That’s rich, Joe Sammut

Published: July 16, 2012 at 12:07pm

Yet another root vegeable from Joseph's kitchen garden - sorry, kitchen cabinet: shadow transport minister Joe Sammut

The shadow minister for transport, Joe Sammut, has called the transport minister, Austin Gatt, a “political bully” whose behaviour on the subject of open-top buses (yes, of all things) is “worrying and unacceptable”.

And all I could think was: this is a bit rich, coming from that one.

Joe Sammut, as Labour’s transport man, had suggested a little while back that there should be separate buses for African immigrants on the Birzebbuga route, so that Maltese passengers could travel in comfort and wouldn’t have cause for complaint.

I’m guessing he’s never heard of Rosa Parks. And let’s face it, even in America’s Deep South in the 1950s, they didn’t have separate buses for blacks and whites.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Bubu says:

    I bet they try to squeeze in another no confidence motion on Austin Gatt before the summer holidays.

    [Daphne – Parliament is in recess.]

  2. Jozef says:

    He got it from this guy

    This Salvini fellow is one of Sharon’s chums in the European parliament.

  3. edgar says:

    So this Sammut bloke is against blacks. Ma tajtx li hu xi ginger wara kollox.

  4. P Shaw says:

    Isn’t Garden of Eden, the transport company complaining about the open top buses,the one that provided the Cittadinmobil to the MLP?

  5. C Falzon says:

    It’s a pity this bloke wasn’t in charge of the public transport reform – I’m sure it would have been a resounding success and one Ms Abela Garrett would never have been late for her lectures.

  6. George Mifsud says:

    Are you kidding? How would such a nincompoop know who Rosa Parks was and what she stands for even today.

  7. mattie says:

    L-aqwa l-pinna fil-but, halli nidhru ‘intellectual’.

  8. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Is he wearing some weird undervest under that white shirt or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

  9. Bzar fl-ghajnejn says:

    It’s amply clear that you either have no idea of the real situation, or else you’re twisting this around to keep in line with your biased (as always) commentary.

    Sammut did not ask for a ‘separate’ bus for refugees, but simply for more buses to cater for the higher demand.

    At the time (and is still happens frequently), buses at the terminus would already be full-up before even starting the journey – leaving commuters in Birzebbuga stranded on bus stops. Worst hours are those between 7-9 am, when people are going to work.

    No-one was accused of racism when Sliema buses became more frequent due to the increase in demand (tourists, EFL students, etc.)

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