Oh my, Malta Today has a SCOOP

Published: July 16, 2012 at 12:55pm

The Wied is-Sewda Midget - even smaller than the girls (and with dyed hair like theirs)

Will that lot of sorry specimens not tire of their highly compromising and deeply embarrassing association with the Wied Is-Sewda Midget?

Apparently not. If they’re happy to have the Labour Party’s crass deputy leader as their retained lawyer, they’re probably happy to prostitute their credibility to a poison dwarf with sociopathic tendencies.

But then it won’t be the first time they’ve done that, so no surprises there. That is not a newspaper. That is an axe-grinding machine with some very serious personal issues.

But back to the SCOOP they got this morning from the Wied Is-Sewda Midget.

Pullicino Orlando added: “Personally speaking, I will find it very hard to remain a member of the Nationalist Party if the Executive Committee does not expel Richard Cachia Caruana after next Tuesday’s meeting. I feel that the irrefutable evidence that I will be presenting gives the Committee more than enough grounds to do so.”

This exclusive comment to MaltaToday came after the newspaper asked him for his comments after Thursday’s executive decision.

Exclusive comment, eh? Wow, just about as exclusive as Franco Debono’s outsize logo Polo top, designed for Chinese rip-off market moguls.

Calling an on-the-record comment from the Wied Is-Sewda Midget “exclusive” is like saying you’re about to eat an exclusive lunch of chicken nuggets down at the Golden Arches.

I’d bet you anything the Wied Is-Sewda Midget thinks that this is a threat to reduce the PN’s one-seat majority in parliament. Hasn’t he already done that?

The fun factor in all this, so to speak, is that this Pocket Dolly really believes he’d be a great loss to the Nationalist Party, the government and the country.

He’s even told us reassuringly, so that we’ll sleep easier in our beds, that he’ll be back.

He’s shown that he’s a bloody liar, he has manifested sadistic and sociopathic tendencies, he can’t be trusted as far as you can throw him (albeit you can throw somebody that small pretty far), he has announced that he won’t vote for the Nationalist Party in the general election, and he is openly calling for an election in which he plans not to vote.

Does he really think that there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth if he leaves?

And this on a personal note, now: shouldn’t a man just four weeks away from his wedding-day be seeking some form of serenity and peace of mind? Or is all this just manic displacement activity to avoid facing some very serious decisions he now has no choice but to make?

6 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    ‘This would provide him with an exit strategy to justify his resignation from the parliamentary group, thus denying the government from its majority without actually bringing it down.’


    A week ago on Maltatoday, BEFORE the list of witnesses was published.

    I have the displeasure of having to meet with a couple of regular readers of this newspaper who bore me witless quoting it to try to sound analytical.

    Then they tell me to quit smoking.

  2. Gahan says:

    Mela wiehed irid iqaccat lil RCC u l-iehor irid iqaccat lil Austin Gatt wara li qaccat lil Carm minn ministru.

    Ta’ min jinnota li kemm Austin kif ukoll RCC huma hafna involuti kif titmexxa kampanja elettorali mil-PN.

  3. ciccio says:

    By September, the important road projects will be ready, and the Arriva reform has now been substantially completed.

    Isn’t it time for Austin Gatt to resign and start working on the electoral campaign, as the PM had requested?


  4. Angus Black says:

    Tomorrow’s meeting could be a short one if the Executive will put forward a motion to (a) disregard JPOS request since he did not adhere to conditions which he had agreed to before and (b) a resolution ‘that since the parliament motion and subsequent debates did not prove RCC’s alleged shortcomings, the NP would endorse his membership’, let alone expel him.

    JPOS, going by his own words, will have no other option but to leave the Party before being formally expelled first.

  5. VERITA says:

    i bet my last euro that JPOS wont attend tomorrow’s meeting bringing forward the excuse that the main door was manned by the sams security staff

  6. Makjavel says:

    Hindsight makes sense of situations.

    JPOS cries his heart out enough to get Alfred Sant lose the election. This opens the door to Joseph.

    The rest is history and what we are seeing is the sequel to that, JPOS simply is in a state of illusion, having been sleeping with various Labour hard-liners for years, and he accuses Richard Cachia Caruana of collusion with the enemy.

    JPOS must be day-dreaming or living in Narnia.

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