cwiec” who voted no to EU membership:

  25. kev says:

    Thought you’d appreciate some out-of-the-loop news. Here’s a (random) sampling, free of charge.

    Extradited to the world jailers for alleged ‘copyright infringements’:

    20 crucial days for insolvent Greece to borrow €3.2bln and become more insolvent:

    Only ECB’s Mario Draghi can kick the can far enough to avert global calamity before the year is out:

    ECB thinks the inevitable to save the euro: print its way out at the expense of the eurozone consumer/taxpayer:

    The Fed On Gold Price Manipulation:

    Mexican Official Accuses CIA Of ‘Managing’ Not ‘Fighting’ The Drug Trade:

    CIA are drug smugglers, says former federal judge and DEA administrator Robert Bonner:

    Leading Austrian newspaper uses photoshop to make Syria look even worse

    Finally, this is really NOT for the intermediate, let alone morons – but one clue is: Who is Robert Holmes apart from being the Colorado shooter’s dad?:

    …would anyone know anything about Darpa?

    In any case, this shooting spree will serve well towards Obama’s forthcoming gun ban, coming soon to the US madhouse. This will mark a milestone in US history. You will see what happens when US government agents try to bin their constitutional right to bear arms (apart from the infiltrated, militia patsies, staged-event, that is…)

    Now back to the future First Lady’s Louis Vuitton waffles…

  26. Taks Fors says:

    And the Prattikament Ministru tal-Ekonomija, or rather, the future Stipends Buster, is already being driven around the island in his own RAVA by his driver. Getting all prepared there, aren’t they?

  27. cesca says:

    Michelle has appeared wearing that top for the past two years or so. I remember her wearing it for a TV fundraiser (Ohloq Tbissima for the Hamrun kids’ home?).

    It was available from H&M for €14.99 and makes one look preggy. A Super1 presenter was also wearing an identical one on TV last Sunday.

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