This website has been declared a Jeffrey-free zone

Published: July 20, 2012 at 12:49pm

We are all sick, tired and bored to death of You Know Who and the rest of the paranoid bunch with their persecution complexes and their obsessions.

“Look at me, look at me! Notice I’m alive!” It’s just too much, for everyone. They’re like vicious children in the playground. But above all, they’re so blooding boring and pointless.

So I am declaring this website a Jeffrey-Pullicino-Orlando-free zone. And that includes the rest of the embittered and nasty little men.

I’m doing it now because I sense the tide has turned, the tipping-point has been reached. Everyone is sick to death of them and it’s time to move on to another set of topics far more important than the egos and resentments of a bunch of men who have so spectacularly snatched failure from the jaws of success.

Everywhere you look there seems to be Jeffrey, and now also The Other One Who Thinks He’s Been Hacked. They flipped my switch this morning. I turn on Super One TV and there’s Breakfast with Jeff. I log on to, and the top item is a 65-year-old EU Commissioner, whining that he’s been hacked instead of doing his EU-significant job, being grateful for having it, and having the good manners to be civil to the prime minister who gave it to him when he asked for it.

The appallingly bad manners of these ill-bred men are just horrifying. They are vulgar, crass and anywhere else they would be pilloried by the media and pelted with verbal rotten tomatoes.

But here in Narnia, they get interviewed instead as though they are normal people with well-balanced personalities and legitimate issues.

This website was subjected to a massive and sustained Denial Of Service (DOS) attack a couple of weeks back, and you didn’t find me making a great drama of it and crying all over the newspapers, even though a DOS attack is a really serious issue, has to be organised, and is definitely a lot more important than some prankster hacking an email account.

Lots of people think their email accounts are hacked. That’s generally because they don’t know how the system works and their imaginations are overactive.

Let’s face it, when you get people like Jeffrey and Evarist going to the police to investigate whether their phones are “hacked”, just because they were speaking to each other and contact was disrupted, then the issue is not one of spying but of mental health.

These men are in their 50s and 60s and yet they don’t seem to realise that kvetching in public is, above all, just so unmasculine and undignified.

Those are the two qualities they seem so desperately to want, but the very qualities their behaviour tells us they just don’t have and never will.

They have disgusted and irritated all right-thinking people, and because this website is read mainly by just that sort of right-thinking person, I feel in duty bound to slam the door now in the faces of Those People. They can stand outside the tradesmen’s entrance if they like.

So let this website be a place of respite from here on in. We’ll stay here in peace while That One and The Others jam up against the wall making their noise and trying to attract attention with their loud shouting and their showing-off.

If their aim is to poison the air and get us to look at them, I think we won’t bother now. The polite thing to do when grown-ups are disgracing themselves by making scenes in a public place is to look the other way and pretend that you haven’t noticed. Anything else is sheer bad manners.

But there is a more important reason. These individuals, with their anxieties and complexes, have literally hijacked the national agenda and the media. They have distracted us completely from the far more important examination of whether Joseph Muscat and his skipload of freaks and rejects and fossils are fit to run the country.

I look at the newspapers and listen to the broadcast bulletin headlines and wonder whether I’ve been sucked down the rabbit-hole into a strange place detached from reality.

In the midst of serious issues to do with the economy and Malta’s future, they have carried egocentricity to its extreme limit by insisting that their personal grudges and grievances are more important than anything else, that we should talk about Jeffrey’s personal pain and Johnny’s email account and misery at not being party leader, and the media and parliament have complied.

It is utterly, utterly disgraceful. They have turned Maltese politics, parliament and media debate into one giant Hello magazine stuffed full of very unattractive people who should be rolled up in that red carpet, instead of allowed to parade on it, and thrown away.

We have stupidly pandered to the Partit Bla Isem’s desire that we talk about these obsessive individuals rather than talk about the Partit Bla Isem itself. Joseph and Michelle go on holiday and leave us talking about The Obsessed. What sort of situation is that?

As long as we are talking about Jeffrey, we’re not talking about Muscat. But it is not Jeffrey who is going to be in government, is it. It’s Joseph Muscat and his fossils and weirdos and Mintoffian relics like Leo Brincat and Karmenu Vella.

So we’d better get talking about them. And fast.

32 Comments Comment

  1. maltawarrior says:

    I could not agree more. The media need to give a re-think to what their role should be and whether they are fulfilling it, whether they are being of service to their readership and audience or of service to Those Individuals.

    It is about bloody time that Joseph Muscat is thrown in the spotlight for the right reasons, i.e. what the heck do you have planned – if you actually do have anything planned – once you win the elections?

  2. J Farrugia says:

    Prosit, Daphne, a very good choice.

    The country should focus on real problems and on whether, in a few months’ time, Joseph Muscat and the rest of the rubbish can run the country. Because that’s where the real problem lies.

  3. Interested Bystander says:

    About bloody time, my dear.

  4. Genuinely Cracked Up says:

    “They have disgusted and irritated all right-thinking people, and because this website is read mainly by right-thinking people, I feel a huge responsibility to slam the door in the faces of Those.”

    “… website is read mainly by right-thinking people …”

    ” … right-thinking people …”


    *wipes tear*

    Thanks for that. I needed a good side-splitting laugh. Not that Gonzi’s nose-dive into the ground isn’t amusing enough, mind you.

    Anywho, keep up it up Daph. God knows politics would be too serious were it not for your little comedy posts.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Well, okay, ‘Genuinely Cracked Up’ (so fitting), so you’re the exception – Daphne was not referring to you, obviously.

  5. Francis Saliba MD says:

    The one who must not be named must be experiencing his second bout of relief in 24 hours.

  6. etil says:

    Very good move, albeit a bit overdue.

    We all agree that the Labour Party has been using PN dissidents and more to distract us from the real issues regarding their policies and electoral manifesto. It is in their interest that they keep people hooked on telenovelas of their own making.

    Now enough is enough – personally I have deleted from my memory Jeffrey, Franco Debono and Jesmond Mugliett and relegated them to my recycle bin.

  7. Jeffrey Sob Sob says:

    Please, please, please, Daphne, allow yourself a let out, because we need the solace your writing gives us.

    Anyway these a** holes will be back. (Will they ever leave?)

    Just heard on the news, Muscat whinging that this country now has two prime ministers. Well guess what, Joey, you ain’t one of them yet, and that means we can all enjoy our summer nights.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What do you want me to write about? Give the word and by god I’ll do it. Let’s talk about the real issues.


  9. Jozef says:

    Indeed, let’s get back to that bunch and what they tried to do to the memory of a man.

    Another major blunder was to do it to the one who gathered around him one of their major target groups, the old school Nationalists, patria et al. Whoever proposed it must have been familiar with the details of the tension in 1996.

    It’s time for another street party at the bottom of Dingli Street, It helped 1998.

    If there’s one thing Nationalists share, it’s respect for the individual, standards, manners and an ethical understanding of what creates potential in a person to move forward. It’s a value which transcends differences requiring the necessary strenght of character.

    It’s what Labour won’t ever get.

    Manuel Mallia has made a fool of himself, defending those who would try to destroy the reputation of his mentor. Truly one of them and no amount of posturing will ever change that.

    He also forgot to tell them Nationalists expect better.

    This isn’t about cliques, it’s the right to arrogate standards and draw the line at vulgarity. I couldn’t give a toss if those who expect to be given a chance won’t acknowledge these.

    Those who still think Labour could deserve a chance could be Labour themselves. Voting for these vicious traits is asking for more.

  10. Rover says:

    Good on you Daphne. I’ve had enough of cock fighters, dodgy land dealers and prisoners from Brussels.

    It pains me to hear them say they’re Nationalist when they are nothing but egocentric little twerps.

    • ciccio says:

      The problem I predict is that once we stop discussing the Obsessed Ones, we will find nothing else to talk about in connection with Labour.

      Let’s face it, in reality, rather than investing their time in preparing an electoral plan and telling us how they will reduce the water and electricity tariffs and finance the gap that would leave in revenues, they have wasted their time with motions in Parliament intended to take advantage of the Obsessed Ones.

      The Leader of the Partit Laburista himself suffers from the greatest Obsession of all: that of being Prime Minister at 39 years of age the latest.

      But then, on second thoughts, if we turn problems into opportunities, there will be a lot to discuss about Labour.

  11. fanny says:

    OK, so here’s another topic.

    Have you any info on the ‘private’ conversation between Joseph Muscat and the Chamber of Commerce people after the press left the other day? I still can’t get over the ‘I will LET them do business’ phrase.

    The arrogance is unbelievable.

  12. A Grech says:

    Daphne, don’t bet any money because you’ll lose it. You will be one of the first who’ll mention Jeffrey on your blog.

  13. u Le! says:

    A couple of years ago we spent a few days camping out in the Sahara desert.

    I remember the long shower I had when we returned to our 5-star hotel in Cairo. It is exactly how I felt after reading your latest post.

  14. olive oil says:

    you have been ordered to be quite.
    not to upset the coalition.

  15. tinnat says:

    Perhaps we can talk about staunch Labourites returning from Brussels and waxing lyrical about the EU in anticipation of a change in government?

  16. Martin says:

    You are doing it because you have been ordered to do it – so that JPO will not pull Gonzi’s plug.

    [Daphne – He did that a long time ago, Martin.]

  17. Marku says:

    Amen to that. I’m sick and tired of these assholes even though the only Maltese news I get is by way of this blog and

  18. Simon says:

    Great decision, Daphne.

    Voters, or ‘the people’ as Joey likes to call them, are sick of infighting, egos, top students with top marks and wannabe ministers.

    The big topics we should be discussing are important subjects such as which political party can we trust with Malta’s finances. Which political party will truly create new jobs, offer greater stability, fight for Malta within the EU and the Commonwealth, improve our schools, roads and hospitals, and safeguard our environment.

    Which party can we trust?

    The one led by a Super One reporter and his dinosaur brigade from the Mintoff Golden Years?

    Or is that party a reinvigorated PN led by a respected statesman such as Dr Gonzi?

    Forget the JPOS, Franco, Jaaasmond and John Dalli circus.

    We need to get serious.

  19. Riff Raff says:

    Less of the frustrated men, more good sex and hot music.

  20. Miss O'Brien says:

    O thank the good Lord. I am sick to my back teeth of the whining pansies.

  21. Tony says:

    Yes dear Daphne, you have been sucked down the rabbit-hole into a strange place detached from reality, some time ago now. I hope you keep your word and I hope the rest of the media will follow you. Tra due litiganti il terzo gode…so much so that he is on holiday.

  22. Stingray says:

    Daphne you’ve been gagged. Admit it.

    [Daphne – How? No, Stingray. It’s just that my instinctive feel for the Zeitgeist, or rather for that of my audience, is second to none. Sorry to rub your nose in it.]

  23. Norwegian Wood says:

    Cannot agree more. And the media (dik sura ta’ nies, that is) should do likewise.

    What really interests the electorate at this juncture is not what JPOS or Franco Debono (Joseph Muscat seems to have faded away already) have up their sleeves for the coming few months but rather the two parties’ vision for the coming years – if they have one – and how they intend realising it.

    It is this that journalists should seek to report in the media and not the whims of a couple of ‘has-beens’.

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