What happens when your bodyguard is a chick magnet and you end up looking like his keychain?

Published: July 8, 2012 at 11:28pm

After Jeffrey reacted so badly to the Mario Balotelli/JPO security guard joke, there’s now another one.

Note to Marlene Mizzi: best sit in a tub of ice-cubes.

But let’s be honest. Jeffrey would never have a bodyguard who looked like this. The whole idea of a bodyguard is to make him look good.

17 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    I am hoping to read the following next Thursday:

    Dear Jeffrey,

    Gej bin-nejk?

    Regards, Lawrence

  2. Qeghdin Sew says:

    How exactly does Balotelli look good in this photo? And in general. He’s hardly the prettiest of the colour variety.

    [Daphne – What’s the point of explaining? You are obviously a straight man, and so you will never understand. You probably think women find Tom Cruise attractive. But ask Marlene. She’s very forthcoming.]

  3. ciccio says:

    In this case, it is the body of Mario Balotelli that needs to be guarded. From the likes of Marlene Mizzi.

  4. Riff Raff says:

    I think he’d go for pretty (but not prettier), virgin (on hiring) bodyguards wearing lipstick and high heels a la’ Gaddafi.

  5. Matt says:

    Daphne, it seems Thursday is the big day that has long been coming. My feeling is the the PN executive committee will prevent the three rogue MPs from standing again in the next election under the PN ticket.

    It won’t mean much to JPO or Mugliett, as they have already stated that are not going to stand in the next election, but it would mean a slap to Franco’s face. Franco must be spitting blood at the moment knowing that he will be permanently out of the Parliament.

    Se jiehu go fieh miskien.

    I guess he will get even and will vote against the budget in October.

    • Angus Black says:

      The time to block the three out of contesting next election under the NP banner is not this coming Thursday. The Executive cannot bar anyone from running until after names are submitted for approval.

      I look forward to Mugliett receiving a stiff dressing down and the two others to be stripped of any chairmanships and other perks.

      Expelling them from the party now means the dissolution of parliament and an early election which may curtail the government’s electoral programme of 2008 and endanger pending projects.

  6. Matt says:

    The MLP supporters have not realised that winning the election is the easy part. The hard part is governing. Frankly, I am convinced MLP is are not up to the challenge.

    • TROY says:

      Matt, all they want is a week of celebrating, chanting ‘viva l-Labour’ and feeling powerful.

      Governing? Err, mmm, oh yeah, we have to govern, almost forgot about that.

      • d_riddler says:

        Good point, Troy,

        I heard a comment, first hand, from a young lady who is very strong PL supporter.

        Her family are well into PL politics. She stated that she is doing very well at the moment under a PN government and would not like it to change.

        She is, however, looking forward to a PL win just because she wants a week of celebration. The reason: ‘It’s been some time since I last celebrated a PL win!’


      • More likely to be five long years of labourites celebrating and lording it all over nationalists as though the country belonged to them by right. says:

        A `week` of celebrating, chanting `viva l-labour` and feeling powerful?

        More likely to be five long years of celebrating and chanting `viva l-Labour, viva l-Labour, hej hej hej` in the squares and in the streets, in public buildings, government departments, restaurants and buses and lording it over others as though the country belonged to them by right.

        I dread to think what Valletta will be like – Pjazza San Gorg and the Barracca and the Waterfront being taken over by hordes of vengeful Labourites. The decent, civilized way of life which we have long got used to under a PN government will be a bygone era.

        Joseph Muscat is no Alfred Sant (for all his faults) and will undoubtedly justify any type of behaviour of his followers, as long as he is in power.

        Why is it that this time round, I have a feeling that it is going to be like 1971 all over again? And all because of some nationalists who want a change for its own sake, even if it`s not a change for the better?

        With a huge looming economic and financial crisis beckoning in the future and the war in Syria getting uncomfortably closer to Europe, the Labour Party will be totally unfit and unable to handle any unforeseen situation which may arise in future, let alone govern the country well for five whole years. It will probably be the worse possible time to have the Labour Party in government.

  7. The chemist says:

    Saviour’s videoblog got zero comments since the 3 rd of July. Does this mean he really is talking through the seat of his pants?

  8. Marie says:

    I wouldn’t toss my hair and make puppy eyes at someone 12 years my junior, Qieghdin Sew, but only because such behaviour is totally undignified, and not because he is unattractive.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      Physical attractiveness or lack thereof has nothing to do with it. You seem to be unfamiliar with his off-pitch antics.

  9. Kenneth Zammit Tabona says:

    Daphne; being straight or gay has nothing to do with it; I find this Balotelli person utterly hideous! A perfect Caliban!

    In fact I thought of telling Polly March about him. Now as for Tom Cruise………………..To each his own.

    [Daphne – Ah well, Kenneth. All the ladies fancy him.]

  10. Interested Bystander says:

    Jeffrey been threatened?

    Is the bodyguard in the room while he fixes your crowns?

    Would an assassin simply have to make an appointment to get in the room alone with him?

    Why won’t anybody take me seriously?

  11. Frankie Narcono says:

    What is the security guard joke ? Thanks

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