So true

Published: July 22, 2012 at 10:18pm

Note to Maltastar and the rest of the sorry lot: this is a famous cartoonist. It is not the work of the Evil Blokker of Wardija.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Big Nose says:

    Where is the LIKE button?

  2. Ivan F. Attard says:

    noted that the last frame has a different font and so I searched for the original version.

    Sure enough, it was altered ……

    and the original version ended as follows …..

  3. Stephen Ganado says:

    Hope you don’t mind but I’m posting this on Facebook.

  4. Aunt Hetty says:

    Labour supporters tend not to recognize irony even if it is shoved at them.

    [Daphne – Not only Labour supporters, Aunt Hetty, but Maltese people in general.]

  5. Natalie says:

    Hmm.. the little roaches seem to be crawling back to this site again. The insults are starting to increase.

  6. Tipprova kemm tipprova bil-kummiedji tieghek m’intix se ddawwar fehmiet. Min hu stupid hekk se jibqa u min hu bright ?bhalek, hekk se jibqa. U ghalhekk gejja tkaxkira.

  7. silvio says:

    I hope the cartoonist doesn’t have a copyright on his works. The last frame has been tampered with.

    This could land you in trouble.

    [Daphne – Hello, Silvio. No, it couldn’t. It was obviously tampered with in the United States. Hence the spelling.]

    • Sinjura Daphne, tahsibx li kullhadd bright u bravu bhalek. Hawn hafna stupidi jigru mas-saqajn u ma hemmx ghalfen hafna sforz biex jittendu kemm qed tipprova tbazwar (din wahda ta Sant) biex minghalik tallejna u ddawwar il-fehmiet tan-nies. Mhux se jirnexxilek. Meta l-poplu jkun iddejjaq b’min qed imexxih, Il-kelma bil-Malti hija “tumbrah” taghmel x’taghmel xejn mhu se jbidillu fehmtu. Might as well give up.

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