Published: July 7, 2012 at 9:50pm

Yes, that's the future prime minister

In December 1993, Joseph Muscat – star report for the Labour Party’s official organ, KullHadd, was dispatched to Tunisia with some Maltese beauty queens, to report on a beauty pageant there.

Here are some excerpts from his report, which show the early emegence of his liberal, progressive and open-minded soul.


“Il-qaddisin x’erba’ tfajliet dawn!” Hekk ghidt benji u bejn ruhi x’hin wasalt l-Airport. Kont ghadni ma nizzilthix li kienu ghazlu lili biex immur it-Tunezija ma’ dawn it-tfajliet bhala rapprezentant tal-gazzetta taghna.


Minflok irrid nitkellem fuq l-phrajn. Iltqajt ma’ tfajliet li jghaxxquk. “Daz-zgur galantom, misshom ma jghaxxqukx la dahlu f’konkors tas-sbuhija. Min jaf x’kull gisem kien hemm!” ikun hemm minnkom li qeghdin jahsbu bhalissa.


Qabzitli. Iddecidejt li nghallimhom xi haga gdida. L-ewwel wiehed li gie quddiemi u qalli tal-hobza u sardina ghedtlu “Malta no hobza u sardina but laham, whisky u nisa.”


Jien nahseb li t-Tunezini lin-nisa kollha jaqfluhom gewwa. Kullimkien irgiel. Biex tara mara trid taghmel weghda, u ma tantx ikun fiha x’tara.


36 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    What an embarrassment – though not for him, because he probably lacks any self-awareness.

  2. Seggy says:

    Did you see the section: “X’gibtli?”

    I like best the part where he says that he doesn’t even know what size shoes he wears because usually his mummy buys everything for him.

    Progressive indeed: “Ahjar flokk tal-lira milli gakketta ta’ Lm500. Le, tal-moda ma tantx jien dilettant!”

    He won’t say the same today.

  3. julian says:

    For those who know him well, and have known him for years, this article exposes the real Joseph Muscat.

  4. anthony says:

    The makings of a European statesman.

    Konrad Adenauer is tossing in his tomb.

    Ahjar nidhak.

  5. La Redoute says:

    U Ray Azzopardi kif dahal fil-kredu?

    [Daphne – Forsi telaq ma’ wiehed minn dawk l-igmla.]

    • P Shaw says:

      Dak iz-zmien Ray kien inkarigat mis-sezzjoni kulturali tal-MLP.

      Carmen Ciantar kienet issiefer ukoll bis-sahha ta’ Ray Azzopardi. L-importanti s-safar b’xejn minn fuq dahar il-partit.

      • Andre says:

        Did they really have a sezzjoni kulturali? Now that would be interesting…

      • helena cassar says:

        Mhux ahjar isiefer minn fuq dahar il-partit milli minn fuq dahar il-poplu, jekk verament dak huwa l-kaz – ghax biex nitfghu t-tajn l-ewwel niehdu hux.

    • ciccio says:

      About Ray Azzopardi, Joseph Muscat says “hudu parir tieghi, u tafdawlu xejn f’idejh.”

      And he also calls Ray “the Hurricane.” That’s from Joseph the Earthquake.

  6. maryanne says:

    The caption says: Beauties and the Beast.

    Ara kieku qalitha Daphne, eh, kemm konna nghiru bil-poison pen.

  7. Min jaf says:

    The reference to Malta as Hobza w Sardina has nothing to do with food per se, as someone else had also refered to elsewhere in this blog, but to the geographical shape of the islands of Gozo and Malta.

    The others being Filfla – red pepper – and Kemmuna – cumin seed.

  8. Whoami? says:

    Il-gopp go Brussel ghamlu nofs nies, ghax dan l-artiklu juri l-muntun li hemm ibaqbaq go fih.

  9. Marie says:

    He probably congratulates himself on his sense of humour.

  10. Not Tonight says:

    X’faqar ta’ mentalità. Imbasta hafna pozi mal-mara qisu jaduraha, u mbaghad jitkellem qisu xi bahri li ilu ma jidhol il-port is-snin.

    “Laham, whisky u nisa”.

    Vera jaqq u ta’ wara l-muntanji. Xi hadd qabblu ma’ muntun. Tassew toqodlu u tixraqlu.

    • P Shaw says:

      From an analysis of his own writing above, it seems that Joseph Muscat would have fit better, instead of the African man, in the picture uploaded by the racist Facebook page, of which the Labour MPs were members (the one where the African guy is penetrating a sheep or a goat).

    • Catsrbest says:

      U le hej, x’qisu muntun. Ejjew inkunu fair tafx – meta qatt haseb hekk il-muntun miskin.

  11. A.Attard says:

    The girls in the photo must be really short for beauty queens in heels.

  12. Fido says:

    “…biex jara jekk dak il-wiċċ gustuż kienx l-istess wieħed tiegħi”

    Grazzi Mulej talli għoġbok tibgħatilna lill-Joseph Muscat li mhux biss sebbaħ dawn il-gżejjer bil-ġmiel tiegħu imma għaġġeb ukoll lill-pajjiżi ta’ madwarna.

  13. it-tunezin says:

    X’misthija jkollna lil Joseph prim ministru.

    Lanqas irrid nohlom li fil-futur hemm cans kbir li jirraprezenta lill-pajjizna.

    Sewwa jghidu li l-ahhar prim ministru denju tal-Labour kien Pawlu Boffa.

  14. Lomax says:

    “Min jaf x’kull gisem kien hemm”: How incredibly crass and in bad taste.

    Still the PL are leading with 10-point lead: The Sunday Times survey today. Such is life.

    • Stefan Vella says:

      Approximately 45% are either undecided or not disclosing their eventual vote. Labour’s victory is not yet set in stone though I’m the first to admit that it does not look good.

    • Catsrbest says:

      However, I would like to ask what is the margin or error of these surveys. I still have my doubts about them.

      [Daphne – They are accurate.]

      • Catsrbest says:

        Actually, I did not ask about their accuracy – I asked about their margin of error which usually every survey has.

  15. Ganna says:

    Muscat said that he doesn’t know the size of his shoes, because his mother buys everything for him.

    I still don’t think that he realises the trouble and work when he is prime minister. He wore the shoes that don’t fit him. He doesn’t known how to govern.

    When he goes abroad, and is alone to negotiate with lions, he is missing out.

  16. ciccio says:

    The mentality of a pimp.

  17. tediber says:

    It`s times like these where I’m grateful that we have our own language. At Least our embarrassment is somewhat contained.

    Does anyone have any idea how old he was then?

    [Daphne – 20.]

  18. Bob says:

    “L-ewwel wiehed li gie quddiemi u qalli tal-hobza u sardina ghedtlu “Malta no hobza u sardina but laham, whisky u nisa.” ”

    Dan bis-serjeta? Vera Gahan.

  19. julian says:

    Haven’t seen Michelle for a long time. Ghamel habta jbusha kull nhar ta’ Hadd filghodu.

    She seems to have gone into hibernation.

    Perhaps she’s embarrassed with her “laham, whisky u nisa” hubbie. I don’t blame her – at least the kids are on their summer holidays, because I can’t imagine how she can walk into the San Anton yards after such an embarrassment.

  20. Joey says:

    LOL issa qed taqaw fil-baxx u taraw x’sar fi zmien il-hagar? Kulhadd qaddis kien ta 20 nahseb ;)

  21. Mark says:

    Are you surprised by the contents of this article? I’m not, but especially, nor are those who know the real Joseph Muscat.

  22. Jozef says:

    Under ‘Stejjer’

    ‘Jien kont nahseb li l-akbar problema li setghu iseffqu wicchom maghha dawn it-tip ta’ nisa hu li jkissru xi difer, jew jispiccalhom il-lipstick jew il-libsa kemmxejn imkemmxa’

    Enjoy him ladies, he’s got the living wage for you.

  23. winwood says:

    Wiccu minn dejjem kien jitlob id-daqqiet ta’ harta. Illum iktar min dakinhar.

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