Oh, poor Jeffrey

Published: July 11, 2012 at 7:58pm

Nice one, Jeff - kemm hrigt tac-cajt

Jeffrey Pullicino (Orlando Smith) has finally published his long-awaited list of witnesses that will testify against Richard Cachia Caruana before the PN Executive – but only by virtue of a piece of paper called an affidavit.

One of them, Karmenu Vella, has immediately issued a press release which makes a laughing-stock of Jeffrey and the impression he sought to create about corruption and nest-feathering.

Not that Karmenu intended to make a laughing-stock of Jeffrey, but that’s what happened.

Did Jeffrey know that Karmenu was going to issue that press release? I doubt it, because it makes him and his accusations look absolutely ridiculous. Reasons for expulsion, indeed.

The other witnesses are John Dalli (of course – jista’ jonqos?), l-eks ministru bla portafoll Joe Mizzi, the Commissioner of Police, and….Gordon Pisani.

Ma jiflahx jaqa’ ghac-cajt izjed, miskin.

In his letter to the PN Executive, in which he listed the witnesses, Pullicino (Orlando Smith) wrote:

I will demonstrate that Mr Cachia Caruana has other contacts in the Labour Party during my presentation to the executive committee. It is somewhat surprising that Mr Cachia Caruana was careless enough to reveal this fact during an interview he gave to The Sunday Times on 24 June. In this interview he mentions his ‘Labour Party contacts’.

I mean, honeestly, can you believe it? Every night for the last 10 years, this man has gone to bed with a Labour activist. On 11 August, he will marry that Labour activist, who sits behind the Labour leader at his public meetings and claps and cheers.

Every weekend and many weeknights, for the past five years at least, he has socialised relentlessly in the Labour/Super One clique run and managed by Jose Herrera’s sister, Consuelo, a clique that manipulates, dissembles and turns wheels within wheels.

He has drinks and dinner with the Labour leader and his wife, old friends of his “partner”.

He partners up with a Labour MP – Evarist Bartolo – on the divorce bill and gets the backing of the Labour Party. He colludes with the Labour Opposition on a vote to force the resignation of Malta’s permanent representative to the European Union.

He is forever plotting against the government on whose parliamentary benches he sits, and acting in such a way that will damage his party and favour the election of Labour.

And then he accuses others of collusion and of using Labour Party contacts to their advantage. Incredible. Call the men in white and have him locked up.

He’s been allowed to inflict his personal problems and his psychological disorders on this country for long enough.

11 Comments Comment

  1. davidg says:

    Veru miskin,nahseb il-kbir ghadu gej.

  2. maryanne says:

    Mr Cachia Caruana has already issued a denial. JPOS qisu murtal tal-festa – jfaqqa’, jaghmel hoss kbir u jmut fi-xejn.

    “Mr Vella can take as many affidavits as he likes but that will not turn a fabrication into the truth. The minutes of the Air Malta board meetings show the decision to purchase the RJs was taken unanimously and I supported the decision completely.”

    “Far from trying not to associate myself with the board’s decisions, the minutes show clearly that the majority of board members and I shared the same position before and after the change of government. Mr Vella is either lying or has mixed me up with someone else.”

  3. edgar says:

    The executive committee of the PN should immediately kick out this bastard from the party whatever the consequences and at the same time enrol him with the AA to help him kick off his drinking habits.

  4. Fido says:

    Tgħid nemmnuh lill-Karmenu Vella, dak li f’Awwissu tal-1983 kisser il-liġi imposta mill-Gvern Socjalista u li l-istess Karmenu Vella kien Ministru ta’ dak il-Gvern? Miskin ma kienx jafha l-ligi li kien ressaq il-Gvern li hu kien jagħmel parti minnhu bħala Ministru? Jew nesa’, le?

  5. etil says:

    An apt description in Italian of JPOS – un topo di fogna.

  6. Village says:

    The party in the first instance and the government in the second have no option but to chuck him out of orbit, party membership, posts and government associated appointments and functions.

  7. Silverbug says:

    Poor Jeffrey, indeed. Poor Richard, more like. However the latter will weather it and come out on top.

    The former….what goes around comes around. I hope to live to see him get his come uppance.

  8. Joseph Borg says:

    Are we going to have another Mistra comedy, with all the crying and begging?

    This time the grace donors are mentioned by JPO himself.

  9. Harry Purdie says:

    Hey Jeffy. When you’re up to your chin in shit, don’t make a wave and keep your mouth closed.

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