And to think that some of you didn’t believe me when I said that he’s two sandwiches short of a picnic

Published: August 29, 2012 at 12:47am

Thank heavens for Franco’s blog, because I no longer have to persuade you that there’s something seriously wrong there, only to be accused of Evil Click Propaganda.

Now he’s advertising the fact all by himself.

“If I want to play with biggest car”

“before gonzi stood in my way”

BEFORE GONZI STOOD IN HIS WAY? Well, that’s certainly revealing.

Franco Debono
Aug 28, 2012 @ 22:54:15
@ lord voldermort :

are you serious? over-ambitious kid? whats wrong with being ambitious after all? being ambitious means doing your best so what’s wrong. and in any case, i HAD to be ambitious to move forward in life, in my profession, politics. . .since unlike some i was never given cushy positions, chairmanships etc. .
if i want to play with biggest car, maybe i m used to that, before gonzi stood in my way. in my profession and in politics i showed i can play with the big car, but the oligarchy considered my charisma as a threat maybe, just maybe. in the last election, i wasnt employed in aministry unlike charlo bonnici and got four times as much votes as him

48 Comments Comment

  1. whatdoyouexpect says:

    That’s the fruit of the PN.

    “Is-sigra, mill jkolla ittik”

    • PtrGrech says:

      Ghalhekk nehhejnieh hi..ara intkom hafna miz-zkuk tas-sigra tas-70s hemm ghadhom. Immagina xi frott li ha tghati is-sigra taghkom.

  2. maryanne says:

    What does he drink before writing?

    Employed in a ministry and his charisma is a threat? He’s impossible.

  3. nutmeg says:


  4. Cat Mallia says:

    reminds me of word salad.

  5. Allo Allo says:

    He’s been comparing his votes with Louis Galea’s and Charlo’s for ages. I suggest he remembers to update his figures after the next election.

  6. allo allo says:

    Issa wara l-elezzjoni ikollu hafna hin jilghab bil-big car.

    • Arcieperku says:

      Jew b`gismu, ghax nahseb ghal hemm miexi jekk jibqa sejjer hekk.

      Jekk mhux diga beda, jew qatt ma waqaf` milli jaghmel hekk?

      Forsi ghalhekk jinsab frustrat.

      Ghadu ma dahhaliex f`rasu li l-hemm mill konfini ta` Hal-Ghaxaq hemm dinja ohra mimlija nies Intelligenti anki jekk ma marrux l-universita bhalu.

    • Joseph says:

      Anke l-kumplament ta’ Gonzipn ser ikollom cans jilaghbu bil-car ghal hames snin zgur.

      • allo allo says:

        Forsi waqt li l-Labour jibda jistaqsi x’hinu clutch u gear leaver, meta jiskopri li l-user manual ta’ Karmenu Vella baqa vojt.

      • Anonymous says:

        5 years?? Hope its much more, my friend!

      • Toninu says:

        Ha jkollom jixtru cars godda imma … ghax li ghandhom l-oppozizzjoni llum ilhom juzawhom 25 sena.

      • fm says:

        tantx tahlef ghax nahseb f din l ahhar gimgha inbidlu hafna l-affarijiet, kieku jien gonzi, issa insejjahha l-elezzjoni ghax bit teatrin li kellna il gimgha l-ohra, hafna setghu jintebhu li il labour l-istess ta 30 sena il ghadu

      • kevin says:

        allinqas mhux 25 sena!!!

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    So much for the lowering of standards in the name of equality. The chickens (or should that be cocks?) have come home to roost.

  8. Qeghdin Sew says:

    I thought criminal lawyers make a killing (sorry for the terrible pun). Why would he prefer working in a ministry?

  9. MickeyMouse says:

    Dan nahseb ghamel zball – dahal fid-dar tal-maduma filwaqt li beda jfittex id-dar tal-hgieg fil-bidu tal-karriera politika tieghu.

  10. A. Charles says:

    “Olivia Fox Cabane claims to be able to teach charisma. Chris Ayres made the mistake of asking how his charms measured up”

    This is an article from,uk which appears under the title “Charisma does not come cheap”.

    I will pass, at a price, this to Debono if he would like to enhance his charisma.

  11. Brian*14 says:

    And there I was, thinking that MY English was atrocious.

  12. Bob says:

    Charisma? He was always just a prick.

  13. NikiB says:

    You recently wrote that Franco shows the traits of the typical Laburist, and you are so right.

    Huge chip on his shoulder, always moaning that he was disadvantaged and that he did not become a minister because he is not part of the “oligarchy”. Did it never occur to him that this might have been for a different reason? No need to to answer that question.

  14. La Redoute says:

    “the oligarchy considered my charisma as a threat”

    What charisma?

  15. Paul Bonnici says:

    He sounds like a spoilt brat – true. Though he is a perfect candidate for politics. I don’t know why you keep picking on him, he brought about the resignation of the ball-less minister of justice at least, that is an achievement. Look at the state of the police and court, hardly changed since the PN came to power.

  16. Aunt Hetty says:

    Nuttier then a fruit cake, if you ask me.

  17. lola says:

    Poor Franco.He needs help and urgently.Franco is desperate and does not know what he can do now.Thrown out of the party and most probably even his profession is at risk.Good God enlighten him

  18. elephant says:

    Joseph Muscat bust be very pleased this morning, with his photo on the cover of The Economic Update. Perhaps Franco will find ways and means to have his photo on a magazine now.

  19. L.Gatt says:

    I think that you should first write a formal apology to the most distinguished member of the group, “Brian Il-Baby Works at Professional Poker Player”. Then Ferdinand Gafa “works ghar-rasi ghax sta bene” (taht gvern nazzjonalista jekk joghgbok) and who is probably Domenic’s son. And last but not least Dayton in-najci.
    I have not doubt that Darwin’s theory skipped a link or two in Malta.

    • Anon. says:

      Link or two? I think Malta is an apt case study for US Republicans eager to advance Christian fundamentalism in place of Darwin’s theory!

  20. SPB says:

    From one of Franco’s posts about Charlo Bonnici, his target of the moment: “Imma issa wasal iz-zmien biex Malta kollha tkun taf kemm Charlo Bonnici kien sbaljat u zzattat fejn ma jesghux u ddeffes fejn ma jifhimx ghax jien lanqas l-gwadann personali ma mmotivani fil-vot ta CMB, ahseb u ara xi sentiment ta tpattija. U dalwaqt ikun jaf.”

    For a moment I thought I was reading Same tone.

    What a jerk!

  21. GD says:

    Franco Debono is really far gone. He does not realise that most comments on his blog are taking the mickey out of him or just egging him on as a sort of sport.
    Quite mind-boggling.

  22. Angus Black says:

    Remind me, as my memory is not as good as it used to be, but did Debono not appeal against the NP Executive’s decision not to allow him to contest next election under the NP banner?

    So, what does he do? He spends all Summer writing against anything Nationalist! How sane is that? Is he not shooting to smithereens any chance of the Executive suspending or even rescinding its former decision?

    Is this the brilliant, ambitious lawyer who aspires to become another big fish but without blemishing his own reputation of having reached the top solely by merit and not by literally destroying anyone who got in his way?

    Even an apology from this freak is insufficient and only his total disappearance from the political arena will suffice.

    @ L Gatt

    You are 100% correct about Darwin’s theory of Evolution having skipped two links in Malta. One link in particular is in regard to species which fell off the trees to evolve into what we refer to as ‘homo sapiens’ but who unfortunately for many of them, landed on their head when they hit ground. For further study about this phenomena visit Joseph Muscat’s skip. Many reside there. Ghaxaq offers a prime example as well.

  23. martin said says:

    What a sick man. He could have picked up something from those cocks of his.

  24. Toyger says:

    Issa ma’ Charlo se jaqbad. Imma possibli hu daqshekk perfett dan il-bniedem?

    M’hemm hadd ahjar minnu Alla jbierek. L-unika raguni li nixtieq l-elezzjoni tasal hi li fl-ahhar se nehilsu minn dan il-pulcinell!

  25. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Erm Franco, tal pepe have a saying….. big car, small dick…..if I were you I’d stop wishing to play with biggest car

  26. The chemist says:

    You’re losing credibility by the hour, Franco. Every time you post or say something your insecurities are popping out. Stick to your day job as it’s the only thing you will have left if you don’t manage to mess that up as well.

  27. Michael says:

    With such charm, charisma and panache It’s surprising that he hasn’t been crowned king of the world yet. I mean, if you make it to the top in Hal Ghaxaq, there should be no stopping you.

  28. OK says:

    Dan Franco qed issa qed jghid li se jwaqqaf l-extension tal-power station fil-parlament. Dan ifisser dizastru ghall-ekonomija tal-pajjiz u telf ta’ impiegi ghaliex is-sitwazzjoni fil-provizjon ta’ l-energija tal-pajjiz diga’ qeghda fi krizi minhabba l-manuvri tal-Lejber biex itawlu l-process ta’ l-estensjoni.

    Jekk jaghmel hekk Franco jrid jerfa’ r-responsabbilta’ ghall-hsara li jaghmel lill-poplu, ghall-gheluq tal-postijiet tax-xoghol li jista’ jirrizulta fil-pajjiz u allura ghal min jista’ jispicca bla xoghol kawza ta’ din l-azzjoni tieghu.

    U jaghmlilna pjacir ma jkomplix jisfida lilna l-votanti Nazzjonalisti billi jiehu azzjonijiet kontra taghna stess. Ghax issa ma nifilhux nissaportuh aktar.

  29. A. Charles says:

    Noel Coward once insulted a person with these words:

    He’s a little man, that’s his trouble. Never trust a man with short legs – brains too near their bottoms.

  30. Charles says:

    Daphne where are you?

    [Daphne – Taking a break from the freaks and morons, in a normal country, and remembering what normal people in a normal society are like.]

  31. Mr Real says:

    Free Speech doesn`t give you the right to offend people, and you should be taken to court and charged.

    [Daphne – Actually, Mr Real, it does. The right to cause offence to others is one of the fundamentals of freedom of speech. Libel, lies and slander are something else. You’re a little uninformed. No wonder you vote Labour.]

    Others went to court for a lot less than you.
    Makes me think there is something wrong here.

    [Daphne – Yes, with your ability to process information analytically and well.]

  32. Jozef says:

    From The Malta Independent:

    ‘The backbencher was also irked by the term “Ghaxaq village lawyer” which he said, was used by this newspaper to misinform readers if not harm his reputation. He said he should be referred to as “a Valletta lawyer”.

    I suppose you’re right.

    • Jozef says:

      And from Maltastar this morning

      ‘He says no wonder he has never been included in a cabinet with these people. He also singles out Edgar Galea Curmi and Richard Cachia Caruana for their manipulative backstage role in GonziPN as designed by Daphne Caruana Galizia.’

      Tsk tsk, mbasta hafna taste u flair. And who’s Alexia anyway?

      ‘Today Debono thanks those who follow his blog ( and says that with no support or party structure his blog is ranked above that of the PN (Maltarightnow) by Alexia.’


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